Saturday, September 26, 2009

God cares about the details…

It is amazing to look back over this very difficult week and see the goodness of God.

One thing that God has taught me is that he cares about every detail of our lives.

God knew my mom would be in the hospital last Sunday night, and he hand-picked a nurse to care for her.

He didn’t pick just any nurse. He picked a nurse that is passionately in love with Him. He picked a nurse that would passionately love my mom.

Our lives were changed by this sweet nurse.

She came to mom’s visitation Thursday night.

Our lives will forever be intertwined.

I just discovered she had a blog and I read this post about my mom. Please go check it out. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me….

It's Not About the Medicine

I have so much to share about this past week.

I have so many to thank.

I’ll be back soon…


  1. I hope you are doing well, Traci

  2. I cried through this post too. Oh, there is no one like our God....every detail belongs to Him. Sweet Traci, I'm praying for you.

  3. It is so awesome how God works. Thanks for sharing.

  4. OUr an awesome God .....he truly is.

    Know that I"m praying for you often....and look forward to checking back to hear how God worked and moved in your lives during this most difficult time.

    Love ya,

  5. Beautiful, Traci. I just read her post and, yes, she brought tears to my eyes. I am Praising Him with you through this and can see where His Ways are unchanging :) Bless you, Praise Him and Continue On ♥

    Love to you.

  6. God is great - Wow , he is always planning and working things out in ways that he sees fit. How blessed your family was to have such a child of God as your mom's nurse.

  7. Thinking about you Traci!
    God Bless & Love

  8. Traci, you have so much on your mind but I needed to tell you how much your blog has helped me.
    This Thursday it was confirmed that I have at least one tumor in my neck. If a doctor had done a blood test that I requested a year and a half ago he would have found something wrong. Thankfully, God put me in the hands of another doctor that listened and knew that testing had to be done.
    Thursday was a bad day. I am the Momma to two babies under the age of three. I am scared. But I thought of your words and your Mom and...wanted to be as strong. Bless you for helping me and sharing your Beliefs even as you struggled with your own pain.


  9. I am so glad that you had such a great experience with your Mom's nurse. Death can be such a spiritual experience if we are in the right hands.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Traci, your mom and your family are so preciously loved by the Lord that He sent you a special angel to watch over her. Such a blessing. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  11. I have just come from "Called to Care". What an amazing testimony and story...God is working in our behalf even when we are unaware. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. You still remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. What a great post to read about your mother.. You have remained in my thoughts... Thanks for sharing.

  14. Oh, Dear Traci, what a God we have to have placed such a sweet caring Christian nurse to take care of your mother. I did go to her blog and read her post! Oh, I've cried for you and your family and I cried for her! You and your family are still in my prayers.

  15. How wonderful that God gave y'all this nurse to see to your Mom in her last hours. They will be reunited in heaven, too....bless you and your family.

  16. Traci,

    This is an amazing story. These types of occurrences are God's way of comforting us in our sorrow. I truly believe that if we open our eyes we can see little gifts sent from up above. I lost my mom 9 years ago and it's incredible the little things that have come into my life that make me smile and remind me that my mom is my angel. I was single when she died and had many moments of solitude in the days after her passing. During my moments of quiet grief I would suddenly have this feeling of peace wash over me - as if she was there with me. Ladybugs have always reminded me of my mom - one day as I participated as a volunteer at a cancer survivor event I was feeling especially blue about things and out of nowhere a little ladybug landed on my shoulder and I was instantly comforted. Your mom sounds like an amazing lady who touched people's hearts in ways even she didn't know. Your are all in my thoughts.

  17. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. You and Cyndi are in my prayers. I'm so glad God sent you an angel nurse!


  18. Traci, You were blessed to have such a great woman of God for a mother. God always knows what we need. He give her a wonderful family so she could teach them the love of Him. She left you knowing that you knew you could turn to him in the days to follow when yor heart is heavy. My heart goes out to you, your blog is such an inpiration to all and will help others. My prayers are with you and your family.

  19. Incredibly beautiful example of the way God's hand is in every part of our lives. Stunning. Continuing in prayer...

  20. Traci, that young nurse just looks like an angel! Thank you for sharing such tender, personal moments. I know your mother's life continues to touch other people even though she doesn't live in this earthly world any more. May God's Presence continue to hold you close. Linda

  21. I went to read Carrianna's blog... such a sweet post.
    Sending warm hugs and love to you all today Traci. Praying for your comfort and peace in the days ahead.

  22. Traci... I'm new to your blog but I want you to know that your family has touched my heart. I'm praying for you as you continue to celebrate your mom's life. Thank you for sharing Carrianna's blog. Reading your posts and hers made me weep. God is so much bigger than my mind can wrap around. How amazing that He had your lives intersect.

    Blessings and love to you and your family!

  23. Amazing how God works. You are simply incredible and inspiring. Continuing to pray for your family!

  24. Even during this difficult time, God is working with you and through you.


  25. Traci,

    I shared about your mom's wonderful life during the Communion meditation at church on Sunday. I loved what the minister from United Methodist shared about your mom on Friday when he asked her "how she was doing with the news of cancer" and she replied sweetly, "I don't always understand GOD, but I always trust GOD."
    That statement by your wonderful MOM has helped me alot the past few days.

    Praying for you and your family,

    Love you,


  26. Thank you, Traci! I am so thankful for all of you!! You are all in my prayers on a daily basis

  27. Hey you were on my heart and I wanted to stop by. It has been very busy the past few weeks but you have still been on my heart a lot and I've stopped to pray.


  28. My twin and I lost our mother to cancer 6 years ago. She too, was so brave. I think we always think of men as being strong when I now know different. She became my hero.

    May God replace the hurt in your heart with peace and happy memories.

    The Twins

  29. Hey Girl-
    I just wanted to check in, once all the business of the funeral is over and others get back to life, and it gets quiet is when everything begins to sink in. You are on my heart.


  30. Hi, Sweet One, I was just dropping in to say hi and that I am thinking of you and your family and keeping you close to my heart in prayer.

  31. We miss you please come back soon. I am praying for your heart to heal and for you and your family to remember lots of happy memories!

  32. Traci, I stumbled across your blog early this morning as I'm up before anyone in the house thinking about the day ahead. My dad passed away Sunday evening and today is his viewing, tomorrow his funeral. Your words echoed many of the same sentiments that I am feeling in my heart. I didn't want Dad to leave, but yet I didn't want him to suffer. I wrote out words last night for a eulogy, yet I don't feel the words are sufficient to articulate just how wonderful a man he truly is. Thank you for documenting your experiences for everyone to read. It has been a help to me today.


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