Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Time to enter the 1st “Christmas in July” Giveaway. (Plus…silverware for the Guest House!)

Welcome to the first OFFICIAL “Christmas in July” giveaway.

If you didn’t read the previous post, I have been making ornaments for over 15 years, and my #1 seller every year is my Gingerbread Family Ornament.

my pictures 157

If you win, I will personalize one just for your family, (or for you to give as a gift to another lucky family, if you’d like!)

There are several ways to enter:

1) Leave a comment on this post, and you will be entered for today’s giveaway which expires at midnight Wednesday.

2) Become a follower, and you will be entered in all FIVE of my giveaways. Yes, I am giving away this ornament EVERY Wednesday in July. (If you are already a follower, you will automatically be entered in all of the drawings! Thanks for following!)

3) Add my button to your blog and give me a “shout out” and you will be entered AGAIN in all five of the drawings. Just let me know when you leave a comment, so I can stop by and visit your blog.

For a more detailed explanation of the giveaway and my ornaments, click on my “Christmas in July” button in my side bar!


I just wanted to share with you a great little find my mom got at a yard sale. She found a bag of old silverware at a yard sale for $5.00, so she scooped it up!


Now, I know nothing about old silverware, and I have no idea if this is silver or silver plated. Maybe one of you “smarties” could let me know.

But this is what it says on the back…


“1847 Rogers Bros”

I got online and found out that Rogers Bros started making silverware around 1847, but even pieces that were made in the 1900’s also said “1847 Rogers Bros.” So I have no idea how to find out how old these are.

Anyway, this is what they looked like before I polished them.


I used TARN-X to clean them, and boy, did it STINK! Seriously, it stunk the whole house up! And that’s a whole lot of stink to bother a mom of four boys!


If you ever use this stuff, you might seriously want to consider investing in a gas mask!

But it did the job!


See the difference?

Now the cool part is that they are monogrammed with an “H”!

The initial of my last name!

So I thought these cute little things would be perfect for our guest house.


See the cute little “H”?

And here’s the whole cute little crew…


What do ya think? Didn’t my mom do great?!

I would appreciate any info from you experts on silverware.

I will be using these babies in my tablescape for Tablescape Thursday. Here’s a peek…


I will announce the winner for my first “Christmas in July” Giveaway on Friday!




  1. Love the Silverware...great find and bless your Mom for looking out for you. I have no idea how to determine the age, but it is beautiful.

  2. Wish I could help with the silverware pattern, but I don't know anything about it. It is just gorgeous though. I love that it has your initial on it. I really look forward to your tablescape also. The tease looks gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  3. Very cool - tell your mom my last name starts with an H also so if she finds another set :)

    Hop on over to my blog and check out the tour of my hometown.

    Happy 4th to you and your gang of boys.

  4. I cannot believe the amazing stuff you back into... sometimes its a little aggravating. ;) Love the silverware; can't believe it has an "H". Great find, Traci's mom!


  5. I love silverware. I always say I am going to make a wind chime out of some and frame some for my kitchen. Never have though.

  6. Your mom is as the younger kids say, "DA BOMB." That silverware is very nice. Looks great without the tarnish too!

  7. Love the silverware-it looks like the real deal.

  8. Traci, I know nothing about silverware but even if it isn't worth anything, it is beautiful!

  9. Hi Traci! Oh, what wonderful silverware and to think it has your initial on it! I'll bet these would cost a pretty penny in an antique shop!
    Oh, I can smell that Tarnex! I've used it! It's worse than rotten eggs! But it does work!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Thank you for entering me in your fabulous giveaway! I'm already a follower of your lovely blog too.
    Your "new" old silverware is gorgeous!


  11. Can't wait for the giveaway drawing. Crossing my fingers! BEAUTIFUL silverware! I love old antique stuff. It is definitely going to a good home!


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