Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

This week marks another “first” for our family since our Mom passed away.

Seems like we’ve had a lot of those lately….

This week is my brother’s, Mom’s only son, first birthday without her.

My heart breaks for him because I have already experience my first birthday without her, and it was one of the toughest days for me since she passed away.

Today, I want to honor my mom’s love for her son and his love for her as well.

To say that my brother, Blake, was the “apple of Mom’s eye” would be the understatement of the year.

He stole her heart from day one!

He was the youngest of her three children and a welcome arrival after his two older sisters. :)


It was the joke in our family that Blake could do no wrong in Mom’s eyes. And Cyndi and I would say quite often with sarcasm (and a little jealousy) in our voices, “He’s precious.” The same words we heard Mom say so many times herself when talking about Blake.

Mom always saw the best in Blake, even though my sister and I tried and tried to help her see otherwise. :)


She loved him.

She believed in him.

She prayed for him everyday.

She adored him.

And Blake loved Mom. He knew the sacrifices she made for him over the years. He knew the depth of a her love.

Blake finished a poem he wrote about Mom the day before she passed away.

I shared it in a post that morning not knowing that that would be our last day on earth with her.

For those of you who are new to my blog, (and for those who are not), I want to share with you some of the post I wrote that day.


(September 21, 2009)

It’s Monday morning, and I am sitting with my mom in the hospital.

My sister and dad brought her to the hospital in the middle of the night because she was experiencing extreme pain in her abdomen.

They have given her morphine for the pain, and we are waiting for results from an x-ray.

She is very much out of it, but will sometimes speak out of her head. The words she has said the most are, “I love you, Lord.” and “You all are wonderful.”

It reminds me of the scripture,

“The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

Luke 6:45

My mom’s heart is overflowing with love for her Lord!

Here is a picture of my family that we took on Dad’s birthday, September 4th.


That’s my brother, Blake, in the middle.

He is Mom’s pride and joy.

He recently wrote down some words that had been laid on his heart. I think he did a great job describing our mom.

He said I could share them with you…

There is None Better!

I hear people brag about their moms, but if they ever met mine they would know. There is none better.

You think you know a Christian that talks the talk and walks the walk? Well let me introduce you to my mom. There is none better.

I always thought the best way to describe a Christian is “Servant.” You should meet my mom. There is none better.

Do you know someone who is unselfish? Puts everyone above themselves? Would give you anything they had? I call her Wanda Faye, she's my mom, and trust me, There is none better.

I've known her 37 years. I've seen her faithfulness. I've gotten up at 5 in the morning and found her reading her bible. I've watched her prepare to teach bible studies. This isn't just a bias. I'm telling you. There is none better.

She's fighting cancer now. She even does that selflessly and gracefully. I can't tell you how many cards she has received. What does my mom do? She uses all the energy she has to try and write everyone back. Do I really need to do any more convincing? There is none better.

If you've been fortunate enough to meet my mom you know what I mean. If she's touched your hand, smiled that sweet smile, told you she loved you, told you she was praying for you, well consider yourself blessed…she meant every word. There is none better.

If the Lord does decide to take her home before we are ready. I can't say I blame him. He knows what I do. There is none better.


As a mother of four boys, I love seeing the love that my brother and Mom shared. She loved that I had all boys. She always said, “Boys love their mamas!”

I pray that my boys will love me as much as Blake loved Mom.

I know I love them as much as Mom loved Blake! They have stolen my heart as well!

Please say a prayer for my sweet brother as he has his first birthday without Mom.

Thank you so much,


(For anyone reading this post who has lost a loved one, I just want you to know that I said a prayer for you today as well. Though we may have never met, God knows your name and your heart. May you feel His presence in your life today.)


  1. I did not know your blog at the time of your mom's passing. But I have watched and read each of your posts since I discovered you. What a wonderful poem your brother wrote! I hope your mom had a chance to hear it before she passed. I am sure it would have meant the world to her! Happy Birthday to your brother, I am sure your mom is by his side to celebrate!

  2. Your mother sounds like the woman I aspire to be - a Proverbs 31 woman. This is a beautiful tribute to her and it touched my heart. You will never stop missing her, but you have so many sweet memories to treasure and comfort you. I'm sure you and your sister are very much like her. Thanks for sharing your brother's poem with us, and I pray he has a great birthday.

  3. That was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful relationship they had and what an amazing women your mother was. Every time I read your posts it makes me think of my mother more and more. I mentioned to you before of my mother's passing in 2002 so I know what you all are going through. Her birthday is coming up in May.

    Happy Birthday to your brother, my prayers are with him on his special day!

  4. Isn't it amazing, Traci, how there are some things you don't quite understand until you experience them yourself? Like how much a mama loves her sons. And how much sons love their mamas. And, sadly, how much your birthday is a sad day without your mom.

    I will pray for Blake today. It will in fact be a hard day for him, as you know. I thank God that he has you and Cyndi in his life.

    As always, thank you for sharing these Wednesdays with Wanda with us. May we all be inspired by her example. What greater wish could we have than to have our children rise up and call us blessed?

  5. Good Morning Traci!
    What a beautiful family you all are. Bless your brother's heart. I love his poem. He sure loved his momma. I will remember him in prayer today. We celebrate my daughter's birthday as well. She is turning 19!
    ((((Hugs to Blake.))))

