Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monogrammed Burlap Stool

Well, I want to thank everyone for stopping by and sharing your opinion on what would look best on my burlap covered stool.

The overwhelming winner was……..(drumroll)……..

The “H”!


The monogrammed “H” won hands down! I was leaning toward the “H” as well, so I was excited to see all of your comments!

I hope I don’t insult anyone by sharing the steps I used…I know it’s not rocket science, but I took some pictures to share.

First of all, I had to find a font of the letter “H” that I liked. That actually took a lot longer than I thought. But I found this one and shared it with you on Met Monday.

Today, I printed it out on my computer…


Then I placed the copy paper under a sheet of stencil paper that I got at Michael’s the other day. It cost around $3.00.


I placed an old magazine underneath it all before I used my exact-o knife to trace the shape of the “H”.

The stencil turned out good. Not perfect, but I knew I could use a small touch up brush to smooth out any mistakes.


Then I placed the stencil on the burlap…


I just used acrylic black paint and a “dobber” sponge brush (I have no idea if it has another name, that’s just what I call it.) Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a picture of that. It’s a small circle sponge on the bottom of a little dowel rod.

And wha-la!


Next came the hardest part…centering it on the cushion. I had to remove staples several times because I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. I finally got my measuring tape to help me get it just right.

I am very pleased with the results!


I am using this in our guest house bedroom. I have a space under one of the dormer windows that I would like to place a little desk.


Now I am on the hunt for a table that looks something like this, that I could paint black and place the stool under.

I have a feeling that I am going to enjoy this stool for many years to come.


Again, thanks to everyone for making this project so much fun for me. It’s always more fun when you have encouragement along the way.

Now I have been trying to find some bedding for the guest house that I hope I can share with you next Met Monday.

But I am also wanting to paint my kitchen tomorrow!

Oooh, too much to do, and not enough time!

Blessing to you all!



  1. Oh what a great idea - love the make-over! It will look fabulous with a little desk in that spot.


  2. Oh Traci, that is just stunning! I love the inspiration I get from blogging!!

  3. I just found your blog and added it to my favs. I wanted to let you know I have a GIVE AWAY that ends to day.


  4. Your stool looks great! I voted for the 4, but the H looks really great! My stool is on my project list. I can't wait to see your boy room!

  5. It turned out beautifully! Your posts make me want to visit GW or SA sometime soon:) May I ask the paint color in your guest house? We are painting our main living area and I'm looking for a neutral; yours looks very nice.

  6. Looks outstanding...thanks sooo much for sharing.



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