Friday, August 28, 2009

Liquid Prayers

I wanted to give you an update on my mom.

She started chemo yesterday.

My dad, sister, brother and I went with her to the doctor’s office.

We learned that it is definitely stage 4 gastric cancer. It is in her stomach and liver, and they found another spot in her lung.

We were very thankful to find out the results from her MRI. The cancer is not in her brain.

I was very emotional yesterday. I cannot explain the overwhelming love I have for my mother right now!

It is difficult to see her feeling so weak. But I can testify that her spirit is stronger than ever. She has such an amazing trust in her heavenly Father.

I was sitting with her in the room when the nurse came in to put the IV in Mom’s arm. Mom looked more beautiful than ever to me.

As the nurse was inserting the IV, Mom began to tell her how wonderful the nurses have been to her over the past few weeks. She said, “You ladies have all been so precious and gentle. You are the best! It has been like “heaven” here. I can feel your love in the care you give.”

As I sat in the chair and listened, the tears began welling up in my eyes. I thought, “There she goes again….encouraging others.” Even though Mom is going through the most difficult period of her life, she is thinking of others. She is always thinking of how to bless others. It’s nothing new to me. I’ve seen it all my life. It’s in her DNA.

I was trying so hard to be strong and not cry in front of her but then Mom looked up at me, noticed my watery eyes and said, “Oh, Traci…”

I blinked, and the tears began rolling down my cheeks.

“It’s okay, sweetie, you can cry.” she said.

I apologized for not being stronger and tried to “dry it up” before my older sister came back in and saw me. She had told me to stay strong.

Then she looked at me with such love and said, “You know what tears are, don’t you?”

I shook my head “no”.

“Tears are liquid prayers that flow straight to the heart of God.”

Oh, Mom, you have done it again. Always delivering the perfect words for my hurting heart.

“Then God’s getting flooded.” I said with a smile.

She sat there peacefully as they administered the chemo. Beside her chair was her Bible, some books on healing, and a tape with headphones on healing from her cousin, Peggy.

Her sister-in-law, Lois, told her to keep saying, “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Throughout these very difficult past few weeks, my mom has had JOY and has found much STRENGTH in the Lord.

My sister and I spent the night at her house last night to keep an eye on her.

She is doing surprisingly well. She feels tired, but has been able to eat.

She goes back for her next chemo treatment in three weeks.

I appreciate all of the wonderful comments you have left for me. My mom reads them too, and she is so thankful that I am receiving encouragement from all of my blogging friends. We appreciate your continual prayers as we continue this journey.

Blessings to you all!



  1. Wow Traci~
    What an AMAZING Godly Mom you have...and as I read your exhibit...the same love, care, and encouragement!!

    Know that you ALL are in my thoughts and prayers as you walk this road. Often we can't understand why things happen in our lives, but I"m SO thankful..that we can understand...who and where our strength comes from! Our precious Heavenly Father.

    Continue to cling ever so tightly to our Saviors hand as he leads you, and ALWAYS trust his heart....for he LOVES your precious Mamma...far more than you could ever imagine.

    On my knees for you today my friend.


  2. Sending out liquid prayers for your mom over here....

    God bless you and keep you,


  3. Traci - my "liquid prayers" are flooding His heart right now just reading your post...I will continue to pray and lift up your entire family. As we have not met, but I feel like this hits home. You are a blessing to me and my hope continues for you and your mom.

    In His name...Becky

  4. Traci, I'm crying for too. Your posts are so touching. One can feel the love in your family. I hope these posts are therapy for you. I know it is hard for your family. I have been through this same thing and I pray peace and comfort for all of you. You are so blessed to have a strong faith in God. I don't know how people deal with this kind of thing without it. You are an inspiration to who knows who out there.

  5. Oh Traci! I have tears flowing for you... this is a beautiful post. And I love the quote... your Mom is wise! :) I'm still praying for you and your family. Much Love!

  6. First time visitor - found you through Chris' feature. I know your heart is breaking right now, but so wonderful to know that you have the only faith that can sustain at a time like this.