  6. Another Wednesday post that touched my heart. I have 3 daughters and 1 son--so I just had to smile when I read the beginning of your post. My daughters have felt the same way about their brother.

    At about age 12 or 14, my son spoke at a Boy Scout presentation at our church. Afterward, one of the leaders who had been sitting on the stand said to me "You really love that boy, don't you? It was written all over your face so strongly I could hardly look at you." I hope I look at all my children that way. Thanks again for sharing your family with us.

  7. Sending prayers your brothers way. Now I need to go dry my eyes ... your Wednesday posts always make me cry.

  8. This was so beautiful and an encouragement to me as I experience my firsts, also. I am so inspired by your mom's testimony. Thank you for sharing her story with us.

  9. Thank you Traci for sharing. I am so touched by your brothers words! I am also praying for him as I know this will be difficult for him on his birthday as well. Your family is beautiful! What a sweet blessing you are! Cindy

  10. I will for Blake. I know the pain even though it has been 21 years this April. The missing and love will always be with you. My husband will be 70 this year. It was same day we buried my Mother. We have to take heart and know God is watching over us.
    smiles, alice

  11. Your posts are so beautiful. Our family just found out my father-in-law is dying of cancer. Thank you for your prayers.

  12. I look forward to reading your posts every day. I really enjoy Wednesdays with Wanda. You were so lucky to have a special mom. I don't think I know anyone that could compare to your mom. She was just about perfect. Thanks for sharing her with us. The poem made me cry.

  13. I have one son and what a joy! Ok, he's 4 so to be honest, he sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! I hope Blake has a sweet time pondering the treasures in his heart and mind of your mom.

  14. Such a beautiful poem and your brother sounds like such a loving and wonderful man. My prayers are with him today. Such a loss, but such loving memories. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  15. Sweet post, Traci, I know your mama was well loved.

    I added your party button to my post today!

  16. I will be praying for each of you today. I see so much of your mother in you - just from what I can read on this blog and in your notes to me. What a blessing she was and will continue to be in all of your lives! I want you to know that your blog (and your mother's influence) have encouraged me to reclaim talents the Lord has given me that I have allowed to atrophy. God has used her and her legacy more than you will ever know. In fact, we are all truly blessed by her life.

  17. It is obvious your mother was a wonderful person. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. I am new to your blog but I love it and I love you. Thank you for sharing yourself and your mother with us that we can be uplifted and inspired!

  18. This was such a beautiful and touching post. How blessed you were to know such and wonderful woman.

  19. Blessings to you and your family. You are such a blessing to so many of us out here in blogland.

    Hugs to you and your whole family,
    Lee Laurie

  20. Your post today has touched my heart.It brought tears to my eyes. I can remember so well all of those "firsts". I have lost a parent as well, my father with a very unexpected heart attach at the age of 50. Then our son at the small age of 4. What a wonderful testimony your mom had, even while on her death bed.What a comfort and joy for you as a family to know she now is in heaven with the Lord. Our sons last words to us were "Mom don't cry, Jesus will take my hand", and that is just what He did. What a comfort knowing he was in the arms of Jesus. Prayers for your family today.

  21. Your posts about your wonderful mother inspire me.
    Thank you for sharing!

  22. You are so sweet...I am glad to find your blog...being new to blogging has been one of the sweetest things. I told my mom how much I love her today because of your post. My prayers are with you and I ask Gods blessings on you and your family! I want to feature you...on my blog...will let you know when...I'll wait till I get a few more readers:)

  23. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Nancy from OHIO

  24. Hi Traci, your posts always touch my heart. Your mom sounds like such a wonderful mom. I lost my mom in 1985 and it was the saddest day of my life. What a beautiful poem your brother did. Happy Birthday to him. Praying that he has a beautiful day full of love and memories of your precious mama.

  25. precious post. I have 3 children...2 of them are boys...and they do indeed love their mama.

    love your love for your mother and love that you are finding ways to honor her...

  26. Traci-the first year is the worst...the firsts of everything, and doing the things that you've talked about without your loved one. Time doesn't make it easier-just different. God be with you as well as your brother.

  27. Dear Traci, I lost my Mom last week to cancer. I spent the last days in the hospital with her and was honoured to send her on her journey to the Almighty. Mom was very much like your Mom. She loved God, life and her family. We will miss her dearly. The pain is deep and what really has helped me is in knowing that we will all be reunited someday. Best wishes to your brother on his special day.

  28. It will be 6 months Monday. So hard to believe.
    Love ya!

  29. Traci, what a beautiful, touching and heart breaking post. Your Mum sounds like the most amazing lady and I think you must be so much like her. I hope that your brother has a birthday filled with love from his family, and one that is filled with wonderful memories and love from your Mum. Thank you for sharing your family, especially your beautiful Mum with us Traci.~ Tina xx

  30. Your Wednesdays with Wanda pieces always get to me. I've said a prayer for your birthday as he's missing his mama on his birthday. I feel blessed just hearing stories of what a wonderful Christian, Mother, and woman she was. It makes me want to strive to be a better person. Thanks so much for sharing!

  31. What a beautiful post....Thinking of all of you


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