Friday, July 17, 2009

The 3rd “Christmas in July” winner is….

Thanks to everyone who participated!  I had 8 new followers that I added to each of the three remaining giveaways.  And there were a total of 11 comments left on Wednesday that were added to this week’s giveaway.

I have one special helper today, my third son, Adam.

He is my little “lover boy”, so there was lots of love put into this drawing!


He shook it up…


Pulled out a name…


And the winner is…


Carol @ Songberries!     Congratulations!

Adam gives you a big thumbs up!


I will contact you, Carol, to get the information I need to make your sweet gingerbread family ornament!

Good news….there’s still 2 more giveaways left!

Blessings to you all!



  1. HI Traci! Congratulations to Carol! She's going to love this! I have posted about my gift you've sent! Come on over and see. I just love the little garland Traci and how dear of you to put in the darling little angel too!
    I just love the happiness of your little helpers!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I saw the goodies Shelia @ Note Songs won on your giveaway and just wanted to tell you how cute your crafts are. Simply adorable!

  3. Oh Traci, your children are just the most adoreable little guys ever. They all have such sweet faces with big smiles and dancing eyes. I have loved every single picture of them. Congratulations to Carol, I know she will be thrilled. Hugs, Marty

  4. Traci,
    Congrats to Carol and I am so excited about mine! I have a giveaway going, so hurry over if you can and sign up before midnight tonight! Hugs, Cindy

  5. Traci, I just wanted to let you know the next "Cloche Party" is scheduled for the 11th of Sept. for the Fall season. Grab the button on my sidebar to remind you and to let your friends know. See you there. Hugs, Marty

  6. Congrats Carol.


  7. How adorable is your boy? Precious! Great photos

  8. Adorable!!!!!!! These pics are precious!


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