Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Burlap Covered Books

I wanted to share a quick project with you.

Since it was super cheap and easy, I am linking it to

Click on the picture to check out other inexpensive projects.

And since I did it myself, I am linking it to DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land.

Let me back up…

Several weeks ago, I shared with you a BIG project where I turned my big brown corner cabinet from this…


to this…


If you missed that post, you can see it here.

Now back to my little project for today.

I was trying to come up with some accessories for my “new” entertainment center.

I love the fabric covered books I’ve seen in Ballard Designs magazine. (The same magazine I got the inspiration for my new entertainment center.)

See them on the far right?

Here’s another inspiration photo that I found at My Sweet Savannah.


I’ve noticed a lot of books getting covered in solid, neutral fabrics.

Well, I had some burlap that I got at Hobby Lobby when it was $1.99 a yard. How cool is that?

I got some old books and my trusty glue gun…

and got busy…


I cut the burlap a little bigger than the outside of the book.


Then I very sloppily (is that a word?) glued the burlap to the inside of the book.

I had a little “flap” left over on the top and bottom of the book that I just rolled up and glued down. I didn’t care if the burlap stuck to the pages because these books are just “for looks”.


WARNING: Burlap has small holes in which the scalding hot glue can seep through and burn your fingers!

(I wore band-aids on several fingers for several days. Didn’t want to gross you out with pictures of the blisters.)

No pain, no gain, right?

Here are the results….


I love them!


Aren’t they sweet? I actually ended up making four, and put a candle beside them.


I can’t come up with an exact cost, but I already had the books and the glue for my glue gun. I used less than half of the yard of burlap, so I guess this may have cost me about $1.00?

Love it!

Check out my drop cloth curtains in this picture? I’ll be sharing about those in a future post…


That’s all for now!




  1. Thanks a lot for enterring my party!

    The books look gorgeous! I'll put on glove if I do some then, can't stand finger pain...

  2. Traci, your burlap covered books are very neat! I love burlap and I love to decorate with books -a combination you can't beat!

  3. Very, very, cute! Neat idea!


  4. It's all wonderful, the entertainment center, the books, and the curtains, I love it all! Great job and so thrifty!

  5. What a great idea! They look great on your cabinet. I love white and linen together!

  6. The entertainment stand looks great and those books are very cute. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your covered books look just perfect. And I am still loving that re-do of the cabinet - it's a big WOW! Linda

  8. Great idea. I love finding inspiration from magazines like this and creating it for a fraction of the cost. Hope you mom is doing ok. Still praying for her.

  9. Traci, I agree, I love all that you've put together here.....love the whole look! I might have to try out the burlap covered books!


  10. Traci - I love this idea, I am thinking of doing this with books that aren't just for looks and adding some stenciling to the binding. Maybe the titles! Cute Cute Cute....Becky

  11. LOVE your new tv cabinet, looks awesome!

  12. Very cute idea. I have several old books and a couple of yards of burlap in my studio. I think I know what I'm going to be creating tonight. Thanks for the idea.

  13. I am loving it...oooh sorry about your burned fingers...ouch! That hurts real BAD!!

    Love your ideas as always!:)

  14. Darling! So nice when something from Ballard Designs can be duplicated for so little! Your entertainment center is nearly identical! Great job!

  15. What a GREAT idea!! Very cute, and they look perfect on your shelf! :-)

  16. Those look wonderful! Great job. And a great job you did on the entertainment center, too--now that's recycling with style!

  17. I love your *new* entertainment center, and I always like to see a new use for burlap. :) I have some left over from the table runner I made. Great little tutorial on covering the books. Thanks! :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)

  18. Cute! I like your curtains too!


  19. This is a great idea! I have a big bulky dictionary that is not pretty to look at, so I will definitely be using this idea, thank you.

  20. Very cute idea! Good job on the corner hutch!

  21. What a great idea! They look wonderful, as does the entertainment center! I was wondering how you got past the horrid burlap smell or if your burlap didn't have it. I bought burlap to make curtains and the smell made my eyes burn it was so strong. My husband said the same thing! Anyway, I've seen a lot of people using burlap lately and wondered if there was a different kind or if I am just sensitive to the smell. :)

  22. That transformation is amazing and love your DIY idea of covering the books. I am having a Roadkill Rescue party on Monday. I would love to have you.

  23. your gifts never cease to amaze me!
    How is your mother?


  24. Hey there!
    new reader. I popped over from j-a-girls blog. She featured you today. Love your armoire redo and am looking forward to your drop cloth curtains post. I have some drop cloth I have been wanting to use for curtains, but am afraid to cut into it.

  25. love the armoire transformation and look forward to the drop cloth curtains post.

  26. Another AMAZING Ballard Knock Off. You rock girl.
    I was reading the post about your Mom. I remember all those feelings and emotions too. I was the only one who went to the Dr with my parents. I remember wanting to ask so many questions but was so choked up I couldn't get a single word out. I am so glad your Mom is doing good, so far on that nasty ol' chemo.

  27. LOVE them! I just about died when I saw your Ballard-inspired shelves cause I'm making them too!! Shhh...


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