Monday, December 28, 2009

Wanna win a Free Blog Makeover?

You may have noticed in November that my blog got a new look.

It was created by some super talented girls at Designer Blogs.

They are having an awesome giveaway for the month of January…

4 Free Blog Makeovers!

To enter the giveaway, just click on the picture below.

(And if you don’t mind, mention that you heard about the giveaway from me in your comment. Thanks!)

And if you don’t win the giveaway, you can still get 30% off a blog makeover. That’s a great deal!



  1. I'm so into this one! I need one soooo badly I could... blog about it. So I did. :)


  2. Thanks for the tip. Imagine my surprise when I was looking at the sample blog designs and saw my cousin's blog. What a small world we live in!
    I'm really need a make-over, BAD!

  3. I have so admired your new look and just last night started thinking about adding my name to her wait list. Thanks for sharing this today. Your timing is so perfect.

  4. oh, I need one, too! Thanks so much!


  5. Thanks for the comment. I absolutely LOVE your blog! The things that you come up with is unbelievable! What an amazing gift you have! Keep it up!

  6. Hey Traci. I could definitely use this. Thanks for the heads up.

    Wishing you a cheery, happy, blessed and joyous New Year. (do you think I covered it)?... Tracy :)

  7. What a great giveaway! Your blog looks fabulous!! I love the special heart and scroll touches!



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