Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I am still alive!!!

Has anyone missed me?

Oh, you didn’t know I have been gone.  Oops.

Well, I have missed you TERRIBLY!!!

I haven’t posted since last Tuesday night.  That is a record for me.

Why, you ask?

Because my life was a crazy chaotic mess last week!!!

I will spare you the details.  But to sum it up…

I started a new job.

It was the last week of school.

Baseball games.

My niece got married this past weekend.

And my in-laws were visiting for my nephew’s graduation.

It seems that “life” got in the way of me blogging.  :)

I have soooooo much to share with you.  Unfortunately it’s not crafty projects or home decorating ideas.

It’s just my life.

So I am thinking about calling this week:

Wedding Week


Beneath My Heart!

Since all of my pictures are of the events leading up to and including the BIG DAY, I will be sharing them with you this week.

Hope that is okay.  :)

I am going to start with my niece, Courtney’s, beautiful bridal luncheon!

It was hosted by a precious lady who owns the most gorgeous Southern home!  I believe she said it was built in the 1850’s.

The long black driveway leads up to this beautiful mansion…


Here I am with the beautiful bride before the luncheon began…


The luncheon was held on the back patio.  Each table was covered in royal blue tablecloths…the color of the bridemaids’ dresses and the favorite color of all True Blue fans.  (Go Cats!)  :)


The landscaping and the flowers were absolutely gorgeous!!!

IMG_6706  IMG_6713



What’s a Southern Luncheon without a little sweet tea?…


Here’s Courtney, Abby, and Kelly anxiously awaiting the arrival of the food…


Look at this delicious and refreshing lunch we were served!!!…


The chicken salad was scrumptious and the fruit was oh-so delicious!

Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the desserts.  Could it possibly be because I was knocking down women to get to the front of the line and was too busy gobbling up the dessert to take a picture?  I dunno…maybe…

There were 3 different desserts, and I tried all 3! 

Yes, I did. 

Chocolate Cake, Cherry Cheesecake, and Italian Cream Cake.

And it was worth every “straight to your hips” calorie that I consumed.  Oh yeah.

I did stop eating long enough to get a picture of these cute little party favors…


And a picture of these Kentucky beauties!…


I even took the time to take a picture with the mother of the bride.  My precious sister, Cyndi…


It was such a great day!

But that’s not all the fun we had! 

I still have to share with you the bridal shower, the dinner rehearsal, and the wedding!  Can I get a “woohoo” from all of you wedding lovers out there?!


Now it is off to bed I go, ladies…

Another day of work for me tomorrow…

But I should be back soon to post my Wednesdays with Wanda!

Have a blessed day!



  1. Hi Traci...I did miss you and glad you are back. Sometimes life just intrudes on our blog time doesn't it??? I wanted to tell you that as many times as I have seen your picture, I was struck by how much you look like your Mom in the first picture on this post...perhaps it is because it just so happened that this picture lined up almost parallel with your Mom's picture on the sidebar...anyway, it just struck me. Great pictures, as always.

  2. I did miss you Traci! This looks so fun! Everyone looks beautiful. I can't wait to see the rest of the occasions.

    Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  3. Dear Traci, Hope the new job will go well for you and I did lift you up in prayer.

    The Luncheon looks lovely and what a nice place to have this festive fellowship. The fruit dish looks great!

    God bless and may you have a wonderful week,
    d from homehaven

  4. What gorgeous pictures...I have been away too....and missed my blog friends...

  5. Hey Traci! Welcome back Sweetie. I just love seeing and hearing about anything wedding especially Southern weddings. Thanks for sharing it all with us. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it, as well as your new job. Congratulations!

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  6. Great post Traci, the pictures are all beautiful. So many pretty ladies, and all the flowers and that home, it was out of this world. Glad you are back and will be waiting to hear from you again.
    Hope you have a great week!!!
    Hugs, Pat

  7. Traci, life is good beyond the blogs....look at all the new doors opening around you! Summer for kids and all those baseball games! Two lives (Courtney) fixing to become one, gain a new family member, and a new job to boot?? Hectic yes.... miss you yessss....but how wonderfully busy! All 3 of my boys (now all out of the house) are off experiencing life and it is REALLY quiet around here. How I long for them to be young again! PS....I made the Strawberry Pizza last night for Jerry and I....omg...we have it all to ourselves!!!!!It was just as I remembered it too!!!!

