Thursday, April 9, 2009

Goodwill has done it again!

Okay, those of you who know me, know I love a good deal. I’ve been know as a “Garage Sale Goddess” in my past, but the last few years I have lost some of my zeal. First of all, it costs a lot of money in gas to drive around to a bunch of garage sales. Secondly, it’s not easy toting 4 boys around with me. They descend on garage sales like a pack of wolves! Of course they love to go with me because you can get A LOT of toys at a garage sale for a dollar. (Which is the amount I bribe them with if they will promise to be good!)

However, I have been inspired to get back into the “game” after reading so many wonderful decorating blogs with so many wonderful bargain ideas. Yard sale season isn’t in full swing quite yet (bad weather the past few weekends), but I have been enjoying my visits to Goodwill.

I have to show you my Goodwill tablescape!

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It started with this pot of artificial grass I bought at Goodwill for $1.50. These are really popular right now, but I didn’t like the black pot. So I painted it white!

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Then I found this beautiful Joseph Abboud tablecloth at another Goodwill. It is a tan cotton/linen on top, and the sides are made of white organdy. I fell in love with it, and the best part was it was only $2.00! Cha-ching!

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My favorite find was a set of white plates! I have been wanting to find some white plates to put in our guest house, and today I got lucky. I found 7 dinner plates, 6 salad plates, and 6 cups and saucers at Goodwill for $9.50. They are Everyday China from Gibson, and they will look great in the plate rack my husband is making in our new cabinets!

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Lastly, I got 5 green Pottery Barn cloth napkins for $1.25! Yes, at Goodwill. I used one for the centerpiece because my bird salt and pepper shakers (from Target) needed some color to sit on!

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The stemware was given to me by my mom. I believe she got them at Wal-Mart. The silverware was given to me by my mother-in-law a couple of years back.

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And the beautiful orange fruit cups used to belong to my husband’s grandmother. They are simply adorable, and I love whenever I get a chance to pull them out and use them.

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So, not too bad, huh? (How’d I do,Mom?) A beautiful tablescape for less than $15.00!

Now I better go get this stuff off the table before one of the boys gets a hold of it in the morning!


1 comment:

  1. That looks great, Traci. Which Goodwill do you like the best? Still the one in Hartland? Just curious. I get lucky once in a while but not usually with home decor type stuff. :(



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