Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Let’s celebrate!!! Guest blogging and 100th post Giveaway!

Ladies, I am sooo excited!!!

The “shanty sisters” over at Shanty2Chic have asked me to be a guest blogger at their very FIRST “Shanty Spotlight”!


I was really nervous about finding a project that I could blog about, but I came up with something, and I think it turned out great.

If you haven’t visited their blog before, you are missing out. They are super sweet girls and full of many wonderful ideas.

Now show me some love and go see my post over at Shanty2Chic.

Click HERE to see it!


I am also celebrating because

this is my 100th post!

Can you believe it?

So of course, I want to thank all of you for following me and leaving me so many great comments. You guys make me smile!

I am going to have a giveaway to celebrate!

Many of you have asked me where I got this sign in my guest house….


Well, I got it from Hobby Lobby, and I got one for you too!

It is a wooden plaque with the scripture, “Whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, think on these things.” Phillipians 4:8


If you would like to enter my giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and I will announce the winner on Monday, November 16th!

Have a blessed day,


  1. Ohh, I just found your blog, and I am LOVING it!! I am now subscribed to it and I can't wait to check out all your awesome craftiness! Oh and if I win, it will be even more awesome since monday is my 30th, birthday! Sweet!

  2. Just found your blog, so cute! Great ideas!

  3. This is one of my favorite scriptures! Love your blog!!


  4. I have been reading your blog for awhile and love all of the ideas. I was sorry to hear about your mother. She sounded like a very special lady. I am sure this Christmas season will be bittersweet. I often pray for people who have lost loved one's and are approaching the holiday's. God bless.

  5. just find your blog from your guest post! great job! that chair turned out beautiful! congrats on your 100th post!

  6. i found your blog today and am in love:) i am planning on doing the coasters and transforming one of our armoires like you and your husband did in the "not a corner hutch". will definitely be visiting often! thanks for the great ideas!

  7. Traci, congratulations on your guest post. I am so thrilled that others are discovering how clever and creative you are. What a blessing. Your giveaway is perfect. I love the placque so much. Hope to see many more posts. Hugs, Marty

  8. Oooooh, you got a blog makeover, right??? I LOVE it!! And congrats on 100 posts!!! Hooray!


  9. I so enjoy your blog~what a blessing. I have been praying for you!
    Autumn Blessings~

  10. oooh, love the new background, looks great. Congrats on your 100th post! I would love to win this plaque!

  11. Love your new look!!
    One of my favorite verses is this one!!
    Congrats on 100 posts!!

  12. Congratulations on your 100th post! That's a very neat sign!!


  13. I love that sign. And congrats on your 100th post! The new blog banner looks fabo!

  14. I just found you today from the "Shanty Sisters." The chair turned out fabulous! Can't wait to give it a try!
    Nicole F.

  15. Congratulations on your 100th post! I love your blog and am a follower now! Love the sign!

  16. I'm here from the Shanty girls too and I LOVE that chair! Congrats on your 100th post. I'll be adding you to my google reader so I can discover all the other little goodies you've blogged about :)

  17. I just found your blog from Shanty 2 Chic! What great ideas!! Love the sign :)

  18. Congartulations, both on your 100th post, and your guest hosting!

    I'll rush right over and see their blog, and while I'm gone you can put my name in the drawing for your great sign prize.

    barbara jean

  19. I love the plaque and your new makeover on the blog-it looks great!

  20. This is the verse that we are focusing on in our Bible Study! Love the sign!!!

  21. HI! I just found your blog, also from the Shanty Sisters. I am loving what you are doing. I have wanted the pottery barn shelves for so long also! You made them look so easy, I'm thinking of trying it!

  22. I love this scripture. I also love the sign and would be thrilled to win it! Thanks for the opportunity and thanks for sharing all of your creative talents and gifts.

    God bless.

  23. Just "found you" through Shanty2Chic -- love your transformations AND that sign, yes ma'am I like it! :) [I'm quite certain "my" hobby lobby does not have it...bummer!]

