Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wooden Fruit Stand

Last month I found a cute little wooden fruit stand at Goodwill.


I guess it’s a fruit stand? I’m sure it could hold many other things as well.

My eye was immediately drawn to it because of it’s shape. I loved all of the curves all over it. Very cottage-y.


I wasn’t crazy about the dark wood color, but knew that it would look great painted white.

And it was only $3.50! I knew I would use it somewhere…if not in my house, then in our guest house.

When you are shopping for items at Goodwill, look at the shape or outline of an item. If it is an ugly color or has an ugly picture on it, don’t let that stop you from buying it. Paint covers a multitude of ugliness!

I tried something a little different on this piece. I rubbed all of the edges that I would be sanding with candle wax before I primed it.

Why? Because sometimes I have trouble sanding off the primer to get down to the wood. It frustrates the heck out of me!

I saw somewhere in blogland that someone used candlewax on the edges before painting. So I thought I would give it a try!

After I rubbed all the edges with my candle, I used a spray primer to prime it.

Then I painted the whole thing white. I used Krylon Satin white spray paint from Walmart.


I had to paint it in the garage and then bring it inside to dry. I cannot wait for warmer weather so I can do more painting outside!

Then I used my sanding sponge to sand all of the edges. I think the candle wax worked! The paint just sanded right off!



Ooooh, I loved how it was turning out!

Then for the final step, I applied a layer of Valspar Mocha Glaze to give it a little more of a vintage look.


I got this bottle at Lowe’s forever ago, and I have done a million projects with it. It lasts for-e-va!

I applied the glaze with a paper towel, and wiped it on and off until I got the look I was after. It’s a subtle difference, but I love how it turned out!


Then I just put some of my artificial apples I got from Marshall’s in it, and I was finished!

I love it!

Now for a parade of pictures of my little beauty…

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Well, that’s all!

A very easy project, but I am so happy with the way it turned out.

Here is a sneak peek of a project I’ll share with you next week…


Have a blessed day!


  1. I think I need to try that candle-wax trick too! Thanks for the tip. Your project looks wonderful.

  2. She's a beauty now...kind of like Pretty Woman!!! :D


  3. So much prettier now! What a great Goodwill find.

  4. Traci, that turned out gorgeous! What a beautiful piece you've made!

  5. Traci, I have been following your blog for some time now and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it. You are so down to earth and God's love shines through you to your readers. The revamp of the fruit stand is just great. Thank you for sharing as I would have passed this item by in a heart beat because it looked so "early american". Your vision for this has paid off and it looks fab on your table. ~judi ;)
    from the

  6. Looks great, who would have thought to do that! I love your black hutch also! I have the same picture with my initial too! Great minds think alike!


  7. Love thew bowl! Love stuff like that. Especially for that price!

  8. Morning Traci!
    Isn't it amazing what a little paint does? I love the transormation and your tip of using candle wax. I have a few pieces of things I would love to spray paint, but it's 30 degrees here in IL so I will have to wait for spring.
    I gotta tell you though, that fruit sure does look real.
    Looking forward to your other project. Looks like maybe it involves candles???
    Have a blessed day. : )

  9. Oh wow.. that turned out so nice.. great job!

  10. It turned out FANTASTIC!! I am for sure going to try out the candle wax trick.... sanding through primer is one of my least favorite things to do!

  11. I LOVE it! Now I'll be on the lookout for something like it. You did a great job. And thanks for the tip about the candlewax. Thats worth trying.
    Sarah, a fairly new follower

  12. What a great find! I love how it turned out.

  13. Looks great...i can see it working for holidays as well

  14. I bought the same bowl at the goodwill- I love how yours turned out...I think I'll have to paint mine today! I put a candle with pinecones around it but I like the fruit idea. All your projects turn out so well ~

  15. Good Morning Traci sweetie...
    I love this beautiful fruit bowl. I have seen them at the GW but for the life of me, I couldn't invision a beauty. Guess what? I sure can now. Thank you for sharing. So beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing as always. I love to stop by for a visit.

    Country hugs and much love...Sherry

  16. Oh wow Traci! That was such a great transformation. I love your vision. I will be picking up that glaze for sure - I've got a few projects I've been putting off. I'm also gonna try the candlewax trick too.

  17. I had to chuckle because I found the same item at our Goodwill yesterday!! Now I know exactly what it will look like with a fresh coat of paint. I love how it turned out!!!

  18. I know there are many people who think painting wood is sacrilege, but here is proof that sometimes it's a good thing. Your fruit stand looks so much better white!

  19. Love it Tracey! The candle wax tip I am going to try! Love the distressed look!

    Lou Cinda :)

  20. That looks great! I wasn't sure at first, it looked so 70's in brown but it totally works in white. I love the brown showing through on the edges! Now I wish it was mine :)

  21. Traci, I love your fruit stand. It turned out wonderful. I will have to remember the candle wax trick. Thanks!

    Another great project...guess I have to file this one away too! :)
    Have a blessed Thursday!

