Friday, October 9, 2009

My cup runneth over….with boys!

Just had to share this picture of my boys with you.


This was taken the day of my mom’s funeral.

Mom always liked it when I dressed them alike.

And I wanted them to wear a coat and tie for such a special occasion…a celebration of a life well-lived for the Lord!

I’m so proud of each one of my sweet boys.

They were definitely Nana’s pride and joy! (As were ALL her grandchildren!)



  1. Oh Traci, Last night, while blogging, I came across your blog and your Mother's dedication on the side of your page caught my attention. I spent the next hour or so entranced in your posts about your mother, reading them in reverse order. It touched me on so many different levels - as a daughter, a mother, a friend. I haven't been moved like that in a very long time. I watched the video over and over - it was just awesome. I just know your precious mother is so very proud of you and your family and will always be. Thanks for sharing her with us. ~~Kim~~

  2. They are just adorable!!! You should be so proud, as I am sure your Mom was! Thinking of you Traci. I know this is such a difficult time for all of you. Hugs, Cindy

  3. Your little men look very handsome in their suits. I see your momma smiling on the side bar there as I type this. A celebration of life indeed.

    I love the pic on your sidebar with the fan and the scripture plaque with it. Would you mind sharing where you got the scripture plaque from?

  4. What a handsome group of young men.
    Your mom would be proud :)

  5. Aww, I know she did love them...they are adorable!


  6. What a fine looking group of young men!
    You are a very blessed young momma!

    My deepest symphathies during this time of your Momma's death.
    God bless you during this time,
    d from homehaven

  7. Oh Traci,

    How beautiful! You have such a sweet family. Just seeing that picture of your boys made me smile.

    Blessings my friend,

  8. They are so handsome and delicious!!!

    Jenna :)

  9. What a sweet tribute to your Mum.


  10. I'm sorry for your loss, Traci. Your boys look like little gentlemen in their outfits.

  11. Traci- I have been keeping up with you through this journey and now I am smiling as I know your mom would be! What gentlemen! And, by the way, I remember it was no easy task to get kids, especially boys, looking like that. I used to tell my husband that by the time I got everybody dressed for church that I NEEDED to go!!

  12. What a great lookin' bunch! Again I think your mom is looking down and smiling!

  13. I just love this photo of your guys. What handsome young men! Of all the photos I have of my fellows, there's one that stands out. One Easter I was lucky enough to find matching outfits for all three of them (not easy to do because of the spread in their ages). I left for church early that day because the choir sang in both services (one before Sunday school, one after). My husband got the boys up and ready for church, and before church he took them outside and took pictures of them, all dressed alike! Oh, how I treasure those photos, just as I know you'll treasure these.

  14. Oh Traci, this is such a precious picture. I know your mom loved being able to look down from heaven with the Lord and see these 4 wonderful little boys. They are such a blessing, and I know she adored them so much. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  15. Traci-your boys looks so cute, a very nice looking bunch of boys! I'm sure your mother will be watching over your family...

  16. You must be So proud of those little guys.
    they are gorgeous.

  17. Oh what adorable little guys you have!!!! They are just darling (I'm sure the older ones wouldn't like hearing that). I know your Mom would have been so proud!!!!

  18. What beautiful little boys you have~! Your mom was certainly proud to see them that day!
    God Bless you Traci!

  19. That is a handsome bunch of fellas!

  20. Traci
    They look so sweet!
    May Jesus shine his face upon you as you walk!

    Your Sister in Christ

  21. Traci, this precious photo of your boys moved me to tears. What a handsome bunch they are! I know your mom must have been looking down from Heaven and grinning from ear to ear when her grandsons arrived to celebrate her life wearing their matching outfits.

  22. What a darling picture! Your boys look so handsome. It was a lovely way to honor your mother. God bless.

  23. Precious, precious photo of your very handsome guys! = ) What a sweet way to honor your Mom that day. No doubt you're so very proud of them.

  24. What a beautiful family you have. Any grandmother would be so proud of these boys!
    Prayers and thoughts sent your way.

    Lexy of Cincy

  25. Your boys look so handsome and I am sure your mother was looking down on them.

  26. Oh my word Traci...what a precious picture of your handsome sons...your mom's impact on their lives shows on their faces!!! Sincerely...

  27. Traci,
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and sharing your source for the plaque asked you about. I do indeed have a Hobby Lobby near by. I will have to look around next time I am there.
    Have a great day!

  28. You know that they are some of my very FAVORITE boys!! Love you.

  29. Hi Traci ~~ I tried a moment ago to leave a comment, but I don't think it went through. I'll try again.
    I do write this with emotions and tears after reading your comment to me this morning that your dear mom had passed away, and had my blog as a favorite on her computer.
    Thank you so much for sharing with me, I am honored. As I went and read your mother's posts and yours I am amazed how much we have in common besides our name.
    Your mom's middle name was Faye, and mine is Mae (born on May 1st). I remember my mom telling me that my dad wanted to name me Wanda Faye, but she refused as it was the name of an old girlfriend of my dad ((smile)).

    We have four adult children, and 9 grandchildren, most of them boys, along with two greatgrandsons.

    I also love my Lord as your mom did, my Bible, my prayer journals, and I love posting my cooking as I see you mom did also.

    It was precious that you could hold her hand in her last moments on earth before she took the hand of Jesus.

    I will be back to enjoy your post. Thank you for making me a new friend.

    Love and Hugs
    Wanda from Brushstrokes

  30. You did your mom proud! What fine looking young men.


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