  24. hi traci! just started following your blog & i find it so inspirational! i love hearing you talk about your mother & i can tell she is a very special lady & she is so proud of you as she watches over you! thanks for the inspiration in everything you do!

  25. LOVE the sign! I just found your blog and am now following!! The chair was amazing!!


  26. I just found your blog! I'm looking forward to seeing more. Congrats on your 100th post!

  27. I love, love, love your blog! You give me soooo many great ideas! Especially for my little boy's room.

  28. Love the sign and would love a chance to win it. Your blog is so uplifting.

  29. Love that sign! I have seen it many times at HobLob! What a great give away!

  30. Tracy...first, I love the sign as well as the verse. I remind myself of this verse daily! Also, you and your sister have been so heavy on my heart since your mom was diagnosed with cancer. I know you have a huge hole in your heart that can only be filled with her and it makes me very sad for you. I just want you to know that I'm praying for you.

  31. Congrats on 100 posts !!!

    Tammy P.

  32. I enjoy reading about other women who put God and family first! You have great ideas and I will enjoy reading in the future! Have a blessed day!


  33. i love your blog! thanks for all the inspiration!

  34. Oh Traci:
    I would so love to have this sign. How sweet is that. Please enter my name in the drawing, and ofcourse you already know I am a follower.

    How exciting to be a Guest Blogger. Congratulations sweetie. Job well done.

    Stop by soon. I love it when you do. Country hugs, Sherry

  35. Such a lovely giveaway! Congrats on 100 posts!

  36. I love your blog. I have added you to my "favorite" list. Keep up the great blog & thanks for sharing so many great thoughts & ideas!

  37. Fabulous! LOVE GIVEAWAY.. I MEAN WHAT GIRL, or blog stalker doesn't ENTER ME! I ADORE SIGNS, plaques, sayings thery are so cute!

  38. Pick me! Pick me!
    Congrats on your guest blog too. :)

  39. Congrats on your 100th post and guest blogging! I really enjoy your blog and all your lovely thoughts of your mom!

  40. Hi Traci,

    I checked on that spelling of your name, because my Mom's name is Tracey :-) We are very close, so I think and pray for you often. I have been very touched by your posts. Please know that we pray for your family.
    Your blog is adorable. I enjoy mine so much; I'm excited for your success. You'll never know how many you will touch.
    LOVE the sign. It would look so precious in my daughter Sophie's room.
    I just am bummed that we don't have a hobby lobby :-)
    Blessings on you.
    Anna Kintigh

  41. Congrats on 100 Posts!! And I love the sign, thanks for the giveaway. :)

  42. How exciting; for both 100 posts and a guest blog! Oh, and exciting for us too! A giveaway!!! Yaaaaaay!

  43. Awesome! I'm so glad I found you! I'll be your newest subscriber!! :)

  44. I am going over to see the guest post, so I am in a hurry!! But I would love to be in the giveaway!! Have you come to my blog to enter mine?? If not, hurry over!!


  45. Congratulations on your 100th Post. Great guest post too! Love the giv-a-way!!

  46. Congratulations on your 100th post! Also, great post about the chair! Love the little pillow on it too!

  47. Congrats on your guest post and 100th post! The tutorial was amazing and such great photography! Wow. Superstar right before us here. :)


  48. What fun ideas. I love to browse your blog for inspiration.

  49. OOOH!!! I found your blog from the Shanty Chic Sisters one, and it's SO cute!! I love that sign! Having scripture up around the house is a wonderful reminder to dig in the word daily! Thanks for sharing!

  50. Congratulations of your guest post! The chair is amazing. What a great giveaway - oh how I wish there was a Home Goods in Seattle. And congrats on the 100th post!


  51. Just found your blog and I love it!!!!!

  52. Hi Traci, well I, like so many others, have just found your blog via Shanty2Chic and am now a faithful follower! I loved that chair you covered. My favourite thing to do is recover chairs, sofas etc and you seem to employ the same method as I do...wing it ;o)

  53. Love the sign! Great scripture verse!!

  54. Congratulations on your 100th post and I love the giveaway!

    Have a wonderful day.