  22. That is so beautiful! I love your technique...and your house...and your project...and your sweet spirit...and I could go on and on=).

  23. ooooooh, I love it!, Cant wait to see what next weeks project is.

  24. Very nice...Looks like you would pay more for the item. Thank you for the tips. I always have a hard time too. Once the snow clears (June) I will start painting again. Thanks for all the ideas.

  25. Love it, Traci! As soon as I saw the first picture I thought shabby chic/cottage ~ she's got to paint it white! It turned out so good. Love the faux apples added to it, but you are right that this could be used in so many different ways ~ craft room, sewing room, bathroom, home office. A very versatile piece!

  26. Very pretty, i love the idea. Definately a trash to treasure...and the apples look so real and juicy!

    Linda @ Kindlelight Blessings

  27. Uber cute!! You have sold me on the candle wax idea. Love this little project. :)


  28. Wow! So cute! This would have cost a bundle in a store!

  29. I LOVE it! It turned out so well! Now I really really want one for my kitchen table!! Good job on it!

  30. Gorgeous! And I have the same scrapbook paper that you showed in your sneak peek. Can't wait to see what you did with it! Mine is wrapped around decorative candles. :)

  31. Oh I love it! Turned out great! Add that to my list of desired items at GW. Thanks for the suggestion about the wax. = ) I'm with you on the painting...I have projects lined up!

  32. Traci,
    As cute and creative as ever!
    Dee Dee

  33. It looks so good!! Aren't you glad you saw it's potential?

  34. I love that! I just bought some hanging trays for our kitchen and they have those EXACT curves! I'll be keeping mine the honey color because I want to bring some warmth to our all-white kitchen, but I love what you did with yours. I'll have to give this candle wax thing a go!

  35. Such a good job! I really need to go to Goodwill more often! This is beautiful!

  36. HI Traci! Oh, darlin', you're just the smartest one! I love this and how it turned out! You know, I believe my mother had one of these at one time and kept the rubbery faux fruit in it. Now I'm going to be on the lookout for one of these! Did I tell you you're just good at this stuff? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  37. Great job. It's something I most likely would have passed up at the store - - since I don't have your creativity. Love how nice it looks now on your table. Beautiful.

  38. Wow, it turned out great and the green apples were the perfect embellishment!

  39. Oh My Gosh!! I did the exact same post on a bowl I bought at Goodwill. The bowl looks like yours except for the top. I also distressed it by using a candle and painting gotta see.

    I love these types of wooden bowls..soooo cute Traci!!

  40. What a wonderful project!! I remember from Trading Spaces back in the day that they used a bar of soap. They would hit the edges and high spots with soap to make it sand easier. Just a thought. Keep the great ideas coming. I am so glad I stumbled across your blog. Have a wonderful weekend.

  41. I have been to dozens of Goodwills in two states now and never find anything good! I am the WORST treasure hunter.

    That is GORGEOUS!!!

  42. Hmmmmmmm I thought I posted earlier how much I loved this but I dont see it above. Anyways, I thought Id let you know that I was at my moms today and she gave me a stack of Country Living & similar magazines and guess what? I just saw almost the exact same wooden pedestal in one of them!This is the Country Sampler Mag from January 2008, page 50...just in case you ever want to see it. They kept it the original wood color but I like yours a whole lot more! Just thought Id let you know that Id seen it in print:)

  43. Beautiful - I should look at things beyond what they are and see what they could be with a fresh coat of paint. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration and tips you always provide!

  44. Oh, I just LOVE this! It has all the perfect curves and shapes.
    Great find!

  45. Love the way it turned out. I will for sure try the candle wax trick next time. Thanks for the tip.
    Blessings to you, Amy

  46. It looks so much better in the white! What a great transformation.

  47. This is SO pretty, Traci!! I LOOOOVE IT!!!!

    And your other post about cooking? I would SURELY love it if you could be my next door neighbor! I would HAPPILY cook for you every single day if only you would come and decorate my house!!! I am SO clueless about where to start!!!! :)

    Mrs. U

  48. I love this! I'll definitely have to give the candle wax a try on some upcoming projects. :) Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and comment on my blog! :) Take care!

  49. I love that. You really gave it a second life. It is perfect Traci.

  50. Oh my... I am loving this stand! It turned out just gorgeous! I keep reading about people using the Smoke glaze... does the Valspar work the same way? Just wondering before I invest! Thanks for your input! :) I value it greatly!

  51. Hi Traci-
    I just found your blog and I'm in love!! How I never ran accross you is beyond me, I'm so glad I did, now if I could just have a few extra hours in my day to spend looking around your place :)
    Take care-
    I'll have to put you on my blog list so I don't loose your sight, ha ha

  52. love it !!! TFS!!!!


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