Monday, February 15, 2010

My first video tutorial

I just posted a tutorial on how to make my magnet boards earlier today.  I had hoped to post my video, but couldn’t get it to work.

Making this video and trying to post it has definitely been a learning experience!

I tried to upload it 4 or 5 times but nothing worked.

I finally tried to upload a different copy of the video, and it worked!  Unfortunately, this video wasn’t the one I wanted to post.  I had better music on the other one, but oh well!  What do you do? 

I hope and pray that you will still keep following me after you watch this.  Promise me that you won’t think I’m a weird-o, okay?

Pinky promise?

(You may want to hit pause and let the video fully load before playing.)

Nervously awaiting your approval…



  1. That video was great!! I love your accent, I'm in TX so wasn't put off at all! ;-)

  2. I thought it was a great tutorial! I want to go get the materials and make one now. Thanks!

  3. You did a great job!! Perfect tutorial..especially for the uncrafy girl like me!!
    Love it!
    Thank you!

  4. You are even more of a doll in person than I imagined!!

    Loved the tutorial, I have been waiting for you to show your secrets on those babies...I will be making some soon!


  5. Great job! It is always weird taking to a lens and trying to be natural but you did a wonderful job!

  6. I wouldn't even know where to start so I'd say you did a fabulous job! I love that board - buy or make myself???

  7. Great instructions! Yes, that pink one would be super cute in a girls room.

  8. I thought it awesome! Definitely saw the teacher side of you after hearing your voice and seeing the tutorial! Also kudos on being able to do it with three boys!

  9. I've been following your blog for awhile now. I'm HOOKED!!! After watching your "tutorial", I learned things in it that I didn't know from your written instructions. Great job!!

  10. That was great! The magnet boards would be a great gift! Thanks for sharing!

  11. A great tutorial! I am not so crafty and your explanation was easy to follow. I hope you will consider doing more of these!

  12. I liked your video. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Love, love the tutorial. I too love the pink polka-dot but like you I only have boys. Thanks so much Traci!! And I love the accent...I'm from NC and have a "country" accent as well. :)

  14. Traci,
    You did a great job with your first video tutorial. I liked the music and your directions were very clear.
    Love your accent and that fabulous french manicure. : )
    No worries. I think we will all still be coming back.

  15. Great Job!!! I loved the pink and brown. I had been wondering how you made the bow on the front. I love these!!

  16. Hey Traci. Your video was absolutely great. I loved getting to watch you video and hearing you almost like a live person. Your voice actually reminded me of mine. I have a lower voice and a accent even heavier than yours so it didn't sound different to me at all. Anyway you look like an old pro at this. Love the magnet board almost as much as getting to come in to visit you.

    Hugs....Tracy :)

  17. Great video!! And I love your 'little bit country' :)

  18. Great tutorial Traci! Thanks for sharing your technique with us. I'm a Ga. girl so I love the accent!

  19. You did a great job! Cute polka dotty board! My daughter(s) will now want one! Thank you for showing me how!

    (p.s. I am not the Mini Bean..that is my daughter...I can't figure out how to stop being her!)

  20. I really liked the tutorial, you just seemed a tad nervous :) But I would be too if it was me. The only thing I thought about when it comes to the video was that the music was a little loud compared to when you were speaking, but that's just nitpicking and very understandable since it's all new. And those magnet boards were just so cute - great job!

  21. What a cutie you are :) Those boards are just adorable, and your first tute was great. Hope you make lots more so we can hear your wonderful southern drawl!

  22. I am sooooo not a crafty person....BUT.....I think I can do this!! Fab tutorial Traci, I am from Australia so an American accent sounds the same to me wherever you are from! Hope you & your family have a blessed day!! TK

  23. I am sooooo nota crafty person....BUT.....I think I could do this!! Fab tutorial & I am from Australia so I think an American accent sounds all the same no matter where you are from!! Have a blessed day! TK

  24. Love this and LOVE YOU!!! You did a great job! I am a loud girl too so feel free to find a kindred spirit in me. :)


  25. This was such a great idea to do a tutorial. I love your magnet boards. I'm gonna try to make one for my shabby office. It seems easier watching you actually make one than just reading about it. Thanks.

    Oh and your accent sounds 'southern'. I'm a southern girl too from Ms.

    Lee Laurie

  26. Great tutorial! I may just attempt to make one.

    I loved seeing and hearing you. You sounded exactly as I imagined but maybe that's because I'm a southern girl too. I couldn't help but think over and over again "her Mom would be so proud".

  27. Wow excellent tutorial - step by step, very imformative and love your accent.

  28. You are too cute! Thanks for a perfect tutorial!

  29. You're gonna laugh - all I could think about was "I wish I had put a backing on the cross stitch bookmark she won from my blog!" :) Next time I'll hot glue a backing on it to give it more of a "professional" look. :)

    So glad you've got a deep country voice! If it had been a petite little voice I wouldn't have loved it so much! Thanks for sharing your magnet boards with us. What a treat!

    You did a great job! I'm looking forward to more in the future.

  30. I love it! You are too cute!
    And you know we don't buy them because we're just as thrifty as you are. :)

  31. Great tutorial! You made it look so easy! I like how the music filled in those akward silent moments.
    I was a little surprised by your accent. I'm a northern gal, so it's not too often I hear the southern drawls.
    Great job on the magnet board! Lisa

  32. Traci, what a great tutorial! Don't feel shy, you did a great job and I know you will just keep getting better & better as you feel more comfortable doing it.

    Thank you for sharing your great board tut!

    Gina (aka CraftTeaLady)

  33. I'm cracking up!! But I thought it was great!! You look beautiful, I had no idea you crafted in such nice shirts and still love those nails!
    Love ya sis

  34. GReat job and beautiful as always!! :) These are so cute. My favorite part is the magnets -- so stinking cute!! (I forgot to tell you I added you to my blogroll!)