  55. I thought I had come to the wrong blog at first! LOL I love the new look!!! Yep I adore that sign, so I would love to enter the give away :) God bless you Traci!!

  56. Traci, congrats on your 100th post! You always have so many great ideas to share, plus so many touching remembrances of your mother. I always look forward to reading your blog. That verse in Philippians is one of my favorites - I read it almost every other day! Linda

  57. Congratulations, Traci! And thank you for this generous giveaway. How sweet of you!

    Philippians 4:8 is a favorite scripture of mine. Thank you for sharing this wonderful find!

  58. Congratulations on your guest post and 100 posts! That is awesome! That sign is so pretty!

  59. Congrats Traci! You so deserve a spotlight for all your crafty-awesomeness :o) Love my visits over here....

  60. You have a wonderful blog ! I am so sorry for the loss of your mother and how hard it is in day to day life when you want to share things in your life with her as you did! A comfort that you have a wonderful sister & you can "look" after each other !
    Congrats on your 100th post !
    The Little Things

  61. Congrats on 100 posts! hope to see many more in the future! Very fun blog!

  62. Love your blog - I've been browsing all morning and as much as I love your projects, the posts that touch me the most are the ones about your mom. I lost my step-father this past August and so understand where you're at. I'm such a holiday fanatic but I tear up every time I think about sitting around that Thanksgiving table without him at the head of the table.
    Change of subject quickly - I noticed all of the Gamecock apparel in some of the pictures - we're in the Greenville/Spartanburg area of SC - are y'all close by?
    Oh, congrats on the 100th post!! Keep 'em coming.

  63. Love the plaque! (I have that same Hershey's tin sitting in my kitchen)

  64. I love that sign. I think I'm completely missing out on something here. I read about Hobby Lobby on so many different blogs, but I don't have one locally. Sounds like a great place to get great deals! Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. Congrats on the 100th post!!! :-)

  66. Congrats on your blog! Love this quote and have the perfect place for it. =)

  67. I love the plaque....the quote is perfect (of course). Congrats on your 100th post.

  68. This plaque is just amazing!!!
    Congrats on your 100th post milestone.
    I look forward to hundreds more.

  69. Just found your blog at Shanty2Chic. I love your chair makeover! Absolutely gorgeous.

  70. Love the sign and am loving your blog also!

  71. Thank you for sharing your talent, your faith, and your mother's faith with me (and the world). I want you to know that I shared with a coworker who will be having a surgery on Monday that her tears (that she was trying to hold in) were just "liquid prayers" and not a sign of weakness or fear. I was able to share this because I read it in one of your posts and because your mom had such wisdom. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you and for helping a fellow believer encourage others!

  72. Congrats on your 100th post!! I love following your great projects and your spotlight at Shanty 2 Chic was great!! How exciting to be the FIRST one they picked! :)

    That sign is absolutely adorable & how sweet of you to do a giveaway!

  73. I'm so excited to find your blog (I came over from Shanty2Chic)! I look forward to finding oodles of inspiring projects! Oh, and I LOVE the sign!


  74. I am a follower and was so excited to see you FEATURED on Shanty 2 Chic, you are so deserving!! Your mom would be proud. I have a mother who is the reason I love to create and I need to share that with her, thanks to you. I know I should not take her for granted. Blessings to you and congratulations on your feature.

  75. Your blog is so inspirational to me...I enjoy all your posts - especially the Wednesdays with Wanda. What a beautiful reminder to treasure our family and friends!

  76. Love the sign--was so hoping you got it at a store we have, but no Hobby Lobby here unfortunately--think I'll check Micheal's though. I so enjoy your blog and your heartfelt messages.

  77. Just found your blog thru shanty2Chic...Love it!

  78. Just found your blog thru shanty2chic...Love it!

  79. One of my favorite scriptures!

    earmstrong at hughes dot net

  80. Congratulations on your 100th post! I just read your guest blog over at S2C. Love what you did with the chair, but love it even more because it wasn't ALL sewing. I love a girl who's not afraid to use hot glue! ;)

  81. Congrats on being featured over at Shabby2Chic. The chair makeover was amazing!!!

    I love this sign, what a fun giveaway!

