Friday, May 7, 2010

Party Highlights

Ladies, I have enjoyed looking at the DIY projects that you posted on my party soooo much!

I have made it through the first half of entries, and I am working on the second half.

I wanted to share with you a few projects that have caught my eye so far…

Stephanie Lynn from Under the Table and Dreaming made a gorgeous wreath out of plastic bags! 

Seriously…I said, “Plastic bags!” 

Look at that picture!  Who would have ever thunk it?!  (No, that’s not a typo.)  :)

And she even added some burlap to it.  Get. Out. Of.  Here.  How do you people come up with these ideas? 


If you have never been to her blog, you are missing out!  You have got to stop by and check it out.  And be sure you check out her son’s play room!  You’ll be glad you did.  :)


Miss Mustard Seed at Mustard Seed Creations created an exposed board wall that is to die for! 

I have been a fan of hers from the very beginning.  And I will forever be!  She inspires me with her talent and creativity. 

I just want to jump right into this picture, don’t you?


Miss Mustard Seed is who I go to when I have a question about painting or refinishing furniture.  She knows it all!!!

If for some crazy reason, you haven’t found her blog yet, you need to go on over there and start following her. 

You can thank me later.  :)


Marie from Emma Calls Me Mama, made a simple, inexpensive change to her dining room chairs that turned out  fabulous!

She used drop cloths!  A girl after my own heart!


Marie is one of the first people I met when I started blogging a year ago, and she is a beautiful person, inside and out! 

Stop by and tell her hello!


Kerri from Driftwood Interiors linked up to my party all the way from Australia!  How cool is that?!

I am new to her blog, but I really enjoyed her project…


She took some ugly brown patio furniture and turned it into this beauty!  I love the coordinating fabrics. 

She is currently working on her kitchen  makeover, so pay her a visit and check it out.


If you want to see a major craft room project with lots of details, go visit Cami at Creating by Cami.


I think I could recreate Mt. Rushmore if I had this craft room!  It has everything that a crafty girl could ever dream of!

I am going to be creating a craft room in little Eli’s room…as soon as he moves into Adam’s roomwhich is right after I re-do Adam’s room…which will take place as soon as I finish my back patio…

Oh goodness gracious!  I guess I will just have to drool over Cami’s pictures a little while longer until I can work on my craft room.


I wish I had the time to highlight everyone who came to my party, but it just isn’t possible.

I will try and share some more highlights from the other half of the links next weekend.

My next party, “Best DIY Projects of May” will be on Monday, May 31st!

Hope to see you there!

As a side note, my friend, Sandy, at Reluctant Entertainer, shared a wonderful link to a post she wrote about a very special gift she gave to her Mother.  Click HERE to read about it.

Have a very blessed Mother’s Day!



  1. Traci, Thank you so much for adding the plastic bag wreath to your highlights. I am very flattered by your kind comments too {so sweet} Thanks again for hosting...It's so neat having a party to check out the best of the best for the whole month. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I greatly appreciate it! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  2. Traci, I LOVE your sense of humor. I could read your posts all day long! You're hilarious. And Miss Mustard Seed...everything she does is so stinkin' cute. I want to jump in that picture too! I just read on her blog a few days ago that she's located in Gettysburg, Pa. That is where I was born and still visit my grandparents! I live about an hour and a half from there. I cannot wait to visit her sweet little store the next time I go down. I am SO buying one of her goodies and taking it home with me. :-)

    Lots of love,

  3. Wow! Thanks for the feature! It's always so exciting to see your pictures on someone's wonderful blog! I just adore your blog and looking at your home. I get excited every time I see you've posted, so keep it up!

  4. Thank you so much, Traci! I love your blog as well. :) I also love that craft room. Mine is such a dumping ground.

  5. Hi Traci, thanks so much for featuring my little DIY, you are too sweet! Love your blog, and I'm really enjoying all the fantastic projects you feature. With so many great ideas on show, I'm thrilled you chose to feature mine! Thanks again, and I hope you have a very happy Mother's Day.
    Kerri xx

  6. These are such great projects - it's hard to know which one to check out first!

    Happy Mother's Day!
    :) Laura

  7. Hello sweet Traci - how fun it was for me to see my lil' ol chairs on your blog! Thank you for mentioning me. I am delighted.

    You have been such an inspiration to me over this year. It was YOU who gave me the idea to use drop cloths! You are an amazing, creative friend.


  8. Thanks for sharing all the other blogs so far! WOW! Some creative ladies!
    Also, Happy Mother's day. This morning in church with all three of my daughters sitting with me, I couldn't help but think about you. I prayed for you sweetie.Hope you felt God's tender hand upon you today. Be blessed. Cindy

  9. You are one of the runner up winners at my place...Send me your information to


  10. Hi Traci. I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I know you're missing your Mother sorely. You were on my mind today. I hope you and the family had a nice Mothers Day.

    Hugs...Tracy :)


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