Friday, July 3, 2009

The First “Christmas in July” Winner is…

Hello, Everyone!

First, I have to say that I have had a BLAST this week getting ready for my first giveaway.

Thanks to all of you who participated!

Here is my very “official” way of keeping track of all the entries…


Each bag represents each Wednesday in July.

Here’s how I did it.  I typed up all the names of all the entries, folded them up, and placed them in the correct bag.

*ALL of my followers’ names were placed in all five of the bags.

*Everyone who put my button on their sidebar has their name in all five of the bags.

*Everyone who left a comment on Wednesday  had their name put in my July 1st giveaway bag.

Then to make sure I did it right, I enlisted some help.


They are very excited to be helping with this!

My oldest son gets to pick out the first winner.  (He’s the birthday boy!)

He shook it up real good.


Pulled out the winner.


And the winner is…..


Congratulations, Sheila!

I will be contacting you this afternoon to work out the details!

Thanks again to ALL who participated.

The good news is, I still have FOUR more weeks of giveaways!

Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!



  1. congrats, sheila!!

    What a cute judging panel you have there!! they are all so cute and helpful!


  2. Congratulations to Sheila!

    Traci, your helpers are adorable!


  3. Howdy
    Congrats to Sheila :)
    Happy 4th of July to you and yours.
    May your weekend be filled with many happy moments and special memories for a life time .
    Love the way you showed us your serious side of drawing the contest winner :)
    You really have some great helpers .
    Thank you for hosting Christmas in July .
    Happy Trails

  4. Oh Traci, the boys are all just adoreable. What a great picture. Shelia is such a sweetie, and she will be thrilled. What a fun project you've created. Just hug each of those wonderful young men for me for all the help they gave you. They are real treasures. Have a safe, happy and blessed 4th. Hugs, Marty

  5. I might have to enlist my big helpers for my give away-GREAT IDEA.

    Congrats Sheila.

  6. Congrats to Sheila! Those little boys are just the cutest!! Cindy

  7. They are adorable. I did all of my sorting alone and it was no small task. DH drew for me. Your idea was much easier.

  8. GIVE AWAY will be posted by tomorrow morning-there's a peak preview of one of the items-go check it out and send everyone over to get their names in Monday morning.

  9. Oh, Traci! No, I didn't get an email from you! I'm totally thrilled about winning your giveaway! And what a darling contestant drawing my name!
    Thank you so much!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. Hi Traci! I'm so excited, I don't know if I actually clicked the 'Post Comment' button or not. So I'm commenting again! Oh, I'm thrilled to have won your giveaway! I'm a little excited here! I really don't think I got an email from you. I could have accidentally deleted it! So try me again! I did send an email to your email address in your profile, but it came back.
    Again, thank you so much!!
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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