Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Countdown to the Shindig! ( And time to enter my 3rd Giveaway.)

I’m sorry my post is a little late this morning.

My husband’s Great Uncle Ward passed away this past Monday after 103 wonderful years of living. He was quite a special and amazing man!

So we have lots of family in town, and we were out late last night after the visitation spending time with relatives that we haven’t seen in a while.

But I wanted to let you know about the “Countdown to the Shindig” I will be having.

In 22 days, my father’s side of the family will be having a get together here at my house. We have 3 acres, so there is plenty of room for all the grandchildren and great grandchildren to run around.

I have a cousin who is the head coach of a SEC Division One basketball team! He and his family will be coming in town for the Shindig. We don’t get to see him very much because of his busy coaching schedule, so we are very excited about this get together.

And as you know, whenever you have a bunch of people over to your house, it makes you get a lot of things done!

I have a list:

1) Slipcover the loveseat in the guest house (I got at Goodwill for $35.00) from this…

door 020

to this…

PB Comfort Sofa

2) Add a piece of material to my den curtains to make them longer.

3) Turn my corner hutch into “not-a-corner” hutch.


I’m hoping it will look like something out of Ballard’s Designs when I am finished!

4) Have my husband make new cabinet doors for the kitchen.

5) Paint my kitchen table and chairs.

6) Touch up paint all over the house!

And there is more! Can I do it?

I will have LOTS of pictures to share with you about the progress I hopefully make. :)

I just finished painting my den, and when I get my furniture in a new layout, I will share that too!

If you would like to be entered in my 3rd Christmas in July Giveaway, please leave a comment.

I will be giving away another one of my Gingerbread Family Ornaments, personalized just for you!

my pictures 157

For more information, click on my “Christmas in July” giveaway button in my sidebar.

Blessings to everyone!



  1. I hope you post pictures once the "makeovers" are complete. Love your giveaways btw. Why don't you enter mine as well.

  2. Wow Traci, You are one ambitious/busy gal. I know you can do it all. You're superwoman. Can't wait to see pics of the finished products, especially the "not-a-corner"'ve peeked my interest! Excited for the giveaway...maybe, just maybe this week will be my week!

  3. That IS an ambitious list to be sure. Just make sure that you take photos of all of it!

  4. Hello Traci - I am sorry about Uncle Ward, but happy along with you that he lived a long life! oh my, you have quite a list to tackle! Will pray for you that it gets done, but most of all that you will be able to enjoy your special house guests! And thank you for entering me in this week's giveaway - love those gingerbread people!


  5. Traci, your uncle Ward live a little longer than my Granny, she made it to 102, 6months and 21 days. I think all people that live that long are very special people. There has to be for God to leave them with us that long.
    Good luck on your list. You will make it, if your like me you work best under pressure. Be sure and share the results of your hard work.
    And thanks for offering the little family again this week, I would love to win!

  6. God Bless you as you prepare for the big event.
    Making pleasant memories.


  7. Wow that's some to do list! Good Luck!

    Please add me to the contest.


  8. Oh what a sense of accomplishment when you are done though! I have faith you can do it. Please sign me up for the contest. I feel lucky this week!

  9. Hi Traci! I'm so sorry to hear about the death in your family. But living to be over 100 yrs of age is amazing! Long gene line in your hubby's family.
    Oh, I know exactly how it is when company's coming. Good luck with all of your projects!
    Traci! I'm so excited! I got the little gingerbread people garland today! It's so precious! And you added the little angle. Thank you thank you so much!
    Thank you again, Dear One for drawing my name!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Nothing like company to throw you into a project frenzy.
    I knew you must have something goign on because I hadn't "seen" much of you this week.


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