Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cafe Shelves

UPDATE: Click HERE to enter my cafe shelf giveaway that ends Friday, September 4th!

If you have been following my blog, you know that I recently made a lot of changes in my house in preparation for a family reunion.

One of the changes I made was putting up cafe-style shelves in my kitchen.

I got the inspiration from my favorite magazine, Ballard Designs.

They have several different pictures of the shelves in their magazine, but here is an example I found online.

I knew I could make a “knock off” of these “knock out” shelves. So I am participating this week in Knock Off Knock Out at It’s So Very Cheri. Be sure to stop by there and see some other great posts.

And since this was a wonderful change to my kitchen, I am also sharing this post on Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. There are tons of great ideas over there every week so go check them out!

Then head over to Make Your Monday at Twice Remembered for other great projects. Wow! You’re going to be busy today!

My husband built a pantry in our kitchen last year and made a countertop space beside it, but I have never decorated the wall above the counter. At first, I thought I wanted to put some cabinets in that space. But when I saw the cafe shelves in Ballards, I knew my husband could make them for me.

(The pantry is on the right of this picture.)



This is what the countertop looked like as we worked on projects in the house. LOTS of tools and stuff!

So my husband trimmed out some 1” by 8” ponderosa pine boards.


I bought 4 corbels at Home Depot. I didn’t like the corbels at Lowe’s. Home Depot has a better selection. I got the smaller size of the style I wanted. They were about 5 bucks a piece.


We painted them black and then hung them up on the wall.



I decorated the shelves with my red Southern Living at Home tidbits and casserole dish.


I got the silver strainer at Goodwill for $1.50, and the apples and wall plaque from Marshall’s.


I am so glad I have that spaced filled with colorful things now!


The cafe shelves in Ballard Designs magazine cost between $99.00 to $139.00 EACH, depending on the size.

I don’t have an exact cost on my shelves because we already had the paint and boards. But I spent about $20.00 on the corbels and my husband spent about $10.00 on the trim. My husband said you could buy the boards for about $6.00 a piece. So this project could be done for less than $50.00, not bad!

Thanks for letting me share my project!

(To my followers…Thank you to all of you who have been praying for my mom. We had a wonderful time together at church tonight. My brother-in-law is a Baptist minister, and we met together tonight to lay hands on my mom and pray for her. She has been feeling pretty good lately, but is still very weak. Tuesday is when we meet with the oncologist to get the results from her biopsy. I will definitely let you know what we find out so you can continue to pray for her. I have been blessed by so many of you during this difficult time. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!)

Love in Him,



  1. Traci:

    Still praying. I was reading a book that a friend of ours wrote when her young daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor and then at another appointment told that it was brian cancer. As I was reading the book, I was thinking about you -- knowing all those feelings I felt when it was my Mom going through it. Even though Sandy's book has a sad ending she gives a clear testimony throughout the book and she talks about Grace and the cloud of witnesses that carried them through the whole ordeal. Sandy was so sweet to offer one of her book as a give-a-way that I will probably offer next month. I wanted to have the most people (done with vacations and everyone settled back into school) so that a lot more people will put their name in and hope it reaches someone's hand that needs a clear message of salvation or a message of Grace and hope-that will be up to the Lord. I just do the drawing.

    Your shelves ARE gorgeous, once again-its so very Tracey. I hope you will post your magnetic boards sometime as well.


  2. GORGEOUS!!! They turned out beautifully and they look so great in your kitchen!

    And I want to steal that green pitcher! SO CUTE!

  3. I'm so happy to have found your blog! Wow, your shelves turned out beautifully! You and your husband found a way to get the look you wanted without spending a small fortune. It's too funny, I was at Lowe's on Friday looking for corbels, too - and couldn't find anything nice so I ended up at Home Depot. They do have a much better selection! I want some for under my cabinets, but I decided to work on that another time {I can't stay focused, hehe!}

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful project with us this week! I enjoyed that!

  4. Traci,

    I completely missed the bottom part of the post about your mother. I hope that you get some good news with the biopsy results.

  5. Traci, these shelves are wonderful! Just as good as Ballard's, if not better, but at a fraction of the price. (I think their stuff is way over-priced anyway.) Two thumbs up to you and hubby. :)

  6. I love the shelves and the way that you decorated them! They are perfect for the spot above the counter! Kudos to your husband, too.

  7. Traci, your makeover is great! Your hubs did a wonderful job on the shelves! Fabulous savings!

    Thanks for the update on your Mother. I will continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers.


  8. I love how you pulled that corner together. The before photo looked unbalanced, like something was missing. This looks meant to be! Great knock off!

  9. Traci, that looks awesome!! I love the colors that you used! Ballards can eat their heart out!!!
    Prayer coming your way for your mother...Michelle

  10. Wow, your shelves look great. I like how you accessorized with read and green. Cute and cheery. :)

  11. Traci, your shelves look fabulous. I really love all the pretty red and green you put on them. Such a nice spot to have. I also am continuing to pray for your mother. God Bless you all. Hugs, Marty

  12. I love those shelves!!! Sooo stinkin' cute!!!

  13. I LOVE the new shelves and how you've accessorized them!! Great job!

  14. That's beautiful! Love the shot of color that you used with your accents. Great job!

  15. First, blessing for your mother and for you. Second, I love the shelves. They looks great and what a bargin. I love your blog.


