Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today is a great day!

I am being featured on Today’s Creative Blog today!!!

I received an email from Kim, the wonderful creator of Today’s Creative Blog, telling me that she would be featuring me today.

I cannot even tell you how excited I was! I love her blog.

Almost every day, she features a new blog. I love checking them out and finding new inspiration.
And I love to read Kim’s writing. She has a huge heart and a contagious spirit. Be sure to stop by and check her blog out.

Have a great day…I know I will!



  1. Congrats Traci...
    As always you do such a beautiful job. Your love for the work that you create and for people in general make people gravitate toward you. Your Christianity just shines through sweetie. I so love to come here, as the love is so strong. Thank you for sharing each day with me. I am so happy to stop by.

    See ya soon. Country hugs...Sherry

  2. WooHOO!! Way to go!! This is so deserved... Congrats!
    ~Shanty Sisters

  3. Just stopping by from TCB - can't wait to look around.

  4. Just popping over from TCB. Love your cute crafts and am definitely going to have to try your coaster idea :)

  5. Aww Traci I am so thrilled for you and I just know how proud your mom is today .... and always!

  6. Hurray!!!! Well deserved :) Great to see you in the limelight!

  7. Congratulations....I saw your feature earlier this morning.

  8. Great job! I love reading your blog and all the wonderfully creative things you do!

  9. Just popped over from TCB. Congratulations! I've already spent a ton of time reading through your posts. You are a very talented lady and have given me some great inspiration and ideas for our home.
    Many blessings to you :)

  10. Congratulations. I'm on my way to look at Kim's blog!!


  11. Yay, Kim found another gem in you, Traci! I just spent the last 1/2 hour exploring, and you have so inspired me- I seriously think I can make a slipcover :) I'm so sorry for your loss of your mother - I'm sure she was so very proud of you.

  12. I just found you from TCB! Looking forward to getting to know you.

  13. you are soooo crafty! i'm mistletoe green with envy! so many great ideas. and you make them seem so easy. give me courage do some of them on my own. thanks for blogging! and congrats on being featured on today's creative blog...that's how i found you!

  14. pk @ Room Remix

    Congrats Tracy! Very well deserved since you are one crafty lady. Hope you're having a good day.

  15. That was a wonderful feature, and much deserved!

  16. Congrats now I am off to read it.


  17. Traci, hi! I just read about you at Kim's blog. I can't wait to check out your blog! I loved what I saw over at Kim's; you are very talented girl!

  18. Congratulations Traci! Love your blog and enjoy all of the tutorials you do.

  19. wow! i just found your blog and to say that i am overwhelmed with your words would be putting it lightly.

    in march of this year, i lost my mother. it was a sudden illness and she left this world quickly. every day my heart aches for her. i chronicle many of my feelings about her in my own blog. i love your tributes to your mom on wednesdays. i hope you don't mind if i attempt to do something similar to honor my mother. the post from your brother was so beautiful. and, i, like him, feel that no other mother could surpass my mother.

    It feels like a big huge blessing to find you here in the blog world and i look forward to reading more about you.

  20. Congratulations! How great is that! You do have such a wonderful blog! I love to come here especially on Wednesdays! Thanks!

  21. Congrats on being featured! I always love it when I see a familiar face over at TCB. :)

  22. You deserve the recognition, your work is wonderful and inventive.

  23. Congrats Traci! Being featured is always an honor and in your case a well-deserved one :).

  24. What a great blog. Just spent faaaar too long reading back right into September while I should be working myself... You have shared some really beautiful projects and I like your style! Have become an instant follower. Keep up the great work!!!

  25. Lovely stuff - how do you keep it so clean & organized with 3 kids?!? Glad to have found your blog.

  26. Congrats on being honored by Kim. I love your coaster idea and I am using it for Christmas gifts. I just got done spraying the sealer in the garage! :-) Thanks for the cute ideas!


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