  82. Love the sign, and I really enjoy your blog!

  83. First of all, Happy belated Birthday!
    As always thank you for your inspirations, not just for decorating, but for life!!

    I love the sign. I am in the process of redoing my kitchen, on a budget of course, but the colors on the sign match perfect.

  84. I just found your blog and I love it!!! You are amazing!! I will now be fallowing you to learn from you! Thanks!

  85. I love that verse. Congrats on 100 posts!


  86. Congratulations! Just bumped into your blog! Beautiful! I love the sign, and it would be a wonderful way to daily remind me in my task of raising 4 children to think of the good and bright side of life!

  87. Congrats on the guest blogging and on your 100th post! I love your blog, what a generous give away.

  88. Your bog is great! I love your sign.

  89. Hello Traci,

    Congratulations on your guest spotlight and 100th post! What a great giveqaway, I would love to be entered.

    Thank you!
    ~ Tracy

  90. Happy 100th!! Thanks for sharing your endless talents with us!

  91. I'm looking forward to looking through your beautiful blog, as I just found it due to the guest blog post. I have always loved Phillipians chapter 4; such powerful and inspirational words.
    Thank you for the chance at the giveaway. :-)

  92. Not only are you loving, kind, sweet, and caring...but OH so talented!!! Great redo on the chair!!!

    What a sweetheart you be hosting a give-a-way. Congrat's on your 100th post. :-)

  93. Just saw your post on Shanty2Chic and came over to check you out. I am sure I will be here all day long... looking at all your cool stuff. That is an awesome sign, did you make it or just buy it that way? Great chair btw on the spotlight!

  94. I found your blog earlier this week with the coasters and printed it out to do some for christmas and then came over today from Shanty2chic. Anyway I read down about your Mother and I know this must be a really hard week for you and I am praying for you. I had never heard of Mama says figurenes but I think I am going to look for some for my sister, neice and I and give them to us from my mother ( as they sound like things she or my grandmother would have said). Anyway I am adding you to my list of favorites and if I ever get back to blogging will start following you.

  95. Have been enjoying your blog! I found a link on a friends blog. I have been working on some of the coasters for Christmas gifts. Would love the sign. I love having scripture tastefully done around the home!

  96. i posted a comment, but don't see it here. so i will try again!

    I love your blog, thank you for sharing your mother's faith with us-it has truly inspired me. I am studying the eternal perspective in John right now and your mom really brought it to real life for me.

    Now about the sign...I'm going to have to work on the greed issues in my life! We have no Hobby Lobby in CA! Darn.

  97. Love the Shanty2 Chic sisters and love your blog too! Glad to see you getting a some shout outs! I'll hop over to their blog and see what you put together for us!

  98. I found your blog last week and read it all. You Mom was 7 months older than I and I certainly could understand all the pain. Trust me, she hated desperately to leave her family but she is now at peace. I pray to God that you find peace of her passing soon. I lost my Daddy at 16. It gets better but you always remember. Love to you all.

  99. Congrats on your 100th post! I am new to your site, and I'm already in love! Thanks for the new inspirations!

  100. I just found your beautiful blog too and am now a follower.

  101. Love the sign, and congrats on the first guest post! Super cool!

  102. Have been following you for quite some seem to be such a sweet and loving person. Thanks for continuing to brighten my day! Would love to post this sign in my new house! :)

  103. Hi Traci
    I have been a follower of yours for a little while ( since your sweet mama was sick.) I lost my own angel when I was only 19 so I understand missing her so much. I love your blog. It's amazing! Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas. I love them!

  104. I love to follow your blog and your sisters!!!! I would love to win that sign it is great!
    Thank you

  105. i love this plaque, and i saw your guest post over at the shanty sisters. love what you did to that chair. great job. Happy 100th

  106. Congratulations on your 100th post. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks and I love it. Happy Blogging!

