Friday, May 14, 2010

Back Porch Dreaming…

Well ladies, I’ve decided that my next project is to make some changes to my covered back patio.

I love this area, but I haven’t done much to it in 3 years.


I had mentioned that I wanted to make new pillows and cushions, and some of you wondered why?  These pictures were taken early last Spring and the cushions were two years old.  They didn’t look too bad, but they took a beating last summer, and the cushions have faded to a light orange and the pillows are filthy!

So I want to start over.

This is a look at the whole back patio…


I love having two tables outside, but I have always wanted a seating area under the ceiling fan.

Problem:   No patio furniture.  At least a set, that is.

But, I do have two wicker chairs that Mom gave me many years ago.

I have used them inside and outside of my home(s).

So I pulled them on to the back patio under the ceiling fan, and started there.


I threw those pillows on there just for the picture.  And I don’t know if I will keep that white table there, but I do want something in between the chairs.  (The chairs will get a fresh coat of black spray paint tomorrow.)

I was wishing that I had a wicker love seat for the patio, but I don’t.  However, I did remember that I had a wooden swing that my Dad had made me almost ten years ago.

It was a natural wood color, so of course, I painted it black too.  (Well, my sweet hubby did.)  :)


I cannot tell you how much I love this swing!  My boys came home from school today, and there was at least one of them on the swing the entire evening. 

We have a very private back yard.  There is actually about 300+ acres of farmland behind our back yard!

So I have a feeling we will have very fond memories of sitting on this swing for many years to come.


I washed off the back patio right before I took this picture.  I wish we had the money to tile the patio, but that is definitely not in our budget right now.

Now I want to find some rugs to go in the seating area and under the table.

I also want to make some drapes for both sides of the patio, and pillows and cushions for all of my chairs.

I think I am going to go with black, white, and lime green for my colors, with red accents.

But I reserve the right to change my mind.  :)

All of these changes will take place only when the “funds” become available…which may be a while from now. 

I made some other changes to the patio that I will share with you next week!

This is definitely going to be a process, but I look forward to sharing it with you along the way.  :)

I will end this post with some inspirational photos I found at

I love that they used real artwork outside…


A lamp and a mirror makes this space so cozy..


I love the colors and the drapes in this one…


Love the chandy, the mirror, and the fireplace mantle…


Look at how spacious this back patio is!  I love all of the beautiful flowers and landscaping, and those lamps…


A great chandelier is a must!…


I like the next picture because of the plates they have hanging on the wall.  I would like to do this on my patio too. 


Well, that’s all for now!

I hope you have a blessed day!



  1. Wouldn't you love to know if they run out in the rain to pull those pictures off the wall? ;)

    I love the look of the outdoor rooms as well! Thanks for sharing the photos of so many examples. Can never have enough pictures!

  2. Traci, we are trying to make the best of our back porch area too! Yours is lovely already, just needs lots of pretty flowers and plants to give it a lush look!

  3. I wish you the best of decorating luck in completing your back porch. I am currently struggling with the same thing...we have a huge screened in front porch and are moving to a home with a small screened in back porch. The linens on the front of have faded from the intense AZ sun. I think I want to go with a completely different color scheme. I'm certainly going to have to do some creative thinking and shopping. Outdoor linens are expensive!!
    I look forward to your finished project pictures.
    The Tattered Tassel

  4. Looks great so far! I can't wait to see what you do. Your inspiration pictures are wonderful.

  5. Hi Traci--

    I love what you're doing out there! Here are a couple of suggestions for you:

    Tile is nice, but it is SLIPPERY when wet. Have you ever thought about staining the concrete instead? If you want, you can even tape off grid lines so that it will look like tile but be much more practical.

    Also, I'd suggest getting a rug for your seating area but NOT for under the table. Why? Because I have boys, just like you! It's a lot easier to take care of the eating area if you can just sweep away any after-meal messes. Rugs like to hold on to crumbs, and ants love to congregate wherever there are crumbs. Trust me on this! :)

    Based on the color scheme you mentioned, I'd say your drapery panels should be made from drop cloths! I can just see them pulled back with big black ribbons--that's what the photo you showed looks like to me.

    Of course, you probably already have lots of great ideas. I just thought I'd share these things that popped into my head.

    Love you!

  6. I love your black swing! I keep telling my husband we need to build a front porch so I can put a swing like that up. I'll have to show him your pictures so I can change his mind :)

    I can't remember whose blog I saw it in, but they made curtains/panels for their back porch out of flat bed sheets! It was perfect, because you can find inexpensive bedsheets, they're obviously washable, and they're already finished at one end, so you don't have to worry about hemming. Perfect solution :)

    Can't wait to see more pictures!

