Friday, July 10, 2009

Time to announce the winner….


I have only been blogging for a few months and I have already won 2 giveaways!

The first one was a $100.00 stretched canvas wall print from Online Printing, hosted by 4 Reluctant Entertainers!

The second was a $25.00 gift card to Marshall’s, hosted by Frills, Fluff, and Trucks!

So if you think you will never win a giveaway, you are wrong!  Keep on entering and soon your name will be picked.

I got my stretched canvas print yesterday in the mail.  I love it!  Just wanted to share it with you…


This is the road and fence in front of our house, and my four precious boys walking down it.  I am so glad I have a keepsake to remember these special days.

IMG_2543 I love the way the picture “wraps” around the frame.  And to think I won this just by leaving a comment!  Yippeeeee!

Now, for my 2nd “Christmas in July” giveaway!

This week I had four more sweet ladies become my followers, and I added their names to each of the four remaining bags.

And of course, my “helpers”  did such a good job, I recruited them again this week.

“How many giveaways are left, boys?”


“FOUR!”  That’s right!  (Ignore the little guy in the yellow shirt, he is still working on his counting!)

Everyone who left a comment on Wednesday’s post was entered again in this week’s giveaway.

My son, Luke, had the honors today.

He shook it up reeeeee-al good…

IMG_2531 Drew out a name…..


And the winner is…..


Cindy @ Applestone Cottage!

Congratulations, Cindy! 

The boys were so happy for you, they did their “happy dance”!





I will contact you, Cindy, to get the information needed to create your ornament.

And for last week’s winner, Shelia @ Note Songs, your sweet little family is on the way….

Here they are before they packed up and left…


Thanks to everyone who entered, and the good news is…there are still THREE more weeks of giveaways!




  1. Your boys are just the greatest. I love seeing pics of them. I am so glad you have that fabulous canvas of them walking down the road. It is just so precious. Congrats to Cindy. I know she will be thrilled. Hugs, Marty

  2. Your home is fabulous! Love that picture of the boys. Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. Your boys are adorable! I have 4 grandsons, all about the same age as your boys, and I just love their stinky little feet, sticky little fingers and dirty little faces!

  4. Traci, I just read your post about your son's 10th birthday and his hearing loss. It really touched my heart. The Lord is so good and He will use your son in such grand and wonderful ways. What a blessing he is and what a wonderful mother you are. The Lord may heal him or He may choose to use his hearing loss to do great works for others, but you can believe with all your heart He definitely has a plan for him. Thanks for stopping by. I would love to be able to meet you and I do believe we are already great friends. God Bless Hugs, Marty

  5. Traci, I can't believe I won!!! YOOHOO!! I am doing my happy dance along with your cute little boys!! Thank-you so much, it is so cute and your boys are so cute!! I have 6 brothers so I know about growing up with a lot of boys! Hugs, Cindy

  6. It's been fun joking around about one of your boys and one of my girls one day getting hitched... just thought you should know that I'm going to need something in writing. ;) I could eat. them. up. Love the canvas!

  7. Traci, that canvas is beautiful of your boys. It will be a true treasure for you to hang in your home. Congrats.

    Congrats also to Cindy for winning this week.

    Once again, your little men did an awesome job.

  8. Congrats Cindy-You lucky girl. I thought this would be my week. : )

  9. I agree- I LOVE that picture and how it wraps around.

  10. Traci, I love your give away and the boys are adorable!! I'm blessed to be their Aunt!:)


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