Thursday, January 28, 2010

Look what I got…

I got the coolest little thing in the mail. It’s from a childhood friend of mine, Norma, and I absolutely love it!

She said she knew I loved monogrammed things and that red was my favorite color (yes. yes.), so she made me this…


It’s a key chain! How cute are those polka-dots?! She didn’t know that I lu-huv polka-dots!

And she also said she knew that I loved stamped jewelry (yes, again.) So I flipped my lid when I saw this attached to the key chain…


Get back, Jack! How cute is that?!! Oh my goodness!!!


Please try not to be too jealous girls, okay?

I love that it slips around my wrist! It makes getting my two year old in and out of the car so much easier!


Thank you so much, Norma! You have blessed my heart!

She took some pictures of other key chains she has made.



Don’t ya’ll think she should open up an Etsy shop and sell this goodness?

I’ll let you know if she does. :)


I also got something else in the mail that I love!

Here’s a picture of it, but I’m not going to tell you what it is yet…


Oh, I am such a tease! If you can’t wait for me to tell you, you might find a clue in my sidebar. :0)


Lastly, I wanted to remind you that my Queen Bee Designs giveaway ends tonight at midnight! If you want a chance to win something as beautiful as this, you might want to click HERE.


I will announce the winner tomorrow!



  1. Oh that is cute, cute, cute!! Love it!

    ~ Sarah

  2. Norma should definitely open up an Etsy shop. I want to buy a keychain!!!!

  3. I love that key chain!! She should totally open a etsy shop!!

    I cheated and looked up your Monthly Pocket System. I can't wait to hear how you like it. Great idea!! I need something like that in my life.

    Also, a mom at my play group had a necklace on today from Queen Bee Designs!! It was so cute!!! I don't want to enter since I won your Lisa Leonard giveaway :O) Which is one it's way!! Can't wait to get it!!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. That is nice! She should definitely open up an Etsy shop!

  5. How precious is that key chain Traci! Love the polka dots too. So sweet!

    You will like my Spring giveaway if you like dots. Come by and enter! You never know I could draw you name yet again. *Smiles*

    I meant to tell you I *met* your sister recently on my blog and she is just as kind hearted as you are. You are a blessed family. I'm really honored to know you both.

    ~Blessings! ~Melissa :)

  6. I looooooooove my Pocket full of Posies!! I won it on a different blog about a month ago and I would have bought it if I didn't win it! It makes my life SO much easier and shopping SO much quicker. My husband loves that he has the control to choose whatever we eat all week too(it's a little thrill I give him). Anyway, you'll love it!

  7. What a sweet friend. She is very talented! I can't wait to hear more about your other package!


  8. That is so cute! What a great friend. Doesn't it feel soooo good to know someone cares about you? I think we all agree, a wristlet key chain (with embroidery & cute charm) is so necassary for us mommas!

  9. So cute! She should totally open etsy! Im thinking of it too! Let us know when its open... Lucky you!!!

  10. What a great key chain. I sure could use one. Encourage your friend to try them on Etsy or Artfire.


  11. What a sweet friend. I love the key chain holder she made you and my fave thing about it is the "beneath my heart" charm on it. so sweet.
    I checked out the pocket full of posies. They have a very creative concept going on there. Let us know how it works out for you.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  12. Well, I am soooo jealous.....I lu-huv it, too!! And, Michael ordered a necklace from Queen Bee for his girlfriend for Valentine's Day - very sweet. (I got something new and fun in the mail yesterday, too. I'll blog about it.) Hugs.

  13. Love them! Norma should definitely open an Esty shop. I know I would definitely purchase a couple of them. What a sweet friend!

    ~ Tracy

  14. Oh my word! That little stamped tag on the ring is over the top! Definitely yes! An Etsy shop is in order! I would order one for me, one for my sister, my Mom... What a great gift! Love your other mail surprise too and look forward to seeing what's up with that! = ) Great giveaway, too! Stamped jewelry is one of my favorite things!


  15. Thanks traci for your wonderful post!!! I am so glad you liked it. Thanks everyone for the great comments, I 'll be sure and open an Etsy shop just as soon as I can get caught up. I'll be sure and let traci know.

    Blessing to you



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