Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

This post will not be a tear-jerker…I promise.

I know my Wednesday with Wanda post last week was an emotional one. Thank you for all of your sweet comments and emails. You have no idea how much they mean to me.

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Thank you for celebrating my son getting his new hearing aids with me. It was such a bittersweet day. If you missed last week’s post, which for me was one of the most special ones I have ever written, you can read about it HERE.

Since I made so many of you cry last week, I decided to share something not as emotional. :)

This week, I wanted to share with you something Mom had written in the front of her Bible.

It is a list of scriptures to “call upon” when needed. I have found it very helpful to me. I thought maybe you would too. If you find yourself today in any of the situations listed below, I want to encourage you to take a few minutes today to read the corresponding scripture that goes with it. I pray you would find comfort in God’s living word.

When there is sorrow…Call John 14

When men fail you…Call Psalm 27

If you want to be fruitful…Call John 14

When you have sinned…Call Psalm 51

When you worry…Call Matthew 6:19-34

When you are in danger…Call Psalm 91

When God seems far away…Call Psalm 139

When your faith needs stirring…Call Hebrews 11

When you are lonely or fearful…Call Psalm 23

When you grow bitter or critical…Call 1 Corinthians 13

For Paul’s secret of happiness…Call Colossians 3:12-17

When you feel down and out…Call Romans 8:31-39

When you want rest and peace…Call Matthew 11:25-30

When the world seems bigger than God…Call Psalm 90

When you want Christian assurance…Call Romans 8:1-30

When you leave home for labor or travel…Call Psalm 121

When you prayers grow narrow and selfish…Call Psalm 67

For a great invitation and opportunity…Call Isaiah 55

When you want courage for a task…Call Joshua 1

How to get along with fellow men…Call Romans 12

When you think of investments and returns…Call Mark 10

If you are depressed…Call Psalm 27

If your pocketbook is empty…Call Psalm 37

If you are losing your confidence in people…Call 1 Corinthians 13

If people seem unkind…Call John 15

If you are discouraged about your work…Call Psalm 126

If you find the world growing small and yourself great…Psalm 19

While writing this post, I have been reading through some of the scriptures written above and listening to Amy Grant’s newest CD, Somewhere down the Road, which I love.

And my heart is filled to overflowing…

May you feel God’s presence in your life today.




  1. I do not comment very often, but I follow you on my google reader. I just wanted you to know that I could not have read this post at a better time. I looked up some of the scriptures, and am now finally at peace with some recent events that have really been bothering me. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Dearest Traci,
    May you have a wonderful Wednesday!
    God bless you,

  3. Hey there!
    Hope you are doing well. I am up late surfing blogs and your post is right on God's timing. My cousins husband passed away this weekend and I wanted to give her a scripture to lean on in time of sorrow.
    Thank you for always sharing with us about your mom.

  4. Oh thank you for that list! I have wished for something simple like that many times!

  5. Your mom's Bible is a treasure trove, isn't it? I know you must be so grateful to have it. Thank you for sharing this wonderful list for us. I'm going to print it and keep it handy. I can just see your mom smiling, thinking of others being blessed by the comfort found in God's word.

  6. Hey friend~
    I LOVE this post!!! And, I LOVE the scriptures you've shared. I'll be printing this out for sure.

    Happy Wednesday.

  7. Traci
    I missed the last post and just read it and boy oh boy what an angel your Mother was and Father IS.
    Thanks for sharing the scripture, have saved it and will call upon it.

  8. Love this!! Thanks for sharing, I am making a copy to put on my refrigerator.

  9. Your blog is so inspiring...everything from furniture and room redos to daily Christian living. I gave you a sunshine award over on my blog. :)

    Please don't feel obligated to play along unless you want to.

  10. Hi, I have just read Jonathan and your Moms story and it was very beautiful, how lovely to love and be loved in return your Mom was a special lady.
    Love Jillxx

  11. I printed these and am going to keep them in the front of my Bible as well. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Hello... I printed these and have them right here next to my computer. I will google any of these passages and can read them when I need them right here on my computer. Can use them as I am getting ready in the morning. Thank you so much! PS Your Mom and Dad are special! They remind me of my Mom and Dad and also my in laws! Nancy from OHIO

  13. Traci,
    Thanks for sharing these cherished words from scripture. I'm putting a copy in my Bible and adding one each day to my devotions.
    On another note...I like your new DIY button for April 30th...very cute!

  14. What a great list of scriptures. Such a sweet way to reference them.

  15. I am just now reading this because I just couldn't read it yesterday thinking it might make me cry. Thank you being easy on me! I'm going to write these in my Bible too. Love you!!

  16. I know you already know but what a special lady your Mom was. As for your Dad, by the picture you took, I'd have to say not only did your Mom help your son but I think she helped both your son and your Dad. As men tend not to show much emotion, they don't get much back either and this definitely broke the ice for him. It's nice to be needed and loved.


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