Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas in Heaven

We miss you so much.

We wish you were here.

Merry Christmas in Heaven, Mom.

I want to thank my sweet friend, Kim, at Seasons of my Heart, who I met through my blog this year.  Thank you for sharing this video with my sister and me.  I want to thank you and so many others in blogland for praying for our family.

I wish you all a very blessed Christmas day!


  1. May your Christmas be filled with all that is important! Thanks for sharing that sweet video. I am touched by it and will definitely forward it on to others.

    Blessings and hugs to you and your family this Christmas.


  2. Wow! It is so great!!!! The video is awesome!!!!
    Merry Christmas to all of your family!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the video with us ... I couldn't finish watching it ... made me cry too hard! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

  4. I want you to know how much I have been thinking of you and your family the past few days. My prayers go out to each one of you and I know the Lord will wrap his loving arm around you on this very hard day maybe even a little tighter than each day before.~Rebecca

  5. You have been on my mind constantly over the last couple of weeks & I have been keeping you in my prayers.

    Have a sweet Christmas day with your family!

  6. My prayers are with you today dear friend!
    What a celebration it must be in Heaven!

  7. What a sweet video to watch. I have a little baby boy in heaven and always wonder what he is doing in heaven. At Christmas time, I always think about him being at Jesus' birthday party.

    God bless you.


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