Monday, July 6, 2009

This Little Light of Mine!

I have two little “lights” to share with you for Metamorphosis Monday.

The first “light” is a chandelier for our guest house bedroom.

I needed a light, but couldn’t afford the one I was dreaming of.

So when I had a yard sale with my mom, we worked out a little trade. She traded me a light she had hanging in her basement with a Tiffany lamp I had in a bedroom.

This is the only “before” picture I had of the chandelier when it was at mom’s.

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It was definitely beautiful as it was, but I was wanting to add some “black” touches to our guest house bedroom.

So, my sweet hubby spray painted it black and here it is…

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I think the black shows off the curves of the chandelier, don’t you?

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This is a picture of the guest house MONTHS ago, when we were just getting started. Now there is furniture in there and everything! Many of the furniture pieces I have posted on previous Met Monday’s. But if you would like to see more of my guest house, click on the label in my side bar.

NOW, that light is pretty… but it can never compare to the “light of my life”!

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Here he is…my baby who turned 10 years old today! And he is very excited about reaching the “double digits”. I was a little sentimental about this metamorphosis in my life!

Where did the time go?

He is one amazing kid! (Hey, I’m his mama, so I can say that!)

When he was three years old, we took him to the doctor, and we learned that he had a 50% hearing loss in both his ears.

I keep a journal for each of my boys with little notes to them, and this is the entry on that day:


Dear Sweet Jonathan,

You are mommy and daddy’s pride and joy! You are three years and 2 months old. Today we took you to Dr. Speech, an ear, nose, and throat specialist, to check your hearing. I thought you had fluid on your ears from your allergies. You had fluid on your ears earlier this year (May).

However, the news was surprising and disappointing. We found out today you have nerve damage in each ear causing hearing loss in each. I was shocked and saddened. Your daddy wasn’t with me, so I had to be strong.

You were so cute when they tested your ears. You were so quiet and good. (You wanted a sucker!) We haven’t met with an ear specialist yet, so we don’t know the severity of the loss or how to help you. Most likely you will need a hearing device and it will affect the rest of your life.

But I’m not going to worry. God has His hand all over you. I know He has great plans for you. He has gifted you with an amazing personality. You’re a definite “people person”. He’s gifted you with musical talents. Use them to sing His praises.

Jonathan, when we got in the car after your appointment, we headed to McDonald’s to eat because I promised you we would. I immediately began to cry as I was driving. You noticed and said, “Why are you crying mommy?”

I said, “Because I love you so much!”

“You love me so much?” you said.

“I do!”

“You need me mama?”

“I do, baby, I do.”

A few moments later you began to sing (as you always do in the car).

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!”

Your voice was so precious to me. You continued…

“Let it shine til Jesus comes, I’m gonna let it shine…”

Jonathan-I know in my heart that no matter how this hearing loss affects your life, I have no doubt your “light” will shine so bright for Jesus. It will.

Shine, baby, shine!

You’re my boy!



When I look back at this note, I am amazed at how much of it is true.

*God still has His hand ALL over him.

*His hearing loss has affected his life in many ways.

*Jonathan is still a “people person” and has developed the most beautiful singing voice…a true GIFT from God.

*We still eat lunch at McDonald’s a lot. :)

*And Jonathan’s “light” is still burning bright! He has certainly “brightened” my life these past ten years!

I tell him often, “I am proud of the boy that you are, and the man that you are becoming.”

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for the next 10 years!

Happy Birthday, sweet Jonathan!

Now be sure to stop by Between Naps on the Porch, hosted by Susan, for more wonderful Met. Monday posts!

AND, there are four more weeks of my “Christmas in July” giveaways.

I am giving away personalized gingerbread family ornaments.

(Handmade by me!)

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Click here to find out how to enter. Or click my “Christmas in July” button in my side bar.

Many blessings to you all!



  1. Oh Traci - what a precious post. It brought tears to my eyes reading it, from one Mama to another. Thank you for the beautiful reminder to hug my children more than I already do, and to tell them more often how special they are to me. Thank you for sharing your heart!


  2. Your chandy looks fabulous Traci! I love the tribute to your wonderful son! Cindy

  3. What a sweet tribute to your son. You've got me crying here!

    I love that chandy, too!