  7. I love your covered patio, Traci! I wish mine were covered. I do have a gazebo though at one end, so that is a nice area to sit when the sun is too strong. I do want to find an old chandelier that I can put candles in and I just got new cushions myself for the all-weather wicker chairs I have in there {on sale at Kmart online}.

  8. I love this post! Great ideas! I did want to tell you that my aunt sponge painted her cement porch in a brick pattern (although Richella's suggestion of staining the cement may be easier)...

    Either way, my aunt's porch looked fabulous and you couldn't tell it wasn't real brick! The sponge painting gave it a lot of texture. I'll bet you could easily replicate the texture of tile with the right technique!

    And either I have some great ideas for my back porch...too bad I won't really get to start until next year since we are moving this year.

  9. Hi Traci..
    You are off to a great start!
    love wicker..
    adore the swing!!
    so many memories of family in these gifts..
    yes.. many afternoons and evenings will be spent enjoying this special place! Love it!!
    Hugs.. Loui♥

  10. I so love your porch swing ... what beautiful memories it will always hold for you, especially coming from your dad! I would LOVE one ... our little porch is so narrow and our big dogs live on it! I keep trying to convince my hubby to build them a separate shelter next to our porch - sigh ... one of these days!!

    ps - By the way, since I gave up my morning job I walk around my house planning how to re-do each room thanks to your inspiring blog ;) Not too sure how much my hubby is loving you right now ... all I talk about is which project "we" (meaning HIM) need to tackle first (porch included)!!!

    Love Jan

  11. Oh whatever you do it's going to look wonderful, you have that special touch! Drop cloths from HD is cheap way to go with a big wow factor for your drapes :)

  12. Oh Traci, the swing is just perfect for your patio. I love it and the chairs are wonderful too. I can't wait to see it all redone. I know it will look fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  13. I am drooling over all of the beautiful patio pictures you posted. The possibilities for you back porch are endless! I can't wait to see what you come up with. : )


  14. You have a wonderful spot there! I think you just need to get an outdoor rug or two from Target and it would really look great and not that expensive. Shop from inside, grab a lamp, hang stuff on the wall and you are good to go!

  15. I know you are going to do a knock out job with the patio. Summer is the time to move outside and neglect the inside! lol! I love the color scheme you have chosen and the swing is so neat!

    I wish we had the year round warm weather here in the Midwest. I could do some of the things I see in the pictures. But every spring like clock work we are bringing the tables and grills and plants out and every fall we have to put it all away. Doing more would be lovely if it all didn't have to come down! ;-{


  16. I <3 what you've done..and that swing...oh my...what a wonderful gift from your Dad.

    You truly have a gift for decorating and I KNOW you'll be able to pullit all together...and it will look FAB my friend.

    Enjoy your your backyard...swinging the evenings away with your family.


  17. Traci, what a great space you have! I'm a little envious of any covered spaces right now. My hubby & I just went through a month of discussions on building a screened porch where our deck is now, but unfortunately my plans got vetoed, so there will be no porch. Just the open deck that is not really that useful. I have a swing that MY dad built me too & it hangs under the deck, so that is my place of peace, so I'll just have to enjoy it. If I had a covered space, I would have it all dolled up too. If you go yardsaling, I bet you can find some other wicker to add to it too. I see it all the time.

    I'm sure you'll get your space looking so pretty, it already looks great. Yes, maybe you can paint or stain your concrete. That might be a good solution!

  18. Traci your back porch is one of the prettiest I have ever seen! It's so peaceful. I can't wait see what you do. It will be even more amazing.

    Have a blessed weekend. ~Melissa :)

  19. I would definitely stain the patio instead of doing tile. It would be easy and big impact!

  20. You could check out a Habitat for Humanity ReStore (if there's one close by) for awesome deals on tile and supplies. Love that swing, by the way!!

  21. I have this project on my mind, too. I love your patio and you know what?? Even though those BHG photos are lovely, I am loving your real life patio just as much!

  22. Your porch looks very similar to the front porch area of my *new* house, the "house in Hooterville"...right down to the brick and pilars. I was also thinking about using black, white and lime green. However, I won't be working on my porch for a while either because there is just so darn much that needs to be done inside first so I'm looking forward to watching what you eventually do with your porch.

  23. Love the porch swing. Makes me sigh and long for days spent at my grandparents when I was a kid. I'm sure your children will have some very fond memories of their childhood sitting in the porch swing that grandpa made. What a blessing.


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