Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quick Family Trip

We had hoped to go on a week long summer vacation this year, but it didn’t work out.

So we decided to take a couple of fun “day trips” as a family this summer.

Yesterday, we went to Kings Island in Mason, OH. I went there a lot of times as a kid, usually with my church youth groups, and I was looking forward to going again to see how much it had changed.

Unfortunately, I was a little under the weather, but I took some medicine and “sucked it up” for my boys! I couldn’t let them down!

Here are a few pictures from our little excursion.

We arrived at the park when it first opened, and the boys were ready to go!


Here’s Eli on his first ride. We couldn’t tell if he was scared to death, or just REAL serious about driving his race car.



Of course, we had to get a picture in the Mystery Machine!


We spent a lot of the afternoon at the water park.





Here’s Jonathan and Luke coming down a water slide.

(Jonathan’s on the left, and Luke’s under the water on the right!)



Adam sums up the day…


And Eli lets us know that it is time to go home! (He started getting a little cranky.) Sweet boy.

IMG_2339 “Thank you, Lord, for a safe trip and a wonderful day with my family. And for the sweet memories that I will cherish forever! Amen.”



  1. Oh what a great trip with your family. I have such wonderful memories of times like that with my children. Precious, precious sweet memories. Hugs, Marty

  2. Oh I miss my boys!! Glad you all had a safe trip. See you soon!!


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