Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

No tears this week, I promise.

Last week, I wrote about Mom and Dad’s anniversary which made a lot of us cry, especially me.  But I am so thankful that I have this blog to document their love.  I can’t wait for my boys to read it when they are older, so they can see the value of a committed marriage.

I LOVED reading all of your comments.  You have no idea how much they mean to me.  Many of you have parents with similar love stories and anniversaries.  It was beautiful to read. 

Thank You.

I have said before that Mom used to write for our local town newspaper about 20 years ago.

I remember her working on her recipes at home.  She was so cute!

Each week she would be “stressing” over what recipes to include in her article.  Many times we were her “guinea pigs” trying out her recipes. 

At first, her column in the paper just included the recipes.  But then she suggested to the editor that they add pictures to her column.  The editor agreed, and then Mom became a “food photographer” as well.

Many times I remember her taking pictures of our food on our plates before we began eating.   Hmmmm…..that sounds a little like us bloggers, doesn’t it?

I remember her setting up the table for each picture.  If it was around a holiday, she would add decorations to go with the theme.

Sometimes her pictures would include members of our family, or a friend from work, or props from around our house.

The picture for today’s column that I am sharing with you makes me smile.

That is our kitchen counter, Mom’s black purse, and her cute little keys.  Precious. 

The note she wrote says, “Potluck supper at the Gillum’s tonight! 7:30”

Doris Gillum was Mom’s life-long best friend.  She loved Doris.  She used to tell us stories of funny things they would do together as young wives and mothers.  They were best  friends for over 40 years! God truly blessed them with a very special friendship.

Instead of writing out Mom’s article, I decided to scan it.  I think it is more fun to actually see the article.

I love all of these recipes, especially the hash brown casserole.  It is soooo delicious.  I make this for every church potluck or family gathering that I go to.  Except instead of using the bag of hash brown potatoes and a large onion, I use the Ore Ida Potatoes O’Brien which has red and green peppers already mixed in it.  Delish!  I also like to sprinkle buttered corn flakes on top of my casserole for some extra “crunch”. 

I hope you enjoy these recipes!






Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day!



  1. That article made me smile. I make the same hashbrown casserole for pot luck dinners at church all of the time too. It is a delicious recipe. Thanks for sharing this blessing today.

  2. It so nice that you have those treasures left from your mom! Memories you will always have to share with your sons and also us lucky bloggers! Thank you for sharing this treasured memory!

  3. Hi Traci--

    This is precious! I love the way you simply scanned the article so that we can see it.

    My favorite part is the "Food for thought." This is really good advice, since there will always be people who, for one reason or other, do speak ill of us. This is another way of saying that we should be above reproach--and it's true!

    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Oh how neat! I love that you used the original pic. You look just like your mom!

  5. Morning Traci!
    Thanks for sharing the article. I have been to many potlucks where there has been hashbrown casserole...all i can say is YUMMMY! The pan is always empty. I was finally able to get the recipe from the person who made it years ago. So, just giving a ten star rating to anyone reading the recipes on your blog. It's good stuff. your family will love it. besides, Wanda approved of it. That should be enough endorsement, right? : ) have a blessed day!

  6. Aww, that's neat.....and to scan it and show the real thing is a GREAT idea!

  7. I am so glad you scanned the actual article! I loved seeing the real deal--and your mother's picture! That hashbrown casserole is still a family favorite around here!

  8. Traci, you are so precious! I just enjoy reading your blogs. It is so funny when I began looking at the receipes. I made the exact Pot. casserole! My family has loved it for years. Thanks for sharing! You are a little blessing to many.

  9. You have such wonderful things to blog about. I'm so glad I found your blog.

    It was so like your Mom was blogging for the newspaper. What a fun job!

    Once again, thanks for sharing!

  10. Traci --

    I love your Wednesdays with Wanda. What a wonderful way to document your memories. I lost my dad about 5 years ago and miss him every day. I think this is wonderful.


  11. You do look just like your mother. I'm sure you hear that a lot! I'll have to try the hashbrown casserole. I'm sure my kids would really love it!

  12. YUM! Some of those sound absolutely delicious! That spice cake might make an appearence on our dinner table!

  13. I LOVE potlucks! All that good, home-cooked food with tons of variety. We make the hashbrown casserole recipe all the time and love it, except we call it "Cheesey Party Potatoes". I usually add some ham to mine so I can call it dinner! My family loves it. Thanks for sharing all these great recipes!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing today! I love the sound of the chocolate spice cake! Mmm!! I also love her "food for thought" reminds me of a scripture somewhere in the New Testament, but I can't seem to find it! Going to go dig deeper to find it! Hope your Wednesday is wonderful!!

  15. I love your "Wednesdays with Wanda" posts. Thank you so much for sharing Traci.

  16. I loved seeing the article. Thanks for doing that. If you have it, would you include the date of the newspaper? I'm just curious.

  17. Those recipes look like they'd be so simple to do! Especially the broccoli casserole. I can see those easily becoming dinner staples in my home. That's so awesome you have newspaper articles w/ your mom's recipes to keep.

  18. Traci, you always right the perfect thing about your mum. I love Wednesdays with Wanda.

  19. You, along with your mom, are such an inspiration. You inspire me to be a better Christian, mother, daughter, crafter,.... I enjoy everything you share with us, so thank you!

  20. Traci,
    thank you for sharing your wonderful memories with us each week! It blesses us too!
    If you don't mind, I'm hoping to print your "It Matters" and share it with several ladies at Bible Study tomorrow. Would that be OK with you?
    Dee Dee

  21. Ok, I didnt get to do my weekly wednesday eye cleansing today but I did get a new recipe to try, that bean,corn, pea salad sounds yummy!!! You will be getting something in the mail soon,a little pink and a little bling!!!

  22. Smiling through tears. Thank you for sharing your sweet memories!

  23. We make that potoato casserole all the time, especially during the holidays, it is so yummy!

  24. What a beautiful way to honor your mom's life! and YES that is SO much like us bloggers! ironic!! ;) love the food for thought quote!
    Just Jenn~


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