Friday, June 5, 2009

The View

If you clicked on this post to read about the t.v. show “The View”, you will be disappointed. (Personally, I think that show is trashy and too liberal. Nothing more disgusting that a bunch of foul-mouthed women sitting around a table discussing inappropriate topics. What ever happened to ladies acting like “ladies”?)

Ooops, I just gave “my view” about The View.

This post is about “the views” from my windows.

We’ve had nothing but clouds and rain for two straight days, and it was making me a little depressed.

But today, it is sunny, mild, and in the mid 70’s. Gorgeous!

I was resting on my bed with the windows up, and the cool breeze was blowing through my room…heavenly! I looked out my window and just soaked in the view.

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That’s my favorite oak tree in my front yard. We have two HUGE oak trees in our yard, and honestly, it’s my favorite part of our house. They are probably over 100 years old, and to me…simply majestic.

Here’s my favorite oak tree from the view of my front porch.

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It’s a little closer to our house than the other one, so I like to lay on a blanket under this tree and nap or read magazines.

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And when I lay on my back and look up through the tree, I stand amazed at the handiwork of God!

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What a view!

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Many of you have been reading about the progress we have been making on our guest house. I just have to share with you the view from the window there. (Remember, the guest house is above our detached garage, so the window is pretty high up!)

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Do you think our “guests” will like it?

Well, those are some of the views I have been enjoying today. I hope you take time today to catch “the view” that God has sent your way.

“The earth is filled with the Lord’s glory.” Habakkuk 2:14




  1. Beautiful pictures Traci. I love this weather today.... the rain was killing me:)

  2. Your view is absolutely gorgeous! I think your guests will be quite happy there for sure. And your view on the "view" is just right - I feel the same way. Ladies acting like ladies is a lost art.


  3. Wow...lucky guests!!! I completely agree with your take on The couldn't pay me to watch that show! :-)


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