  7. Your post made me cry and so I'm sending more liquid prayers!

    Prayers and Hugs

  8. Traci, do you know God keeps all our tears in a bottle? Ps. 56:8

  9. Traci,
    I'm here visiting from Just a Girl, but I've actually been on your blog before (a few days ago somehow) and was tempted to comment but didn't. I am so sorry to hear about your mom and that cancer is now part of your family's story. I am a Christian, a wife, a mother of 2 boys, and a daughter to a parent battling cancer. My dad was diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma almost 2 yrs ago and it has been a difficult yet amazing time for my family. I read the book "When God and Cancer Meet" by Lynn Eib shortly after my dad's diagnosis and it was really helpful to me. Anyhow, everyone's story, process, and healing is different and yet we can all trust in our Creator's plan and that it is good because He is good. Many blessings to you and your family.


  10. What a beautiful post! I found you through "Just a Girl".
    The love you have for your mom is wonderful and she sounds like a truly inspiring woman!! I will keep you all in my prayers.
    Life is ever changing but God never changes and He is faithful in everything. That much I know :)

    Blessings to you all!

  11. Oh my, this is my first time here, but you totally got me. I sent some liquid prayers in too!

    May strength be with your family and may God shine his light on your mother.

  12. I don't even know you, but your post is making me send up some "liquid prayers" of my own on behalf of your family. What a huge blessing for you to have a mother like that. May the Lord bless her and your family, and give you all His beautiful Peace.

  13. Oh, Traci. Your words are so close to my own once :) - Tears are in my eyes and I know where your heart is, I've been know.

    This is a wonderfully written post...tell your mother that she is beautiful and continue to be the Child He has made :)

    Love to you both and I continue to lift you all up in my conversations with The Lord.

    Warm hugs, Heather

  14. Oh my sweet sister,
    We do have an amazing Mother. And as I write this Mom is sitting in her chair reading her Bible. She looks like an angel. Precious!!
    Love you bunches!

  15. I can see how much you love yor Mom. She sounds so wonderful! I know it must be hard to see her going through this. You should read Joshua 1:9. Could you please pass it on to your Mom too?

  16. Traci,

    I just found your blog through "Just a Girl". When I read your latest post and saw your mom's words about tears being a liquid prayer that go straight to the heart of God it just touched my heart. Her faith and yours will see you through this and will give peace and comfort to your souls.

  17. God richly bless you all, give you strength and comfort.

  18. I also found you through "Just A Girl" and I am also sending liquid prayers for you and your Mom straight to the heart of God. I will never forget this quote, ever! And when I use it, (and I will, every chance I get) I will think of you and your Mom, how precious she is and of her encouragement to others and to me.

    I came over to look at craft projects and instead I was encouraged and blessed.

    Thank you and God's blessings on you.

  19. May God Bless you and Keep you in this very difficult time.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    ~Rhonda from Minnesota
    first time here.

  20. Liquid Prayers...that's amazing. Your mom sounds like a very strong woman.

  21. I want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers.

  22. I'm a first time visitor. Your post touched my heart. I love my mom so much, and the words you spoke about your mother resonate deeply. Praying for you and your family. Liquid prayers-- so true. I love how the holy spirit moans on our behalf when we don't know what to think or say or how to pray.

    On a side note, your blog makes me smile! I love your style, and I'm wanting to distress every piece of furniture in sight now. . . :)

  23. Hello! Found you from Just a Girl. Wow! What a testimony! Lifting your family up in prayer now.

    Perused a few other posts and LOVE your projects - you've got talent!

  24. What beautiful, sweet words from your precious mom!! I will be praying for you all!!!
    Many Blessings! and prayers!

  25. Traci, I think we all have liquid prayers right now. And I am praying that you all will have the strength you need to get through all of this. And I know God will answer that prayer. Just all keep on loving each other and things will be alright.
    Love to you and your mother,

  26. Traci, your mom is so special, I know you know it! You don't have to be strong - you just have to be there. I know you are - what a blessing you are to EACH OTHER. May God give you all His strength, courage, comfort, and hope. Linda

  27. Liquid prayers... I will not soon forget that. Love you, friend. We are praying for you so much. Lori

  28. Your mother sounds like an absolutely amazing woman and this is all told through your eyes, so you are equally amazing to me! How lucky you have been and how lucky you are. Treasure every moment. I have been there.


