Thursday, May 28, 2009

Salt,Pepper and some Glaze (No, this is not a recipe.)

I have been looking for something to put on the walls at our guest house, and I think I have found it. I saw these salt and pepper wooden signs at Hobby Lobby a couple of weeks ago, and I fell in love with them. But I didn’t get them because I wasn’t sure if they would look good in the guest house , and they weren’t on sale.

However, I went back to HL this past week and the pictures were still there, and they were calling my name. Plus, they were on sale! 50% off! What’s a girl supposed to do?

So, they made their way home with me and on my wall, and I think I like them. What do you think?


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Yes, my husband still has one more drawer to make in the kitchen. And I am still looking for white dishes to fill my shelves.

BUT, I have made progress on our guest house bedroom furniture. I actually used glaze for the first time. I am going to show the whole process on a later post, but I’ll give you a glimpse…



This was a bedroom suite I bought over 15 years ago (when I was single), that we used when we first got married. It’s been in storage for a while now, and I knew if I used it again that I would definitely be painting it. It was natural wood color, and I thought I would paint it black. But I decided to paint it white for the guest house, and then I decided to try my hand at glazing. The complete project coming soon…:)

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Your new salt & pepper signs look awesome! Perfect for this spot. I'd say they're "keepers." You did a really nice job on the glazing too. I like!

  2. They look wonderful and so does your kitchen re-do. Great choices! Cindy


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