Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday with Wanda

I have shared with you before how Mom always liked to write in her Bibles.

Sometimes she wrote her own thoughts, sometimes notes from a sermon, and sometimes sayings or poems that she liked.

Nevertheless, I am so glad she did.

I have two of Mom’s bibles that I treasure. One is older, and I keep it at home to use during my quiet time. Dad gave Mom this Bible on her birthday in 1993. As you can tell, the cover is tattered and torn.


Inside the cover of her bible is written,

“If my Bible is torn apart…my life is not.”

The other Bible I have is not quite as old. It was also given to her by Dad for her birthday in 2003. Dad knew how much Mom loved God’s word! I take it to church with me each Sunday. She has written throughout that Bible as well. I love to be reading a scripture in Sunday School or the worship service and see Mom’s handwritten notes explaining the verses. I can almost hear her voice reading them to me.

Mom knew the importance of reading and studying God’s word. And I have no doubt that it was the years that she spent in His word that gave her the peace she so obviously displayed the last days of her life.

I found some of Mom’s writings in her Bible that I wanted to share with you.


She had written all the way down the side of the page, and I think it may be notes from a sermon. The notes are about this verse:

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by the streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

Psalms 1:2,3

Here are her notes:

The moments that sustain us are those moments invested in true devotion and fellowship with the Lord. Meditation on His word is the passport to wisdom, innumerable blessings, and unspeakable peace. Yet at its foundation, it is a practical exercise:

Setting aside time- It doesn’t matter the time of day. More important is your frame of mind.

Stillness- Being still before God means turning off the tv, radio, and phone. (And I will add, computer.) Pray for God to quiet your Spirit.

Silence- Meditation involves active listening. As you pray and read God’s Word, listen for His still, small voice.

Seclusion- It is important that you meditate alone, developing a personal relationship with your Father.

Meditation quiets your Spirit, purifies your heart, produces a hunger for God and His Word, and increases your view of God.


I cannot tell you how much Mom still inspires me! As I read the words she has written down in her bible, I am reminded again of where my priorities should be.

And I will be honest with you, I struggle with this. I confess that I struggle to find time in the day to spend in God’s word, and yet I never miss spending time on my blog. I always have time for that!

But no matter how much I love this blog and all the ways God has blessed me through it, my blog will never give me the peace that I saw in my mom’s life as she faced death. She had a peace that passed all understanding. A peace that could have only come from a life grounded in God’s word.

I want my boys to have more memories of their Mom with her Bible in her lap, than her computer. I’m not doing very good at this right now. Please pray that I will do better.

Thank you, Mom, for showing me the importance of reading God’s word. And for showing me throughout your illness the strength that can only be found in Him.

From beneath my heart,



  1. Thank you for sharing this. I recently was given two new bibles because I posted that my was falling apart.

    I love the new ones, but I treasure the "old" one. (It's only five, I'm a new believer.)

  2. Sometimes the perfect things are relayed to others thru a blog post! I think this post is one of those today! Thank for passing this message along! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Traci,
    Your mom was special and very wise. We all struggle with making time with God a priority. I have especially found it difficult ever since blogging. This is a good kick for me to make some changes for the better. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing Traci. I write in my Bible too. Some people won't write in thier Bible's but I love to jot down notes and thoughts and etc. I also journal and I got to looking at some of my journals recently and was just in awe at God was at work in my how each word I wrote had a meaning to the prayers answered and I could go on and on. Thanks for sharing this with us. Be blessed. Cindy

  5. What a legacy your mother left you through her bible, and the inscription she wrote at the front couldn't possibly be more true. Have you ever heard the song "Legacy" by Nicole Nordeman? I think it would really touch you!

    You have such a precious heart, and that pours through the screen each time I come here. Thank you so much!


  6. Good Morning Traci! Wednesdays with Wanda is such a wonderful reading each week and today isn't any different. I too struggle with quiet times as well. I don't want my kids to remember more on the computer than in God's word. I will be sure to pray for you.
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us today.

  7. Awww Traci those words are all so very true. Your Mother left you such a Godly heritage! She sure found the path didnt she? The path to the Joy forevermore the smells and the fields and beauty she now beholds in His Gloryland! Blessed be the Lord, and Blessed be a Godly woman who lights the path for her daughter. She only went on ahead and she waits for her loved ones Traci... Love,
    Janet ox

  8. I love your Wednesdays with Wanda series. Your mother is an inspiration to me also! She reminds me of what is most important in life...our relationship with the Lord and serving Him first and foremost. She makes me want to be a better mother to my kids. Thank you so much for opening up about your mom. I know it's a comfort for you to talk about her and honor her on your blog. I think you do it beautifully. I obviously didn't know your mom, but I can see that she had such a love for the Lord, I know that she would want to encourage others to love the Lord too. What a beautiful person.

  9. This Wednesday with Wanda could be called "Wisdom from Wanda," for that is surely what you are sharing with us today. We all long to be like her, and here she sets forth the way. It's the same way Jesus showed us--time spent with the Father. I applaud you for taking this to heart--it's hard to step away from the computer, isn't it?--and for sharing it with us.

  10. Wow, what a treasure to have your moms bible. I agree with you and am right there with you about struggling with giving God more time. Why is it so hard? You know it is what is right and what is needed and yet I still struggle. Good post.