  35. Great job with the tutorial and your first online video! Thanks for sharing.

  36. awesome video, great tutorial! you did a great job!

  37. Traci your video was so adorable! I loved your Southern accent. I just wanted to see your big smile from your picture right at the end :) Thanks for the tutorial, I think I'm going to have to make one for my mother-in-law, she loves to tack up pictures and drawings from the kids, etc. She would just love this!

  38. Hi Traci,
    You did fabulous my friend! Living in Wisconsin, I love hearing southern accents and your's is so cute! Your blog has really taken off, good for you! Hugs, Cindy

  39. You've got my approval, Traci! I enjoyed the video--it was really fun getting to hear your voice. By the way, I really like your deep voice and your accent. AND I like your magnet boards! It's very kind of you to share your technique.

    Have a great day!

  40. I'm a lurker, not a blogger and I think you did an awesome job with your video and tutorial. Even I, a noncrafty person, can follow it. And what's not to love about a southern accent.

  41. you did a great job...I know something like that is hard to pull together--but you made it look easy. Looking forward to many more tutiorals.

    Linda @ Kindlelight Blessings

  42. I think you did great on that tutorial,, and not too country at all,, I'm as country sounding as they come so I know, ha ha. I cant wait to try and make one of those. Thanks for sharing with us.

  43. Traci you really did an awesome job on your video..I know your Mom would be so proud.Thanks for sharing. P.S. I've lived in the south so long, I didn't notice you had an accent, but you spoke clearly & with distinction. Sue

  44. WONDERFUL job my friend!! And, you are so STINKIN' cute to boot! :-)

  45. Great video and great tutorial!! Thanks!

  46. Great job! I love the black and the burlap together. Two of my favorite decorating elements. The magnetic boards are such a good idea!

  47. Great tutorial! Just wondering, how did you actually hang the board on the wall? I was thinking the hot-glued ribbon would not be strong enough to hang over a nail.

  48. In my video, my magnet board is just hung on the wall with a thumb tack! For a more permanent hold, I would use a nail or some cute little hook. The magnet board is EXTREMELY light weight so the hot-glued ribbon is very capable of holding it up. Thanks for your question.

  49. You're wonderful, Traci! I think you need to keep making the tutorial videos. You're a natural:) Martha Stewart may lose her job.

  50. I love it! You are so cute and you have a great voice! (and the louder the better in my opinion! ;D)

  51. I totally expected a light proper You have the same sound as me! I have a deeper voice w/ a southern accent. The tutorial was really good. You looked fab the whole time!

  52. Traci,
    Great tutorial! I had seen instructions on another blog, but seeing it demonstrated by you made it look real simple! I am looking forward to trying one myself. Also you did a great job with your 1st video tutorial; hope to see you do more!
    Have a blessed day!

  53. Yeah, that's it. Not following you any more. Not only because - AGAIN - you don't look anywhere near 39, but you're darn sweet and I love your accent. Yeah, forget it. Done!! :D

  54. I am so proud of you!!! You did a FANTASTIC job!!!! And I'll bet that your mother would be SOOO very happy for you!! YAY!!!!!

    One you hang this by the ribbon? Is it study enough to hold it up???

    Mrs. U

  55. You are a natural - you shouldn't have been nervous at all. I loved it and thanks for sharing that with us. It was especially nice to actually see the real you. You are even more wonderful than I thought.
    Can't wait for you to do more...hmmm maybe a series - tutorial tuesday perhaps.?

  56. Traci how precious is this board and you are a doll! Your looked and sounded great. No need to be nervous. You're a pro! *Smiles*

  57. I love this tutorial! I don't have the moeny to buy one and I will make one following your tutorial. Thank you. And by the way, you are lovely! Blessings to you!!

  58. I think you did great on the video tutorial. Just the right amount of instructions with words, instructions without words, pace, everything! :)

  59. Oh, by the way, great manicure! :)

  60. Traci,

    Your tutorial was great! I didn't know those things were so easy. I have been eyeing the Ballard ones forever and just couldn't justify the cost. I can now! Will be pulling out the burlap (AGAIN!) tomorrow.

    I think you sounded exactly as I expected. Your accent reminds me of family, I love it! You are adorable and you can tell that you are a genuinely nice person. Looking forward to more videos.

  61. I love love love your blog!!!!!!! Every Wednesday I am up early to "see" Wednesdays with Wanda.....I was 32 when my Mom passed share your love and life so beautifully...your shares about your Mom make me want to be a better Mom..wife...friend!!!!! All that and now VIDEO TUTORIALS!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!! I can't wait to go to Lowe's and buy sheet metal lol I have a Goodwill on the way have to stop in and check it out too! Love your sharings!!! Love that accent YA'LL!!

  62. Really enjoyed the video, adding that to my to do list:-)

  63. That was awesome, you have made me confident enough to know that i can make one too, thanks. I may feature this on my blog and will link back to you if i do.

  64. Traci

    I am a little late seeing this video. AWESOME! You need to do more videos. That accent is fine with me, cause I am in Tennessee! I was the one who emailed you about my kitchen table. I haven't started that project yet, but hopefully will in a couple of weeks from now. Thanks again and make more videos.. You are great!


  65. The video is great- thanks for doing this and you did a great job. I am a big fan of your blog!

  66. Thanks for the video tutorial...I LOVED having a visual as opposed to written instructions only. I'm a big fan of Ballard Design as well and wanted to make one of these a while back, so I was really glad to find your blog with the instructions! Great job!

  67. Great tutorial. Loved the polka dotted one. I will have to make some off these for my nieces. Thanks...



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