Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda



Have a blessed day!



  1. I love the sentiemnt of this article, as well as the good Southern recipes. Your mom was clearly a wonderful woman, whose dedication to her family is evident in everything you share about her. Thanks for sharing this sweet glimpse into her life as a young mother.

  2. Traci, I am your mother's generation, and I have made those very dishes! They are classics and you are making me want to make them! Linda

  3. That whole menu sounds just wonderful to me! Thanks for sharing your mom with us. :)

  4. You look like your Mom! She would be so pleased that you are re-posting her articles. Love the hugs poem. Thanks!

  5. Traci..
    your mom really knew LUXURY..
    family was her greatest and dearest luxury..
    from her articles, to your stories, she made life so much fun and everything was filled with love..
    you are following in the steps of a wonderful role model!
    thanks for sharing..
    warm sandy hugs..

  6. Hey Traci!
    hope you are doing well.
    Love this recipe and it's just in time. The hubs was traveling recently for work and had a slice of this and loved it. Now I have a recipe. : )
    Thanks so much.

  7. LoVe LoVe your site.....found you thru "Naps On The Porch". Loved the article from Kentucky paper...I am a Kentucky girl myself....gotta love those Blues!!! Great Site...
    Miss Kara

  8. Loved the hug poem at the end of this! I use to have "indoor picnics" for my kids. We spread out a quilt on the living room floor and pretended we were at a picnic. My daughter still remembers these 20+ years later. Thanks for the memory!

  9. Your mom had so many talents, including writing. What a great lady she was!


  10. I've made a very similar chicken recipe with the drumsticks and we just love it. I usually put mine in a crock so the house doesn't heat up too much in the summer. Great recipes. It's so neat you have saved these newspaper clippings - priceless.

  11. I had such trouble reading the article but being my first Wednesday with you, I gather it's your Mom.. she wrote a regular article with a newspaper... that is wonderful!
    I'll be back each Wednesday to read more!
    How nice for you to have such memories!

  12. I sure wish I had known your Mom....Love Wednesdays with Wanda

  13. That is really neat! I just want to let you know that I am your newest follower! Nice to meet you.


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