  107. I love your blog, congrats on your anniversary!

  108. I love your blog, such great ideas! Congrats on your blogaversary!

  109. I love that verse. It really helps to redirect my mind when thoughts are going a millions miles an hour! God is faithful to focus me! :)

  110. Hi Traci, love your stuff, love your style...wishing you hope for a grieving heart! hugs! congrats on the 100th post, thanks for doing the giveaway...

  111. I love this sign! I have seen it at Hobby Lobby! Thanks for a chance to win it!

  112. I love your blog and I love that verse. Please enter my in your contest.
    Happy 100th post.

  113. congrats on the 100th post! the sign is super cute; i especially love it b/c phil. is my favorite book in the the JOY!

  114. I just found your blog, and I love it! Happy 100th post- I'm sure I'll be wasting the next hour or so going through them all! :)


  115. I found you on Shanty2Chic and was blown away by your burlap chair! You are amazing and I am wishing you were my next door neighbor.

  116. Hi! I just found your blog from your link on Shanty to Chic...I am so thrilled to find you! I would LOVE to win this plaque. We live in a little coastal town that has a crown as our symbol. This would be perfect in our house. And I can't purchase one...because we don't have Hobby Lobby. Yes...I'm crying. :) I can't wait to check out your blog!!

  117. Hi Tracie
    I'd love to win that sign. Congratulations on your 100th post.

  118. I've been wanting to add more Scripture around my house. This is perfect! I hope I win. :)

  119. What a great sign. I'd put in in the baby's room (if I won.)
    I love your blog and have cried through the posts about your mom, and said a few prayers for you and your family. Thanks for sharing all your stories and memories.

  120. I saw your post on shanty2chic, cute, cute, cute chair. SOOOO inspiring.

  121. LOVE you! Your amazing and so talented! (And Im not just saying that!) THanks for your ideas and INSPIRATION!

  122. I can't believe you found that wonderful sign at Hobby Lobby! We don't have an HL here in Southern California and I have yet to see anything like this lovely verse at Michaels, so I can't even buy it if I don't win it!
    Love your blogging--all your projects, but especially about your Mom, Traci.

  123. Congrats Traci on your 100th post. And also on your guest spot at blogging. I am off to read it right now.
    Like the new look on the blog.

  124. Congrats! I love your blog-your love for the Lord and ability to find joy in difficult situations have been an inspiration. Would love to have this sign in our house!

  125. Love that verse and would love to win the sign! Thank you for sharing so many wonderful ideas.

  126. Congratulations on your 100th post. I will be celebrating mine tomorrow.


  127. No HL near us - waaa! Beautiful sign, beautiful blog!

  128. I love that sign! I wish Las Vegas had a Hobby Lobby! I just found you from Shanty 2 Chic. You have great ideas! I have added you to my favorites.

  129. Congrats on your guest post and Happy 100th post!

  130. I would love to be entered because I just love this verse and I love your blog!

    Audrey @ Life in an Eastern Town

  131. Great blog and I love, love, love the burlap!!

  132. Wow! 100 post, I have one. I love reading your blogs, you are so creative and dont spend a lot of money. You r my kind of gal!

  133. I have just recently found your blog, and love it!! I love that you are real, and honest, and glorify your heavenly father. I too have recently gone through deep loss, and it is good to see someone else functioning through it. Thank you for sharing, and keep it up!
    Phil. 4:8 is one of my families core verses, love it.

  134. Traci, this is a lovely and very special giveaway. Thank you!

    Barb ♥

  135. Congratulations on your 100th post. I enjoy your blog and your giveaway is great! Would love to win it! Thanks for an opportunity. Veronica

  136. OHHHH! Girl you know I want one!

    BTW: IF I don't win this - could you hit me up again? I never got a reply from you on how much shipping and such... idk if we miss communicated or if Yahoo hated me that day and didnt' get my email to me.

