Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday & Last Chance to Enter my “Christmas in July” giveaway!


Today is the last chance to enter my “Christmas in July”giveaway.

I cannot believe we are already at the end of July! 

My, oh my!

I am giving away one last Personalized Gingerbread Family ornament.

If you win, I will put  your family’s name (however big or small) on an ornament like this…

my pictures 158

If you would like another chance to win, become a follower!  All of my followers’ names are in the “bag” for this final giveaway.

You can also click on my “Christmas in July” button in my sidebar for more information about my ornaments and how to win.

Now to do something different, I decided to join Outdoor Wednesday for the first time hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer.  Click on the picture below to join the party!


A few weeks ago, in the early morning, my boys and I caught a glimpse of a beautiful sight in our back yard!


Yep, deer!  A beautiful Mama deer and her baby were right outside our back door.


They pranced out of our backyard and onto our land on the other side of our fence.


Then the baby took off across our field.


Mama went after her little baby.



They quickly crossed the road and took off through the bushes.

This is why I LOVE where I live.  We get to enjoy little surprises like this quite often.

We have a big fat raccoon that likes to get in our trash if we leave it out.  That would probably make some people mad, but it cracks me up!  And of course we have rabbits, birds, and squirrels galore!

I love sharing our land with God’s beautiful little creatures!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!




  1. How cute, until they eat your garden. They like the tender stuff even though they have enough to eat in the bushes.
    I think Jen at Muddy Boot Dreams had an incident with a raccoon the other morning where it stole her shoe after she threw it at the critter. lol.

  2. Oh how wonderful for your children to be able to see this in their own backyard! You really capatured some great photos!

  3. I love deer. How exciting to see a mama and her baby!

  4. That is some backyard to have deer in it. Beautiful pictures

  5. Good that you keep that camera handy! You have some neat photos. God does give us pleasant surprises that cause us to pause and give thanks! I especially like that it was a mother and baby deer. We mothers are always looking after our children, even when they are grown with kids of their own, like you! How blessed that I am to be your Mother. Have a great day. Blessings...

  6. Oh Tracie, This is a gorgeous post. I would so love watching out the windows of a house with nature. I have my hummingbirds out here in Phoenix, and that is about as close as I will ever get to nature here. These pics are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing. Love this post. Country Hugs honey, Sherry

  7. Oh I miss them! We used to live by mountains and had deer by our windows all the time! So glad you got to enjoy this special moment!

  8. I love the pics of the deer...we were going to the barn this morning and saw a momma deer right across the fence...luckily I had the camera and took a couple of shots before she took off. She has last years fawn and a tiny baby from this year. I love that they live so close to us...of course we have dogs and they don't come in the yard where they could find plenty to munch on....thank goodness!
    Happy OW!!

  9. I love seeing deer and we have quite a few skipping around here as well. A trick for you, they usually will move through the same places at about the same time each day, so keep checking around the time you saw them here and you will see them again soon.

  10. What wonderful pictures. I love deer on other peoples property. Those on ours have taught me how to swear :-). I hope you are having a terrific day.

  11. try.

    I am starting a NEW Mr. Linky party. It will begin on Aug 10th so everyone will have a week and a half to think about their first post. I have a poll up for votes on which button should be the new button. The "party" is called The Knock Off Knock Out-where THRIFTY meets creative sensation. Help me out by voting and its the last week for the July GIVE-A-Way.

  12. Isn't it wonderful when you can live in an area that has such innocent entertainment? Have a wonderful week,and sign me up AGAIN. I'm still trying to win one of those goodies!

  13. Oh my goodness. I love to see deer and the wee bambi's too. ta ta for now.
    Joyce M

  14. Absolutely beaitiful.. we had the joys of having all those critters in our yard as well. NOt we have nothing but other houses to enjoy.. ugh


  15. Just found your blog - so fun. Can't wait to look around.


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