Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun at Aunt Sue’s

I LOVE my family! I have been blessed to grow up spending many holidays with my extended family. Every year we have an Easter Egg hunt at my Aunt Sue’s house. It’s LOUD, BUSY, and FUN!

My Aunt Sue is the oldest of five children, (four girls and one boy). She has a huge heart and loves creating a wonderful environment for our family gathering. The food is delicious, her house is beautiful, and the atmosphere is LOVE.

Below is a picture of the sisters, (left to right), my mom, Aunt Tassy, Aunt Sue, and Aunt Pat. The four coolest chicks in Kentucky!

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I wanted to post some of pictures of her house. I love her decorating style. She has a antique store and always finds the cutest little pieces to decorate with. And since it was Easter, there were bunnies nestled in all sorts of places around her house.

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I love the way she placed the red tulips underneath the glass.

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All of the men were watching the Masters, of course. And rooting on our Kentucky guy, Kenny Perry.april 2009 157

There were even bunnies hanging outside in the tree!

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april 2009 182 april 2009 187The butter churners pictured below are Aunt Sue’s best sellers at her antique shop. I love them placed above her kitchen cabinets.april 2009 184 april 2009 156

Now for the fun going on outside…

Luke’s basket is definitely filled to overflowing! Now he needs to hunt for his shoes…

(That’s Adam diving for an egg in the background to the right.)

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Adam is a little less thrilled to show me his “bounty”.

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Oops, Eli! Is it a little sour?

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Time to check the eggs for any cash prizes, and waiting for Aunt Sue to come outside with more prizes for everyone.

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april 2009 220I won’t even go into the difficulty of trying to get a family picture. Let’s just say it wasn’t easy! We did get this one at my mom’s right after church…not too bad!



P.S. There is a great giveaway at 4 Reluctant Entertainers for a free wall canvas from Online Printing. Check it out! I definitely hope I win this one! I want a big canvas print of my sweet boys!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you posted a family picture. I was bummed I didn't see your whole clan together at church. Lookin' good, Hutchersons!


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