Thursday, May 27, 2010

It’s almost party time!

Well, I was hoping to share with you my finished patio floor, but it’s not quite ready.

The project hasn’t gone exactly as planned.  The stain is a lot darker than I had hoped, but it definitely looks better than it did before.  :)

We have one more step to finish, and I hopefully will be ready to show it to you on Friday.

So today, I wanted to remind you of my monthly linky party…


I know that the party falls on Memorial Day, but I decided to have it anyway.

If you can link up Sunday Night for the party on Monday, that’s great!

If not, I will leave the linky open for several days to allow time to link up later.

Rules for the Party:

1.  Pick the best DIY Project that you completed in the month of May to share at the party.

2.  Only one entry per person.

3.  Be sure your project is related to home decor or home improvement.

4.  Link your project back to my party through text or my party button.  (It’s common blog courtesy to the host.)  :)

5.  Promise to visit at least 3-5 other blogs and leave a comment.  (I’ve noticed some of you doing this at the previous parties, and it blesses my heart!)

6.  Have Fun!

And remember, you can still come to the party even if you don’t link up a project!  Just enjoy browsing through all of the wonderful DIY Projects.

Here are a few more highlights from last months party…

Caleen from Craft Critters linked this adorable little project.  She made the sign all by herself and attached dollar store frames with ribbons.  How cute is that?  She has many other crafty projects on her blog so go check ‘em out!


I love this keepsake pillow made by my new blog buddy, Laura, over at Just for Love!


She made this pillow for her sister.  It was made from fabric of some of the favorite outfits that her son wore.  How precious!

Laura is a super sweet girl who loves the Lord with all her heart.  Stop by her blog and say hello!  Just click HERE.

If you want to learn how to make an adorable cover for your sewing machine, then hop on over to Thrifty Parsonage Living and check out this post


Joy is a very talented lady, and I know you will enjoy visiting her!

And of course, I want to give a shout out to some of my favorite home-girls…Censational Kate who gives a fabulous tutorial on painting laminate…


And Sarah, the Thrifty Decor Chick, who shares some beautiful ways to fill up wall space in her little boy’s room.


If you haven’t already…

Be sure to enter my giveaway from Chantelle Nicole Designs!  It ends Thursday night at midnight, and I will announce the winner Friday, the 28th!

Check out some of her designs that you could get with your gift certificate if you win…


Click HERE to enter!

Have a blessed day!



  1. really awesome!!! Love them all!

  2. Dear Traci, Really great and cute projects!!! Great to see what others create. Enjoy this.

    Praying for you!!!
    God bless,
    d from Homehaven

  3. Aaaaaahhh! Traci! You are so sweet!! I am honored that you posted my pillow on your blog. Honestly, I am just tickled pink :-). You made my weekend. Love you, precious sister in the Lord. xoxox


I am so glad to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Blessings!

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