  8. I thought of you Traci! I just put together a post about prepping for my daughter's baby shower this weekend and you've got a shout out! : ) Darn day jobs just get in the way of all the fun, don't they!? Your niece looks just like her Mom/your sister ~ they have the same smile.

  9. Yes, ma'am, you were missed! But it's good to see what you were up to! What a lovely family of pretty ladies and it looks and sounds like a wonderful shower. What a gorgeous home and surroundings. It's always wonderful to see your sweet smiling face.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. I missed you! What a beautiful luncheon. The flowers are gorgeous.

  11. Traci,

    I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog. It's so strange to not even know someone but to feel like you do!! I just returned to work after my maternity leave with my second child and since I was too busy to ever get on the computer, I never got to read your posts and I have to say I missed them terribly. You really are an inspiration. Thank you for what you do!


  12. Hey girl! I did miss you! I was out of town and away from all computers all last week, but when I got home I checked in with a few of my favorite bloggers. . . and I wondered what was up with you!

    A new job? Still teaching music, or something else? Hope it's going well!

  13. Yay!!! So glad you are back!! I missed your posts. BEAUTIFUL pictures of such a special day. I can't wait to see the wedding pics (maybe I will cheat and check out Cindi's blog - hee hee). By the way - loved your outfit! So lovely. Love Janine

  14. Glad to see you are back. Congratulations on your new job! Your niece is beautiful! What a fabulous place to host the bridal luncheon.

    ~ Tracy

  15. I missed you. I too love your southern stories, if you will... lived in Murfreesboro TN from '95-'00 miss the charm, then moved back to Wisconsin, now live in Illinois.... yum, sweet tea!! Beautiful pictures.

  16. Well, I most certainly missed you, Traci. Hey, lots of luck on the new job, too! I hope you're enjoying it : ). I often think about going back to work verses staying home, *sigh* I guess that's every mom's dilemma these days, huh?

    So, can I just say how GORGEOUS her bridal shower was? Ca-uuute! You, your sister, and your niece are just beautiful. Your love for one another radiates out of the photos. Cyndi must be so proud of her beautiful daughter.

    I prayed that the wedding would be a celebration, and that your Mom's absence wouldn't be too much to bare at times. My son's 1st birthday was hard for me, Mother's Day, etc. Times of celebration certainly highlight the loss for me at times.

    Well, I better get off of here before I write a novel in your comment section. Just wanted to give you a warm welcome back and tell you that we missed you, dear friend.

    Lots of love to you!

  17. What gorgeous house! I hope you have pictures of the inside!

  18. It sounds like a wonderful week! I can't wait to hear about more of it!

  19. i missed ya! i was out of town and trying to catch up on blogs and noticed you were gone for a while.
    what a lovely luncheon. everything looks lovely. lol at your knocking everyone down for the desserts. too funny. looking forward to the rest of the pics and your wed. with wanda post.

  20. Oh friend....I'm so excited...and blessed to be able to follow you down memory lane...as you remember each part of this amazing week.

    What a lovely way to have a luncheon!!! And, I love the party favors!! I cannot wait to see more photos.

    So tell me...what's the new job you've started??

  21. L-O-V-E the brown dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. I enjoyed our beautiful photos! I look forward to more... :)

  23. Hey, yes I missed your post. I absolutely love your blog. I enjoyed looking at the bridal shower photos and can't wait to see more (even if it was Kentucky blue - not many fans of John Calipari here where I am from - Memphis - hahaha)

    Just friendly kidding there of course. You were the one who so graciously guided me in the right direction about refinishing my kitchen table. You help me connect with Ms Mustard Seed and I am forever grateful. My table now looks brand new!

    Thanks again for your great blog, look forward to more.


  24. Traci, you and your family are beautiful inside and out. Can't wait to hear and see more of the wedding week!

  25. Thankyou Traci for sharing these gorgeous pics with us, I can't wait to see more!
    I am a new reader of your blog but just love you and your family!

    God Bless


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