    Thanks so much for the chance!!!!!~G

    CraftTeaLady AT Yahoo DOT com

  137. I have been following your blog for the past couple months and love all your ideas and inspiring posts! I'm an at-home mama too and I enjoy hearing about your family and your daily happenings. :)

  138. Congratulations on 100 posts. I truly enjoyed your "Shanty" guest post and appreciated your detailed explanation and photos of the chair makeover. It totally inspired me to take on an upholstery project (my first). Thanks for sharing!

  139. Great Shanty Spotlight! My husband just didn't get why I was gasping .:audibly:. at a chair! It was so cute, and so well done! That sign is great, a great verse to "ground you". Needs to be hung up somewhere prominent! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Congrats on 100!

  140. Love your blog, love your giveaway!
    Please enter me! Congrats on your 100th!!

  141. LOVE THE SIGN. I am now searching all over online to see if I can find one. I would love to put it in my girls' bathroom.

  142. Congratulations on your 100th post, friend! And enter me to win your goodie, please. You know I love those Hobby Lobby signs.


  143. I just found your blog from your guest post on "Shanty to Chic" and I loved your chair re-do!! It was amazing and I'm so excited to see what other great craftyness you have in store! Thanks!!

  144. What a beautiful reminder to see each day. Thanks for offering this giveaway! Keepin my fingers crossed!
    Mary Ann

  145. I'm in! :-) I love the sign... And Hobby Lobby!!!

  146. I needed to see that positive scripture today. And I would love to see it every day! :) So glad I happened upon your blog via Shanty 2 Chic!

  147. Congrats on your 100 posts! I love your blog! I'm going over to see your guest post now!

    Lee Laurie

  148. I just discovered your blog from the post over at Shanty. You will definitely be one of my daily reads from now on. You're one talented chica. That chair is amazing. And the posts about your mom are so sweet and touching. So glad I found you!

    Oh, and thanks for the chance to win your giveaway and congrats on 100 posts!

  149. CONGRATULATIONS and thank you for the chance to win such a cool sign. :)

  150. I found your blog through TJ - I'm going to do the mod podge tile/coasters for lots of friends and neighbors for Christmas. Can't wait to see more!

  151. I love your blog! I just recently found it and I am in love!!!

  152. Your blog is so cute and your crafting comes out fabulous!!!..Kepp blogging.. and you seem to have some great taste! :)

  153. Congrats on your 100th post!! Your blog is amazing. I have been reading it for a few months now. Your ideas are so inspirational and I love your tributes to your wonderful mother. She was undoubtedly an amazing christian woman. You are very lucky! I love the giveaway. I try to include scripture in my decorating and surround myself in God's word!

  154. That's a lovely plaque. Thanks for a great giveaway! ~~Rhonda

  155. Traci,
    You are my new hero, love you and what you are doing!

  156. How nice of you! I love the scripture...and I love your blog.

  157. I just discovered your blog yesterday. I read about you on Shanty2Chic and I then clicked on your blog and spent the next 2 days reading all of your back posts. I have added you to my favorites list in my decorating blogs category.

    I'd love to win the plaque.

  158. Congratulations on having such an awesome blog! :) I'd love to win your little plaque! Cute!

  159. Love the sign, love the verse, love your blog! There's no Hobby Lobby where I live. Hope I win!

  160. This is indeed such a milestone! ~CoNGRaTuLaTioNS~!
    May you be doubly blessed as you have blessed others through this blog!
    Rebekah B

  161. Congratulations on the 100th post!! I love your blog and the sign is beautiful!!

  162. i saw your burlap chair and i am dying. That is so adorable. I love your blog, and all the ideas!!

  163. What A Beautiful Giveaway!!!!! I love that verse soooooo Much!!!! I also truely enjoy your blog, you are such a special person, I can surely tell and I am so happy for you... I pray you will continue to be truely blessed even more....

    Michelle Torres

  164. I stumbled across your blog last night. What caught my attention was the phrase, " first birthday without my mom." I remember mine, too. My mom passed away three and half years ago on Easter morning of cancer. I was five months pregnant with our third daughter (2nd pregnancy, we had twin girls first). Since then we have had a son...four, four and under! I saw this sign awhile back at Hobby Lobby and thought about getting it for one of my best friends & Elder's wife...she reminds me of this verse all the time. So encouraged by your posts!

