Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cookbook holder

I have been looking for things to decorate the countertops in our guest house with.

I found this plate holder at Goodwill for $2.50.


The color is okay, but I was looking for black accents in the guest house kitchen, so I got out my trusty can of black spray paint and went to town.

When my husband heard me shaking the paint can he said, “Uh oh, what are you going to paint now?”

The joke in our family is that if something stands still long enough in our house, my husband will “caulk it” and I’ll “spray paint it black”! (My husband is quite the handyman!)


I placed one of my favorite recipe books in the holder. It was a gift from my mom and is full of Kentucky recipes.


I know the book is a little bit bigger than the holder, but I like it and it gets the job done!

I also LOVE the colors of this cookbook. I am trying to decorate with these colors in the guest house. I love the combo of blue, tan, green, red, and black.



I also wanted to share that I FINALLY found some baskets that fit in the cabinets that my husband made.


I lost track of how many sets of baskets I bought before I finally found these! Some were too wide, some were too short, some were too contemporary, some were the wrong colors, and some were just plain u-g-l-y!

I found these at Homegoods on my 128th visit, and I think they will work just fine.


Sorry for the glare in the picture, the sun was shining extra bright today!


AND, I have started filling my black cabinets with some white dishes. I’ll share more pictures and details in a future post. Not quite finished…


Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Traci,
    This sure looks nice painted black. It's so popular!
    And your kitchen is darling.
    Blessings to you,

  2. I love the little stand painted black and the cookbook is so cute, how neat to have it displayed. YOur baskets are just perfect and I LOVE the black shelves above the counter. Stunning. Hugs, Marty

  3. So pretty! I love the texture the baskets add, and also the contrast of colors. Great job!

  4. Your kitchen is beautiful. I love the black and white and the baskets are tdf. Great find on the stand btw.

  5. I love that AND the baskets. Home Goods RULES! All my favorite baskets came from there. I think those baskets warm it up perfectly--good choice!

  6. I love it!! Reminds me of Layla's kitchen at the lettered cottage!


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