Thursday, June 18, 2009

My table is almost complete…

First of all, I have to say I have missed blogging terribly the past week. I feel like I am so “out of the blogging loop”!

Life threw me a curve ball this past week, and it hit me in the nose!

Isn’t this life crazy? We never know what to expect each day when we wake up. Things can change so quickly.

But it feels good to know that God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I rest in that promise!

So to get back into the swing of things, I wanted to share some pictures with you of a table and chairs that I got a Goodwill.

I paid $55.00 for the whole set.

The furniture was in good condition, except for the seats, but of course I wanted to recover them anyway! That’s the fun part!

Here are the pics..

table 002

table 003

I loved the detail on the backs of the chairs.

table 007

And of course, I have to add a picture of my little guy. He was jealous of the attention I was giving the table, and asked me to take a picture of him, “peeeeezzzzz”.

door 003

Remember, I told you he LOVES baseball, and this is how he looks most everyday. He hasn’t quite learned how to wear the helmet yet. :)

door 007 This picture shows the table with the leaf in it.

I have made some changes to it. It has been painted twice! But I like the final result (though I am not keeping it), and I will be sharing it on Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.

Have a blessed weekend!



  1. I'm glad your back. Nice find on the table and chairs...cannot wait to see the transformation. Hope all is well in your family.

  2. Good to see you Traci! It is a comfort knowing God never changes, isn't it? Praise His name. I think your table/chairs set is fabulous! Great find at an amazing price. Can't wait to see what you've done with it.


  3. Hey sweet sis
    Can't wait to see the table. I'll be in touch this week. Love You!!!!


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