Friday, February 26, 2010

Wanna grow your blog?

If you dream of growing your blog, you need to read this.

One of the sessions at BlissDom was called “Connecting with your Community of Readers.”

And one of the fabulous speakers at that session was Laurie from Tip Junkie.


I had the privilege of meeting her, and she is fabulous inside and out!  She’s the cutie in the dark green shirt in the front row.


For all of you that didn’t get to go to BlissDom, Laurie has taken the time to write out all of the helpful information that was shared in the session, “Connecting with your Community of Readers”.

I have read through it and LOVE it.  She shares so many helpful tips and ideas of how to connect with your readers, many of which I am going to try and implement.

So I wanted to share the links with you. 

There are three parts….LOTS of helpful information. 

Take the time to read them. You won’t be disappointed.

Connecting with your Community of Readers:


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Thank you, Laurie, for taking the time to share all of this great information with us!

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. Thanks so much for this, Traci!

    Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

    P.S. Are y'all Kentucky fans? I've kind of assumed that you are. . . but I know you have a relative who is the USC coach. Made me wonder who you were rooting for in the game last night. :)

  2. Thanks, Traci! You are such an angel!

  3. Thanks so much for posting this. I have really been thinking about trying to "Grow" my blog lately...this is just what I needed!!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I read the first installment and it was SOOO helpful! I am trying to grow my Creative Memories business with a Facebook page, and I feel like a lot of the tips apply there,too! Thanks!

  5. I SO need to read this Traci! Thanks a million for the scoop. And whatever you're doing seems to be working! Look at all those followers! Send some my way would ya? Ha! JK

  6. I'm going to read the installments now. And I have to agree, it's so important to connect w/ the readers of your blog (btw I know that you do and it makes you seem more real to me than just a pic) b/c some bloggers feel slighted if they're not reached out to.

  7. Hi Traci
    I'm coming over to visit you from another blog.
    Thanks for the good information from the seminar.

    I also signed up to follow you so I will be back often.


  8. Thanks so much Traci! I'm new to the blogging world, after enjoying reading so many great blogs (like yours!), so this was really helpful!

  9. Traci! Thanks so much for the links. I have been waiting and waiting for someone to share some wealth they've gained from Blissdom! Bless YOUR heart for this info! I'm off to read. :)


  10. Hi Traci! I really enjoyed this post. I just read all three parts and I'm sure I will read them again. Thanks again. :)

  11. Thank you so much! I have been curious to all the wonderful information you all learned at Blissdom. It is so nice for someone to share!! :)

  12. Hi Traci!

    I have been reading Lauries series and it really is a great help to me!

    I wanted you to know that you have an award over at my blog!!!

  13. Thank you for your inspiration and friendship! I am always eager to learn more about this whole "blogging" world. :)


  14. I didn't get to go to this session. Thanks for the info. I sat at your table two times and didn't get the chance to say hello. :-(


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