Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Inexpensive, yet meaningful, teacher gift…

Hey ya’ll!

I’m sure many of you are like me…trying to think of gifts to give to my sons’ teachers (on a very limited budget, that is).

I need two gifts for Jonathan’s teachers, two for Luke’s teachers, one for the librarian, the gym teacher, the music teacher, the enrichment teacher, etc.

Adam has two teachers, plus a music teacher, plus two Mom’s Day Out teachers…

Eli has two Mom’s Day Out teachers, plus a music teacher…(WAIT, that’s me!)  Skip that one.

Does your list look like this?  Shorter?  Longer?

Well, here is a little gift that is inexpensive but thoughtful for some of the teachers on your list.

It’s a Teacher Assort-“mint” Bag


Here is what the poem says on front…

Thanks for your commit-"mint" to help me learn.
Thanks for your encourage-"mint" to always do my best.
Thanks for your involve-"mint" in my life.
Thanks for your invest-"mint" of time and energy
    to make school such a great place to be.
Thanks for making each day an enjoy-"mint".
Thanks for helping to create a nice environ-"mint"
    for me to learn and grow.

Everything you have done this year
    has really “mint” a lot to me!!!

All you need to make these little bags are a variety of “mint” candy…


I spent under $14.00 on this candy at Walmart.  I was able to make 8 bags with this, which makes each bag around two dollars to make. 

I filled some plastic bags (that I already had) with the candy and tied a ribbon around the top (that I already had).  :)


Here is what the back looks like…


I KNOW there is a much cuter way to wrap these up, but I was just using what I already had on hand.

I printed the poem out on my computer and cut around it with scalloped scissors.  Then I just glued it to a piece of red paper and taped it to the bag. 


Like I said, if you want to get fancy and use really cute bags, ribbons, and labels, you can.  I know you fabulously “crafty” women could come up with some great ideas. 

And if you do, share them with me.  :)

The great thing about these bags is that you can easily add a gift card to the inside of the bag to make the gift a little more “meaty”.  If you know what I mean…

As a former teacher, I love little gifts like these.  They may have not cost a lot to make, but the thoughtfulness is worth more than money! 

I was thinking about doing a spur of the moment linky party for other great teacher gift ideas.  Would anyone come?

I’ll let you know if I do!

Have a blessed day!



  1. I love this idea! I am going to do it with my grandaughters. I enjoy your blog, especially "Wednesdays with Wanda".

  2. Love this idea Traci! Thank you so much for sharing! Your blog is such an inspiration, and I love seeing what you come up with next!

  3. i love this idea!!
    I know those teachers will be blessed by this very thoughtful and heartwarming gifts!!

  4. Thanks Traci! I'm gonna Bookmark this post and refer to it next month when I need a gift idea! I thought of you a lot on Sunday and prayed that God gave you peace and a nice day with your family.

  5. That is too cute!! Any teacher would love that! Love ya girl

  6. This is a perfect gift! Love the sentiment! Teachers really appreciate the thought and gratitude!

  7. DO IT!!! That would be a linky blog that everyone can use!!



  8. Perfect! Was wanting to do a little something for my son's preschool teachers, and this fits the bill! Thank you for sharing and your blog is just lovely :)

  9. Traci, this is a fantastic idea!!

  10. This is a GREAT idea! I'm definitely using it. Thank you.

  11. Love this cute idea...saving this for future reference!

  12. What a darling idea. Be blessed. Cindy

  13. As a former elementary music teacher, I think it's really sweet that you are giving a gift to your boys' music teachers. Very few parents would remember me at Christmas and the end of the year - this is so thoughtful of you!

  14. I love it....what a great idea!!! thank you thank you thank you friend.

  15. How cute!! I bet this "mint" alot to their teachers.

  16. i really like this idea. i'm going to do this for my kids' sunday school teachers! totally budget friendly, that's what i need.

  17. Very cute idea. It seems we are always looking for a cute, cheep gift. This one is perfect.
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. I am no longer a teacher but I am a principal and I would LOVE this a lot. Thanks a "mint" for the idea!

  19. As a Preschool teacher I know how much I would love this- great idea!

  20. I love this idea. I have been racking my brain to come up with something inexpensive. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I'm doing it too. Love the idea. I also just bought some individually wrapped mint tea bags to include in mine.
    Thanks for the fab idea.

  22. I'm always looking for ideas for teacher gifts. This one is super cute! And I stumbled upon it just in time for the end of the year! Thanks.

  23. What a minty fresh idea!!!
    Great idea to share...Thank you!
    d from HomeHaven

  24. love this idea, I will definitely be "borrowing" it! Thanks for sharing!

  25. My husband would have been thrilled if I received this gift from a student. Sadly, I don't like mint.

  26. Hi Traci-

    I just wanted to let you know that I linked to your post. . showed a few pictures too. . I was doing a post on Creative and Thoughtful, yet Inexpensive Gift Ideas. . and highlighting some of my older posts. .and some personalized sand buckets I just made. . and I remembered that I had bookmarked your post. . it fit in perfectly so I included it. Here is the link if you want to check it out:


    I love those "pun on word" gifts. . they make me smile. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy your blog.

  27. hi traci,

    i found your teacher gift idea while searching. loved it...and therefore had to use it! you can see my version on my blog at: http://traybellakc.blogspot.com/2010/05/teacher-gifts.html

    thanks for a great idea!

  28. I will definitely use this wonderful idea this week for my son's preschool teachers, thank you!

  29. Thank you for sharing this idea! Here is how I used it for my daughter's therapist http://cheryl-rubyslife.blogspot.com/2010/05/thank-you-gift.html

  30. This is a fantastic idea - I used it myself for my son's preschool teachers!


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