Monday, January 11, 2010

Please Help Me!

Good Monday morning to you!

I need a HUGE favor from all of you wonderful ladies out there!

I have a chance to win a ticket to go to the 2010 BlissDom Conference!

What is BlissDom? It is a conference for women bloggers to give them the tools they need to grow a more successful and fulfilling blog.

Skimbaco Lifestyle is hosting a writing contest, and I entered it. The criteria was to write a post about living life to the fullest. Of course, I wrote mine about how my mom taught me to count my blessings every day. (It's a short post and only takes a few seconds to read...I promise.)

But I can't win without your vote.

All you have to do is leave a comment on my post at Skimbaco Lifestyle, (not this post). You do not have to have a blog or a blogger account to leave a comment. Just leave your name and email account when you sign in to leave a comment.

Your email address will NOT be used for anything else other than to publish your comment.

I double checked!

Can you imagine if I won? Three days out of the house, enjoying my time with other amazing bloggers? I've never been gone that long from my kids and husband! Won't ya help a girl's dream come true? (No offense, honey.) :)

If I win, I will be sure to share everything I learn with you and take lots of fun pictures!

Click on the button to read my entry and leave a comment...

P.S. If you are a personal friend of mine, you MUST vote. It's not a choice...I know where you live! :)

If you are a former student of mine, I know you are reading this and you better do what the teacher says! :)

If you are a relative of mine, (and I've got a lot of relatives all over Kentucky!), you better vote for me or I won't make buckeyes for Christmas next year!

And if you are a follower of my blog, but you have never met me, well...I'm just glad you are a follower, and I sure would appreciate your vote.

Now go!



  1. Traci..
    from my heart..
    no enticement needed..
    I voted for you!

  2. If I vote, does that make us "personal friends"? :) I hope you win!

  3. Just got back from leaving my comment. Good luck!

  4. Good luck Traci! Just voted ~ You deserve it girl! ~Ashley

  5. How exciting! I so hope you win and will head on over for a vote :).

  6. You definitely have my vote!

    ~ Tracy

  7. done! good luck :)

  8. Just voted, Good Luck, what a great prize, you deserve it! (stop by and enter my giveaway, it's pretty cool)

  9. I just voted. Good Luck Traci.

  10. You've got my vote. Hope you win!

  11. I voted for you but I feel like I'm going to lose if you win. Either I'm going to have to go with you or help babysit 4 boys! My work is never done. What would you do with out me????

  12. I just left a comment over there. I hope that you win!

    Lee Laurie

  13. Thank you again Traci for sharing your mama with us. My mama gave me a hug to give you, from a mama that's here to a daughter that needs one so here's her hug ((( ))). I've got her reading your blog and this is a woman that thinks computers are for the birds.
    Thank you!! God Bless you.

  14. I found your post and left a comment, but the first post I found on the blog when I clicked your link wasn't your post but someone else's. I clicked the button to find your post. Good Luck, I hope you win!

  15. Traci,

    I am a new blogger and enjoyed looking through your posts this morning. I read your pieces about your mother (I am sorry for your loss) Good luck in the Blissdom giveaway. I will be returning.



I am so glad to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Blessings!

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