  16. I have said a prayer for your mom...please keep us updated. I pray that she is held and comforted in the Master's hands.

    I came to ask what the colors were in your room with the shelves and in your dining room...and now that seems so trivial.

    God keep you.

  17. I love your ingenuity in making your own cafe shelves. They look great and you have them nicely accessorized with pops of color in the just the right way! Job well done.

  18. Just found your blog. Great job on those shelves! Love them!


  19. Wow! Your cafe shelves look wonderful! And you have them decorated so beautifully, very professional looking. It could easily have been a magazine picture *smiles* Great job on your shelves, I love them!

  20. Great idea I am always up for a little wood work, currently though I am trying to find the perfect paint color and your kitchen wall has it! So I was wondering what color the paint is behind the cafe shelves and perhaps even the color behind the black cabinets in your guest house. If it's not too much to ask this would really help the torture of trying to find a great paint color. Thanks

  21. Your shelves are beautiful and you and your husband did a wonderful job putting them together. Love the black paint.

    I will be praying for your mother.

  22. Lovely shelves. As usual, I just love what you've done.

    I hope all goes well on Tuesday when you meet with the oncologist.

  23. Great job--your styling really makes them!!! Good eye!

    Stop-by-in on the party-would love to meet you!


  24. Traci, I know you are probably very anxious now about the results your mom is awaiting tomorrow. I pray that they will be good and encouraging results. May God sustain you and your family through this time.
    On a trivial note (compared to above) your blog is always so lovely - so many great ideas. I love the café shelves, and the green I saw on the wall in a previous post, and what about the drop cloth draperies????? Everything looks beautiful! Linda

  25. Hey Traci ~
    I am sending prayers to the Big Guy Upstairs to take care of the Mom ...
    p.s. the shelves are terrific !!! your hubby is so crafty - make sure to tell him that,LOL !

  26. Tracey,
    Your mom has been in my prayers and thoughts a lot. I hope the appointment went well.

    And you must be reading my mind sister- I am having the hubby put up the beadboard backing on the walls so we can get the shelves up and finally have a place for my dishes..I wanted shelves like Ballard but not the price and your wonderful hubby figured it all out for us so we can do them nicely too.

    hang in there,

  27. Hi Traci,
    The shelves look great! Very chic yet a cottage feel too! Your hubby does good work! Thinking of you and your mom, glad for the updates too! hugs, Cindy

  28. Hi Traci, I just found you blog and have enjoyed browsing around it. You have so many blessings to be thankful for. I love your shelves. You did such a professional job and and your displays are great. I am so sorry that your mom is ill. I'm praying for God's grace on you all.

  29. Wow Traci, the shelves look perfect! I love the open shelving. My husband and his Dad just did some for me and I bought the same corbels from HD. I agree with you that Lowes didn't have a good selection at all! Anyway, your shelves look great and I love the color in the corner. Praying for your Mom!

  30. Ok, so as my sister put it...these questions seem so trivial. You see, my sister and I are sort of "blog stalkers" always seems to be, "go here. or oh look what I found, wow did you see that?" So, Yesterday she was telling me about your blog and I had to check the colors out for myself (cause we always check with each other before we do anything major to our houses) and I read about your mom. She sounds like a wonderful person...but most importantly she loves the Lord and you for teaching you about Him. I too, remember waking to the sounds of my mom's prayers and trying to be so quiet as to not interupt. It's the little things of their faith that makes a huge difference in our own. I will also pray for your mom and you and yours. Keep us posted.

    God Bless,


    ps Gonna be a stalker, ehem, follower of your site now!

  31. Oh Traci,
    I love them I have been wanting to do something like that. I hope you don't mind if borrow your photo so I can show my Cowboy it can be done! Hopefully for even less than your $50.00!
    I'll let you know!
    Many Blessings...I think I will stay awhile before I go back to visiting.

  32. OH WOW...what a BEAUTIFUL job you did! I LOVE them....and I love the way you decorated with the greenish...color..and red.

    You are VERY talented...and so is your hubby!! :-)

  33. I have been eyeing these shelves in my ol magazine too. Thanks for the tips! Love these.

  34. Your shelves are beautiful! I love them!

  35. I love this project! Your shelves turned out great and you have the pride of knowing that you and your hubby made them yourselves. You did a wonderful job accessorizing them and all the colorful pieces add so much character to this corner. Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  36. I had that same exact idea! Except mine are not done is so nice to see how cute they are! I have the bigger corbels from Home Depot, but the same. I havn't gotten the trim yet, and I am going to have to copy yours because it looks amazing!

  37. I can't remember if I told you that I made a new button "I was featured on Its So Very Cheri" you can grab it, since you were one of my favs.

  38. I'm totally going to enlist my hubby into making me a shelf like this. Thank you for posting & sharing these. You are very creative & talented.


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