Monday, November 16, 2009

100th Post Giveaway Winner is....

First of all, I have to tell you that I am feeling very "lost" right now.

The power cord on my laptop isn't working, and I am waiting for a replacement in the mail.

(The power cords were $120.00 at the store, but I found one on ebay for $10.00...definitely worth the wait! I think.)

Therefore, I am unable to blog like I normally do. There are many of you who have left me comments, and I promise to get back to you as soon as I can.

I was wanting to share with you the wonderful giveaway I won last week, and give you a sneak peak of our kitchen renovation that is 99% complete, but I cannot upload new pictures on the ancient computer I am typing on right now!

So hopefully I will get my cord tomorrow, and I can get back into the swing of things.

Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway. I had over 200 comments, and the randomly selected winner is....#92....

Cami @ The Bodrero Family!

(I copied this picture from my blog.)

Congratulations! I will be contacting you soon!

Thanks again to everyone,


  1. Oh Traci, what a bummer to have your computer down. I do know the feeling. I feel sort of lost if I can't get on mine and connect. Hope the cord comes tomorrow. Congratulations to Cami, I know she will be thrilled. Hugs. Marty

  2. It's funny how lost we feel when we can't use our computer!! Hope you are powered up in no time! :)

  3. Congrats to the winner!
    My computer is giving me trouble too! I'm having to do everything in safe mode. I can't wait to get it fixed!


    Thanks to you Traci I made beautiful, affordable curtains for my kitchen! You rock! Hope you don't mind if I share your blog address with friends and family! Check out my creation...I think they look pretty darn good! Thank you!

  5. Traci,
    I know the feeling... We were without our computer at the end of last week with a nasty virus. Love your e-bay find. Can't wait to see your kitchen, your hubby is sooooo talented and your are sooo creative- it is bound to turn out great!
    Dee Dee

  6. I really love this plaque! Was wondering if anyone who lives in a state where Hobby Lobby's are, if you could get me one that i could send you money for (plus shipping). Just if you are out and see it. Thanks!


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