  4. Hey Traci

    Happy Birthday-that made me cry. It reminded me of when my brother-in-law and sister-in-law called and asked if they could come to our house and swim for the day at our pool, while we were at work (this was before we had any kiddos). They just needed a day to gather themselves-they had just been told that their new baby girl was blind.

    I also agree-the light is fabulous in black.

    There are only 2 of you who had posted a comment when I added this info-I was doing it after midnight last night so I missed some info.

    I am adding your name to the drawing but I added a way to get 2 more chances each week-post about the give away on twitter and I asked people to not just post the button on the side but add it to a post as well so your followers know about it.

  5. The chandy is beautiful, but the excerpt from your journal is amazing, God bless you and your family.
    Happy Birthday to Jonathan!

  6. Hi Traci !
    What a sweet letter to you son ! They grow up quick so treasure every moment ! My son just turned 21 a couple of days ago and he is still
    my "little guy" , yes all 6 feet of him. He still hugs me and give me a kiss when ever he leaves the house - I love it. Raise them and they will not stray - so true ! Have fun with your little guy !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  7. Love both your "lights", but that sweet boy would be my top choice! Or should I say young man? The boys looked like great help for your drawing, too. Have a great day and thanks for sharing.

  8. Happy Birthday to sweet son! Love the black on the chandy! It really makes it pop!


  9. The chandelier looks beautiful, and your tribute to Jonathan brought tears to my eyes! Happy Birthday, Jonathan!


  10. Happy Birthday Wishes! Have a great day with Jonathan!

    The light fixture looks great black! Great choice! Light fixtures can be so expensive; it was nice of your mother to "trade".

  11. Like you chandelier. Thanks for sharing your tribute to your son.

  12. What a touching post! Everyone in blogland is crying! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, it's so nice to meet you!
    And the chandie looks amazing, good trade!

  13. Traci, the chandy is sooooooo much prettier painted black - can't believe the difference! You brought a tear to my eye on that sweet tribute to your son - how precious! I love the picture of your sweet family - what a beautiful bunch! Linda

  14. What a sweet post! Happy birthday, Jonathan! Now I'm off to look at your guest house photos!

  15. The chandelier looks great! Can I have it back? ha!
    Jonathan is the best! Happy 10th Birthday, sweetie!

  16. You, my dear, are a wonderful Mom! Your son will be a very special man someday and you can take as much of the credit as you want. You are teaching him to be a goodly and Godly person, the world needs more of those! Have a wonderful week. Love the chandy.....

  17. Traci,

    Thanks so much for sharing your precious journal entry. Oh how I wish I had kept journals for my children. You are such a wonderful mom and so blessed with four beautiful (both inside and out) boys.


  18. What a touching post. I know how precious my children are to me, even though they are grown and far away... i wouldnt have traded those special young years for anthing.

    Its obvious that you are a lovely mom and he is aware of how much you love him.

    thanks so much for sharing brightened my day.

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥

  19. Traci, what a beautiful and moving post. Of course, the light fixture is lovely -- but your message about your son -- so wonderful.

    Please copy and print out this blog post, so you can tuck it away and someday when he's all grown up, you can embarrass your Jonathon -- or maybe make his girlfriend cry, too.

    He is so adorable -- what a smile! He's a lucky boy, too, with such a loving family -- and of course, as I used to say to my girls, you are the Lucky Mom!

    Blessings to you all - Cass

  20. Hi Tracy,
    Tried to email you this info, in reply to your comment on my post. The email address was not working, so leaving my comment here. Thanks much.
    Hi Traci,
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my July 4th celebration. You asked about the projector I use for my outdoor movies. I use a Dell 1409X that I purchased from the Dell website last year...we use it indoors and out. I have had 4 outdoor movies with it and it works great. If you wait for a sale, you can get the projector for around $700. When using outdoors, I hook mine up to a regular DVD player or laptop and you will need to hook to speakers. I hook mine up to an older home theater system that I had that includes a receiver and speakers.
    You can also rent projectors online, not sure of the cost or how it works, but you might want to check that out as well.

  21. What a sweet post about your son. Hope his birthday was wonderful.

    The chandelier looks great in your guest house. Love it in black! Great way to get a light you needed with at trade.


I am so glad to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Blessings!

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