Sunday, May 30, 2010

Best DIY Projects of May!!!


Happy Holiday Weekend!

I hope you are enjoying some extra time with your friends and family.

I’m sure we won’t have as many people link up as usual for the party, but that is perfectly okay! We can still party anyway. :)

Have you been busy with lots of projects this month?

I’ve had several that have kept me busy, but the one I would declare my “best” is the one that took the most time.

It’s the DIY project that I just revealed on Friday. I stained my old gray concrete patio to look like tile. You can find the tutorial HERE.


Now I can’t wait to see what you have been doing!!!

Here is a reminder of the party rules:

Rules for the Party:

1. Pick the best DIY Project that you completed in the month of May to share at the party.

2. Only one entry per person.

3. Be sure your project is related to home decor or home improvement.

4. Link your project back to my party through text or my party button. (It’s common blog courtesy to the host.) :)

5. Promise to visit at least 3-5 other blogs and leave a comment. (I’ve noticed some of you doing this at the previous parties, and it blesses my heart!)

6. Have Fun!

I will leave the linky system open for a few days since it is a holiday weekend. :)

Here is my button if you need it:
Beneath My Heart

Thanks for coming to my party and have a blessed day!


  1. Your patio looks so good. You and your husband did a great job. You should be very proud. I can't wait to see it with all your stuff back on it.

  2. Hi Traci! Oh, your patio floor looks fabulous!! I know you're going to enjoy it!
    I've joined your party!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  3. wow! great job on your patio! I'm so far behind in my reader, I haven't seen your post yet.
    Thanks for hosting a great party! I appreciate your time!

  4. Wow, that looks amazing!!! I am so impressed!


  5. Your patio looks fabulous! It makes me wish I had a concrete patio instead of wood. I would love to have a patio floor that looks that great! Thanks for hosting the DIY party :)

  6. I still can't believe that "tile" is stain. You guys did such an awesome job with it. Thank you again for hosting this linky party, Traci. I love being a part of it. You're the best!

  7. Your patio looks amazing. I didn't finish any big projects this month, but I had 2 grand babies born and a trip to Hawaii. So I'll just add the nightstand I painted for my daughter's room. Thanks for hosting again and have a nice week.

  8. Tracy I loved this. I already visited a few. I am glad people linked up even though it is a holiday. Thanks for sharing. Have a Blessed Day. Oh I loved your porch btw. I stopped in the other day but didn't have a chance to comment.

  9. Thanks for hosting! I love this party - off to check out the projects!

  10. Your patio is going to be so beautiful. I hope you enjoy it all summer long!

  11. Traci...your patio looks amazing! I am so's awesome!


I am so glad to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Blessings!

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