  29. just found your blog today... loving it, and thinking of your family prayerfully.

  30. The Lord knew what He was doing when He encouraged Just A Girl to set up a link to your blog today. (I like that when He sets up those "coincidences.") I'll be praying for you, your family and your mom during this extremely difficult time.

  31. Your love for your mother shines through!
    You "got" me too!

  32. Sweet Sweet Traci,
    I love you and all of your family so much. Wanda is like a sister to me. Her love for the Lord and the faith that she has never ceased to amaze me. I have had many many liquid prayers for her. My heart hurts because I can't be there for all of you but as I continue to pray I feel his presences with you all and me. I will keep the faith, believe, and trust God for a miracle. He is the great physician and is all powerful. So lets just praise Jesus now and continue to pray. I love you so much and wish I were there to give you a great big hug.

    Aunt Donna

  33. What a blessing to have such a beautiful mother. My prayers are with you. I love the Lord with all my heart but, I will forever struggle with why bad things happen to such good people? God be with you!

  34. Love your post, love the "liquid prayers", love this blog! Your "craftiness" inspires me.
    Your Sister-in-Christ from West Texas,

  35. Just found your blog through another blog. I'll be praying for your mom and for you. My heart is aching for you.
    Treasure every single moment ~ I know, I've been there. God will give you the strength and believe it or not, you are way stronger than you think. And as difficult as things can become, it will be a blessing and a comfort to help take care of your mom when she needs you. (hugs)

  36. I used to work in the billing dept of Cancer Institute and these patients always amaze me. They have all the excuses in the world to be upset yet the are always positive and encouraging. I too have sent some liquid prayers while reading this post. You two are amazing. =D

  37. you did an amazing job with this! i'm a follower too!!

  38. Found your blog through Just a Girl and so glad I did! I just went through cancer with my own mom and know exactly what you are feeling at the moment. Be there for her every chance you get, you will not regret it. I am sending up prayers for her and your family. Big hugs and God Bless You.

  39. hi traci... i popped on over from imparting grace and loved seeing your shelf project! i love to use the power tools :) as i kept scrolling though your posts i came to this one... and found i was right where i needed to be. i want to offer prayers for your family... and add them to my prayers for a few friends i have who are going through this scary cancer stuff right now. feels like for the past two days all of my prayers have been in liquid form, since no words seem to form... and your mother's words just touched my heart. prayers for healing and peace on the way from me to you.

  40. Her inner strength is amazing. The Lord is evident in her words and of course the source of that inner strength. I am remembering her in prayer.

  41. I can honestly say a blog post has never made me cry before this one. Your mother is an amazing blessing and I will never cry again without thinking of liquid prayers.

  42. Traci~ I just prayed liquid prayers for your mom and you too. I'm asking the Lord to help me be faithful to pray for your family when He reminds me of you.

    Truly - may the joy of our Lord be your strength...


  43. We've cried buckets of those tears/prayers lately too. I am so sorry to hear the news about your mom and I'm joining with so many others in prayer for all of you. May the Mighty One do what only He can do!

  44. My sweet niece Traci,
    How blessed am I to have the most amazing, loving, courageous, beautiful sister Wanda and also to get to share her precious daughters, Traci & Cyndi. The last three weeks have been the most difficult, yet also the most spiritual awakening moments of my life. I thank God for all of you and your entire family for all the blessings that we have had from just being around Wanda. I'm sending liquid prayers right now. I love Wanda and all of you so much. Love Always, Aunt Pat

  45. Traci,
    We are all keeping your Mom and family in our thoughts and prayers. You are such an inspiration and your faith is remarkable. Lots of love, Shirley & Carl, Betty & Billy, Ronnie, Michelle, and Aunt Ruth


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