Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Countertops, Cabinets, and a Door

We have made some more progress on our Guest house.

First, let me tell you about the countertop. I am so excited about how it turned out. I actually like the “look” of tile better than the granite countertops in my kitchen. I think the tile goes perfectly with the “cottage” look.

Here’s the picture of before. cabinets 010

Here’s the after! I just love it!

chairs 008

We had bought some 6x6 tiles at first, but decided to go with the larger 12x12 tile. Plus, it was less expensive. The backsplash is tumbled travertine that my husband found at the Habitat Store. They were in 12x12 sheets and were only .60 cents each! They still have these exact 12x12 sheets at Lowes for $9.98 each! We were thrilled. So Cy cut them into 2x12 sheets and used them for our backsplash.

I also love the look of the braided trim piece we picked out to go under the tile edge. It gives it a beautiful finished look.

chairs 010

We have also added handles to the cabinets and drawers. This is the first time Cy has hand made drawers and cabinet doors, and I think he did an amazing job. And you can see on the right, we got a stove put in. It’s not stainless steel because we definitely cannot afford to put that in our guest house. I don’t even have that in my own kitchen! I think the black stove looks nice with the rest of the kitchen.

Here’s another look at the tile.

chairs 009

Here’s a picture of the sink surrounded with tile. Remember the sink? We got it at the Habitat Store for $7.00, and I think it looks perfect with the tile!

chairs 011

Cy has hung the door to the bedroom. In order to save money, and be green :), we re-used a door that was leftover from a remodel at his sister’s house. I forgot to take a “before” picture of the door, but here is a picture of a folding door we also salvaged from my sis-in-law that is the same color. We will be repainting this door too and using it for our bathroom.

door 017

At first, I didn’t think I would like the look of the louvered doors. However, we had to use them because there is only one return vent in the guest house, and we needed to allow circulation through the doors. But now that it is painted white and hanging up, I think it looks great. It has a cottage “vibe”, don’t ya think?

door 022

door 023

I took these pictures today, and Cy is on his way home from Lowe’s right now with a knob to put on the door. It will be an oil-rubbed bronze knob. I’ll get pictures of that when we get the bathroom door up as well.

Do you see something in the right of the picture that wasn’t there before?

It’s my next (or hopefully very soon) project…

door 020

It’s my super, great Goodwill bargain I got for only $30.00! It’s a Broyhill love seat and it is in excellent condition. It just needs a new look, like my chairs did!

I’m going to re-cover it with an off-white canvas-type material. You know, Pottery Barn style….

PB Comfort Sofa

Okay, I probably won’t be able to make it look THIS good, but you get the idea! It will be super comfy, perfect for an afternoon nap on a rainy day. (Or the perfect hiding spot from my 4 boys! …just kidding…)

Here’s the side view.

door 021

These pictures make it look huge, but it really isn’t. I’m going to put some extra stuffing in the pillows and add some more cute throw pillows too. I also want to add a skirt to the bottom to make it look more cottage-like. It will take me a while, but I will definitely post the results when I am finished.

Then I will have to decide where to place it in the room and decide how it will look best with my two “new” chairs. Maybe you can help me decide…

That’s all for now…Gotta go rock my sweet “Birthday Boy” to sleep.




  1. Traci,

    You should seriously think of making this a bed and breakfast. It's just beautiful and would make a great getaway for couples!


  2. i love your guest home. i need one....

  3. thanks for the I am not offended and I had never heard of it, so I'll check it out. Love your kitchen by the way.......

  4. I want to be a guest! You are doing a fantastic job on this and I can't wait to see it all together!
    ~Really Rainey~

  5. I'm enjoying browsing through your blog. I really like the color of these walls. By any chance do you know the color and brand? If you don't mind sharing.

  6. Tricia,
    I don't know if you will see this email, but the color of the walls is Cincinnati Hotel Tan , I think. I am so sorry, but I am not for sure. It is a color from Lowe's.


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