  165. i look forward to reading your blog!! i love that sign & the verse. i don't have a hobby lobby so im missing out!

  166. have been following your blog and am learning so many wonderful things about making a home in a thirfty way...thanks for sharing your ideas!

  167. I just found your blog and I love it. I am wishing for step by step instructions on how you made that magnetic board. I can't wait to try out some of your projects. You make them look easy. I am sorry about your mother. She sounds like a wonderful lady.

  168. Your blog is wonderful and had me excited to try some projects. I love this look. I love the sign and know that I need to be reminded of this often. I am so sorry about your mother. May you feel God's hand carrying you through the difficult days.

  169. I really enjoy your blog, thanks for the giveaway.

  170. If it is not too late, I would love to be entered!

  171. Just discovered your blog not long ago, and am loving it! You've got me so inspired with ideas for my own house!
    -Laura (

  172. I hope I make it to 100 posts! I love the sign and verse!

  173. Congratulations on your 100th post!! Love the coaster idea. Very cute.

  174. Congrats on your 100th exciting! I just recently discovered your blog and added it to my list of fun, creative, inspirational blogs. Thanks for the giveaway!

  175. Love it! Count me in! I'm glad I found your blog!

  176. Congratulations on your 100th post! I really enjoy your blog - I like how you show step-by-step pictures and the finished project/room. Love the sign, too. Wish we had a Hobby Lobby in NJ.

  177. Just discovered the site through a friend. I want to make the tile coasters with all the leftover tiles in my garage. We'll see. I am more like the less-than-crafty sister :)

  178. I love your blog and have been subscribed for a while now. Enjoy seeing your projects, and this is a really great giveaway!

    jjfoege at gmail dot com

  179. I love that verse. I wrote in my Bible..."4:8 your thoughts" so I will remember that verse more. Also have you ever noticed that the whole verse there are 8 things to think on. So cool!

  180. Your blog just came up in my reader recommendations. I lost my mom, too so my heart goes out to you. So glad you have family to support and grieve with you. Many blessings!

  181. Hi - I'm Cyndi's friend Marla and I love both your blogs/blog sites and I read your Mom's and I see where you both get your talent(s)!!!

  182. Hi Traci - I'm registering for the give away - I hope, since I'm not toooo computer literate with these sites, we'll see. I'm Cyndi's friend Marla and I love both your blogs. I also went to your Mom's site when you posted it on your blog. I see where you both get your talents!!!

  183. Traci, Congrats on your 100th post. I love your blog and your ideas, I found your blog recently and LOVE it. You are now in my blogroll. I always look forward to seeing what you are up too. I also just love your sister, and the banter between you too. I have a sister and can truly appreciate it the love you too share.

    Count me in for the giveaway, going to post about it on my blogs.


  184. I would LOVE to win! I check your blog almost daily and am amazed by your craftiness. Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  185. I am a new follower! This is why I cancelled my magazine subcriptions. So many wonderful decor bloggers!

  186. I don't know if I got entered before or not, but wanted to take a chance on getting this great giveaway! You always have great ideas, and fun things going on, on your blog! Have a great week!

  187. Love looking through you blog. Also would love to win this sign.

  188. I'm so excited to have come across your blog! I saw your christmas tiles on Tip Junkie and have since added you to my blog links. Thanks for all the great ideas! And, it would be awesome to win that darling plaque!

  189. OMG I just found this blog and love it~! Such great ideas!

  190. great blog, just found it today! congrats on your 100 posts, wishing you a 100 more!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  191. Congrats on 100 posts, love your blog!

  192. Love this verse...perfect reminder for this wife/mama/daughter/friend/etc... (and all the roles we play)

  193. I love that sign....I have seen it many times at HL. I almost got it last time for my girls' room.

    Congrats on your 100th.

    Blessings to you,


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