Monday, March 15, 2010

My Big Announcement

Well, today is the day I am going to make my BIG announcement!

And no, I am not pregnant! :0) Thank the Lord!

To be quite honest, this announcement is a lot bigger to me than to you, but I am very excited about it!

I am having a PARTY right here on my blog, and I am inviting ALL of you to come!

Drum roll, please…………………..

Yipee!!! Doesn’t that sound fun?!!

Let me explain why I am hosting this fab party.

First of all, I have wanted to do a Linky Party for several months now but didn’t really have an idea for one that I liked.

I thought about doing a weekly Linky Party, but that’s just too much work for me. I know that would end up stressing me out.

I thought I would do much better with a once-a-month party, but still couldn’t come up with a theme.

So I stopped thinking about it.

And then it hit me! :)

Let’s have a party where we can link up our best DIY projects of the month!

I loved that idea! My favorite Linky Parties in blogland were at the end of last year. Ya know, the ones where everyone listed their best projects of 2009? I loved those!!!

Let’s face it. We all do projects during the month…some turn out great…some not so great. And it’s hard to come up with a project every week for all of the Linky Parties going on.

But here’s the good news! At the end of the month, you KNOW that you can come by to my party and find the best projects of the month…all in one place! Awesome!

Here’s how it works:

1. Only one entry per person. You can chose your best DIY project of the month by which one got the most comments on your blog, or which one was your personal favorite.

2. If you enter a project, you must “pinky promise” to leave comments on 3 to 5 other blogger’s projects. (It’s no fun to come to a party where no one talks to you, right?)

3. The party is going to be for home-related DIY projects. The projects could be a lot of things…furniture re-dos, crafty creations, home improvement ideas, tutorials, etc. (But I’m thinking no recipes, if that’s okay.) :)

I would love it if you would spread the news on your blog.

Here is a button that you can put on your blog in your side bar, or in a post.

Just copy and paste the html code in the little box below my bottom into a gadget on your side bar.

Beneath My Heart

Mr. McLinky will be here on March 29th awaiting your arrival to the party, and the fun will be all day long on March 30th!

(I couldn't do it on the 31st because that would conflict with my Wednesday with Wanda post.)

And if all goes well, we will have another "Best Of" party in April!

I hope you are excited too and that you will show up for my party!

If you have any questions, just let me know!



  1. Yay! How fun! I think I know what I'm going to link up, but now I have to go check & see if it is from Feb or March..hmmm!

  2. Sounds like fun! Does it have to be a project/post from March, then? No older posts?

  3. sounds fabulous to me! I love a good party! One entry... whoa that's tought! lol I'll have to really come up with ONE great project.

  4. Have to admit, I thought you were preggers...but this is sooo much better. No late night feedings, no diapers...

  5. Sounds like fun!
    I am having a giveaway over at my blog please stop over and enter
    When you get some time

  6. What a great idea! I will definitely participate. :-)

  7. I am excited! Great idea!! I am looking forward to it. I have a few projects I am working on right now! This will give me a little motivation to get them done!!lol! Thanks for hosting!!

  8. Great Idea! I will be linking up!

  9. Sounds like fun! I'm looking forward to it! A baby would of been fun, but a lot more work! lol!

  10. Ooo! Count me in!!! I'm lucky if I have one project turn out just right every six months! LOL Perhaps this will light a fire under me and get me to finish the dozen projects I have in the works.

    Looking forward to it.

  11. OK, I'll play! I know I'll have another good project going by then. I'll put it on a post this week & help spread the word for you.

    Did you make that cute little button?? I really want to learn to make those myself. I don't have Photoshop though.

  12. Hooray! Can't wait to link up! Thanks for taking the time to host a linky party!

  13. Sounds great! Look forward to reading all the great DIY projects, and joining in the FUN!!


  14. Excited about being invited to the party! Thank you for hosting this. Us newbies in blogland could use a little love and would love to meet new friends and share. God bless. Cindy

  15. This is great, I love best of parties, I can't wait.

  16. Super idea and can't wait to see what everyone posts. Should be lots of fun.

  17. I love the idea of this party! You're right, it is hard to come up with something for every linky party - I'm just not that creative! Ha! My hubby and I are working on a project today that I hope will be my best project. Now I need to get some camera batteries to document it!

  18. Sounds like a wonderful idea Traci! It will keep me motivated to finish at least 1 project instead of starting 12 and not completing any of them!

  19. Sounds like so much fun....I will announce it on my blog....

  20. Great idea! I added the button to my sidebar.

  21. Great! I'll have to get cracking on some projects.

  22. Great idea for a party. It will be fun to link up, and REALLY fun to browse.

  23. great idea traci~!
    i will be there!

  24. This sounds like one fun party! Great idea... I'm sure there is going to be LOTS of inspiration here! :)

  25. Great idea! I have a project I am working on right now . Your linky party would be a great way to share it with everyone.

  26. You had me at PARTY! I will be there..and I love the idea of THE best project. Hmmm....with my spring break fast approaching, I will have lots to chose from!

    Thank you so much..oh and LOVE your rules of one wants to be a wallflower. :)


  27. Love the button and the party. If I'm going to do this I'll need to do something and all that's on my mind is W E D D I N G!!!!!!!

  28. Good for you, Traci! I especially love that you're including the idea of commenting on at least 3-5 others if you link up. Did you read the post that Amanda at Serenity Now wrote last Tuesday? She hosted a party on Wednesday, but on Tuesday she wrote about blog party etiquette. It always makes me sad when "parties" just turn into opportunities for everyone to show off their projects instead of really mixing with one another. I'm glad to see you make this part of your party. And I'll be glad to help spread the word. I'll say it again: Good for you!! :)

  29. Sounds like fun! I wish I was talented enough to furniture re-dos or other home DIY projects. I do enjoy crafts so maybe I can participate! If not then I will for sure come here and check out some of the projects and maybe get some inspiration!

    BTW, I am your 1200 follower! I think that's kind of exciting!!! Ha!!!!!

  30. Ooo! Sounds fun! Count me in :)

  31. Fabulous idea! Can't wait to participate! I'm putting that button my blog right now.

  32. This sounds like so much fun! I love linking up. I have so many projects I am finishing this month alone :o)

  33. This is a great idea! I am definitely going to participate.

  34. Wonderful idea, Traci! Love it! I've got your widget on my sidebar! Can't wait!


  35. Hi there I just started blogging, how do you add a link to be in the contest?:)


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