Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some Party Highlights

First of all, if you haven’t already entered the giveaway for a $50 gift certificate from The Vintage Pearl, click HERE. 

vintage pearl

Today is the last day to enter!  So go!  (And then come back here.)  :)

Next, I want to thank everyone who came to my party!!!!!!


There were 120 people who showed up, and the projects that were shared were so inspiring! I loved using the new linky system that showed pictures of your projects.  It made it so much more fun to browse through.  Did you like it? 

If you missed the party and want to check out all of the BEST DIY projects of March, click on the button above and it will take you there!

My “Best DIY Projects of April” will be here on April 30th.  Mark your calendars!!!

I am still working my way through all of the entries!  At least I have a month to do it.  :)

Here are a few I wanted to share with you.  (Just click on the blog name to visit each site.)

You know my obsession with burlap, so I had to share these adorable pillows with you…

Lily’s Pad and Petals


And I was so excited when I saw these little faux mercury glass birds!  I am wanting to make some for my fireplace mantle.  She got the birds from the dollar store…super thrifty!

Cherished Treasures



I love the creativeness of Amanda at Homegrown Country Girl.  She used some wood and old metal to make this adorable table.  It turned out fabulous, and I am loving her accessories!

Homegrown Country Girl


Check out these slipcovers!  Sooooo cute!  If you have ever thought of sewing something, you need to go visit Nouveau Stitch.

Nouveau Stitch


Okay, I’m sorry.  But I love burlap and burlap loves me.  I just had to share one more cute project at…

Cottage to Me


My friend, Richella, made these beautiful candles for Easter and shows you how.  It’s super easy, so go check it out.

Imparting Grace


And what’s a DIY party without a little chalkboard paint?  I love this chalkboard door and the little design on top is just stinkin’ adorable!

Hydrangea Home


Well, those are just a few of the great projects at my party.  There were so many that I might have to share some more next week! :)

I am working on a button for my next party and will get it up as soon as I can!

Thanks again for a great party!



I will announce the winner of the Vintage Pearl giveaway tomorrow!


  1. I am touched that you highlighted my birds! You are such a warm soul - I feel lucky to be able to peak into your life and maybe steal(okay copy) some of your ideas!

    Have a nice day Traci!

  2. Traci, you were so sweet to include my little project here! I'm hoping that I might get something a little bigger done during April, so I'll be looking forward to your next party. . . meanwhile, my candles feel very honored to be pictured at your site. And for you to refer to me as "my friend Richella" makes me especially happy. :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Traci:

    I am so flattered that you have chosen to highlight my burlap pillow !!!!! Thanks so much !!!!

  4. I have got to check all of them out. And I hope to get my act together and join the party this month. Girl, you are such a blast. Blessings to you!

  5. Thank you so much for the mention! I honestly love those little slips and hope I can help someone else realize how easy a project like this can be! And thanks for stopping by the old homestead. Today's project: new window treatments for the kitchen!


  6. What GREAT projects you've posted about. I'll be sure to check them out!

    Hope you are having a GREAT week!!

  7. Such great projects! All of them! So many talented ladies!

  8. Those are some great projects. I love that chalkboard sketch as well. So pretty!

  9. OMG, I just got back from Spring Break and thought I would catch up on some of my favorite blogs and I am reading thru yours, and you mentioned my tray idea! Thank you! I was so surprised...Thanks again! Gotta love burlap! I have one more I haven't posted yet....but hope to soon!

  10. What some wonderful projects...guess I will have to check out our next party!


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