  11. Traci, I just found your blog recently and enjoy it so much. Thank you for sharing all that you do. When I saw the pictures of your Mom's Bible it reminded me so much of my mother's. Whenever my mom and I are visiting I know not to disturb her first thing in the morning because as she gets out of bed the first thing she does is to kneel beside her bed and began her day in prayer. After that she takes her Bible off the nightstand and begins her daily study of God's word. Ashamedly, I am not nearly as dedicated. I love reading about your mom. It's obvious she had such a close, personal relationship with our Savior. Thank you again for sharing so much with all of us. It brightens my day!

  12. Oh my word! You're talking about me. Not bragging(please understand) but I feel like If I lost my would be like losing a best friend. I have notes and stuff underlined everywhere...and it's badly falling apart. Taped and retaped. I finally had to break down and buy a bible cover. Anyway. I've never heard that phrase before... but I like it.

    I also felt so convicted as you shared about your kids seeing you sitting with the Bible more then the computer (and/or sewing in my world). Ouch!! It's the truth. I know great times with the Lord - and I knew barren times. But he hasn't gone anywhere.

    This is really, really good to re-evaluate in my life. Thanks for sharing. I don't know you or your mom - but I love her inspiration/legacy left behind. Can't wait to meet her one day. ;)

  13. Beautiful post! I know..., how many times have I imersed myself into the computer, yet neglected my scriptures that day! I'm also trying to do better. I think in those quiet times of reading the scriptures, we can feel his inspiration the most. Today is always the day to do better.

  14. Traci, You have made me look forward to Wednesdays and your special posts! They mean more to mean than you will ever know.


  15. Another great post! Thank you so much for sharing!

  16. Once again your dear mother has passed on some beliefs and advice to a stranger.

    Wonderful post, Traci!


  17. Thanks for sharing...what a blessing to have such rich treasures from you mom in the best treasure ever....the Bible.

  18. Oh Traci! I love "Wednesdays with Wanda". Thank you for sharing your mom with us. What an amazing woman!

    I needed this post today. I've been struggling with finding time each day to spend in God's word. Your mom's notes were great. I wrote them down on one of the front pages of my prayer journal.

    Thanks again for sharing. I love your blog. You inspire me in many ways!

    Have a blessed week!

  19. I enjoy your blog especially on Wednesdays! Thanks for sharing your mom's words of wisdom. It seems we do put our time before giving God HIS time. Thanks for reminding me about getting my priorities straight.

  20. wow..thank you for sharing...I have been struggling with the time of day - feeling so much more connected to QT with the Lord at night than early in the morning (what used to be my usual time) - her point about the time doesn't matter as much as the state of the heart so ministers to me today.

    Thank you! By the way, I spend all day reading and writing about the Word of God - that's the biggest trap - to intellectualize it but not still yourself and internalize it.

    God is so good. I love Him so.

  21. What amazing treasures....I have 30 years of journals that my Mom wrote in everyday.....She would have so loved blogging...

  22. I haven't been following your blog for very long and I don't often leave a comment but this is one of my favourite blogs. I really enjoy hearing about your mom. I look forward to meeting her in Heaven. You have mentioned a few times about how your mom would write in her bible and although I have underlined scriptures or added a few comments beside a verse, that has encouraged me to write more notes to build up more faith. Thank you for sharing!

  23. I, too, found myself feeling convicted after reading this (at 1:45-got my break late today) :-). The single most profound thing that stuck out at me was...I want my children to see me with a Bible in my lap more than the computer. Right now, the computer wins hands down. The computer does steal so much of our precious time these days. I read somewhere lately that the computer was suppose to save us time, but look how much time we spend on it. I need to do better and am starting TODAY!! Thanks for sharing your heart and love for your precious mother with us.

  24. What a blessing to have your mom's bibles with notes from her! My mom passed away 8 years ago and I LOVE finding things with her handwriting on it! She was really good to write and put the date on things! I would LOVED to see notes from her in a bible!!

    What you wrote about not spending time in God's word but yet making to time to read blogs, hit close to home! Thanks for the reminder!!


  25. Thank you. It was a post most needed.
    ~judi ;)

  26. Traci, This is such a blessing! Your mom was such a remarkable Christian woman. This is such a great idea to share her testimony the way you do. I love it when my spirit bears witness with another persons. I do that with your mom's writngs as well as with you. I wish there was a lot more of this in blogland. I have my dad's bible. In face, it's really all I have that belonged to him. He was lived such a simplified life (famer in E. Ky) that he really didn't have very many earthly goods to pass on. My one brother got a tractor, one got is truck, my sister his guitar, and I got his bible. That's enough for me, because like you with your mom's, I tresure it so much. You and your sister look so much like your mom. Amazing! Thanks for posting.

  27. What a sweet gift she left you. Not only in her words but her sweet steady example.
    You are sweet to share it with us all.

  28. Oh what a blessing to have your dear mother's bibles. She left you a wonderful and blessed gift. Thanks for sharing.


  29. I think you have served God well by sharing your blessing from your Mother with us.

  30. Traci

    What a beautiful testament to the relationship that you had with your mom. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.

    Marilyn C.

  31. Traci - Thank you for this. We all need a reminder of what we really need to be focusing on in life...especially me! My mom also writes in her Bible and in prayer journals. I know I will appreciate those writings even more when she is in Heaven. Thanks again. :)


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