Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mom’s Biopsy

First of all, I have been overwhelmed by all the love and support I have received from all of you across blogland.

It was my mom who encouraged me to start blogging this past year.

She has celebrated my blog with me every step of the way…my first follower, winning giveaways, and reading lots of comments. We have had a ball.

But I would have never imagined that this blog would end up bringing me such comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. I look forward to checking my blog throughout the day and reading all of your sweet words and prayers.

Today my mom had her biopsy on her liver. All went well. We were a little concerned about her heart handling this procedure, but she did wonderfully.

For anyone who doesn’t know the background, my mom was diagnosed with a heart condition on April 24th of this year. This past summer she has been on several medications and was waiting to have a surgery on her heart this September. Over the summer we have watched her health decline. She had lost almost 25 pounds, couldn’t eat without becoming nauseous and was becoming VERY weak.

My sister finally got her to switch doctors because we knew something wasn’t right. Within 24 hours she was diagnosed with stomach cancer that has spread to her liver.

This past week has been the most difficult of my life. But it has also been the sweetest. I have spent so much time with my mom. Every second has been precious.

My sister and I are taking turns staying with Mom and Dad. Tonight is my turn. I can’t wait. I am treasuring these moments.

Here is a picture of my parents. I thought I would give you some beautiful faces to go with the names, Doug and Wanda.

my pictures 1726

Next Tuesday afternoon, we will be getting the results from the biopsy. We will find out what type of cancer it is , what stage she is in, and what the treatment options are. I am not looking forward to it.

Pray for my sweet husband. He has been playing Mr. Mom a lot lately. And it is not easy taking care of those four boys!

I have to add a picture of my boys. I have this picture in my sidebar, but I wanted to show it to you bigger. This picture was taken one Sunday morning at McDonald’s. I was trying to get a serious picture and it wasn’t easy.


Then I told them to do a silly pose…


Oh, my goodness…they make me laugh!

I am hoping to post again soon about some shelves my husband made me a couple of weeks ago.

I have actually had more time to blog than I expected. I spent 5 1/2 hours at the doctor today. My sister and I like to get our laptops out in the waiting room. It helps us to get our minds off things for a while.

Thanks again for all the love I have felt from you these past few days. God bless you for blessing me!



  1. What a blessing to read your words, and put faces with your sweet, sweet parents names.

    I'm always amazed at how God shines "sweet moments" through what would be otherwise, difficult moments!

    Know that I'm continuing to lift you, and your entire family up with MUCH...prayer.

    And remember..."I know the plans I have for you...declares the Lord."

    On my knees...for your sweet Mamma! <3

  2. You have lovely parents and also a pack of young men that are a hoot. Enjoy them all and take your time with your mom to make it special.


  3. Never fear Traci, God has all of your family in his hands. His plan will be the right plan so just hang in there and spend all the time you can with your sweet parents. Making wonderful memories with our parents is one of the best things we can do. We will keep send up prayers for you mom and all your family to give you strength and courage and enough faith to beat this awful cancer.
    Love you,

  4. What a sweet family you have!

  5. Hang in there! Enjoy the time you have with your Mom and Dad. They will also treasure the time they spend with you. Your hubby will survive, and probably be much more supportive of you in the long run. God bless you all. I will keep your family and your Mom on my prayer list.

  6. Dear Traci,
    Your Mom is so pretty, just like you! I am so praying and hoping that the treatment options will be good and that you can all find some comfort during this time. The pic of the boys and Dad is darling, I love how they go down in size, so cute! I know I've told you I have six brothers and so I know what it's like in a house full of boys! I have one sister who reminds me so much of you. Hugs and Best Wishes for your Mom, Cindy

  7. Traci, My heart goes out to you and your family. I will keep your mom and your family in my prayers. Your mom is a beautiful lady. My mom past away in 2005, and there is not a day that passes by, were I want to pick up the phone and call her. I miss her soooo much. Your mom seems to be a strong lady. My friend has stage 4 cancer, and she was given 1 year to live at most. She has stomach, breast, bone, and diaphram cancer. It is going on 4 years since her diagnosis and she is very much alive. My friend is a very strong person and her attitude is what has brought her this far. I pray all goes well on your next dr's visit.

    Blessings to you and your beautiful family.


  8. Oh Traci, my thought and prayers are with you and your family. I can't imagine how difficult a time this is for you. I am so glad you are getting to spend time with your mom, these are precious and priceless moments. Take care of yourself too. I will continue to pray for the Lords healing. I do know miracles happen every day. Hugs, Marty

  9. God richly bless you and may He touch your Momma's body, give her strength.
    In Jesus Name I pray,
    amen and amen.

    Your photo of your men is precious!

  10. I know a bit about what you are going through. My mom has congestive heart failure. She fines now, but when it first happened....terrible. From June until December, our family went know. First the heart, then there was talk about ovarian cancer, blood transfusions from loss of blood and then finally gall bladder surgery in December. She had lost a lot of weight, etc. etc. I feel for you and your sister.

  11. Hi Traci Honey,
    I wanted to drop a line and tell you I am so glad this biopsy went without a hitch and Mom is doing as well as can be expected. Don't think about what you are going to do without her, think about what you are going to do with her. Live each day to it's fullest. Keep your heart and mind open when you go back for the results. Most of do NOT give up HOPE. That is the one thing that we have the most of. We enjoy every breath that Amy takes. I have not heard from Debbie this morning. It does not look like she will go home with a peg tube though. I think they will release her this weekend, and the plan is to just keep her comfortable. They have been discussing Hospice so I really don't know at this point. They have been trying to figure out the right combination of pain meds for her, as she has been in so much pain. The tumor has grown a lot since she went to surgery Monday and it was moved around. I shouldn't say grown it has swollen, which has caused her obstructive apnea. She cannot sleep well at all. One day at a time, one crisis at a time. Traci I am praying for your Mom faithfully, and now I have a name to go with the prayers, Wanda. Thank you. Please keep in touch honey. Keep up the Faith. Remember to pray for us "Fram of Mind". Love, Sherry

  12. Traci, I am so glad you shared a pic of your Mom and her name! I almost asked last week so I could pray for her by name. I will keep her and all of your family in my prayers.

    What a great husband you have to play Mr. Mom to the boys. I am sure your Mom is also feeling very blessed to have her daughters with her at a time like this.

  13. Traci I'm honored to be able to pray for your mother and your sweet family. I'm so glad you have a Mr. Marvelous of your own to support you during this time. Praying for healing and for comfort that only He can bring.

  14. Traci,

    I just wanted you to know how much you have been on my heart and in my prayers. I know that this is a very difficult time and I want you know that I am here for you if you need anything.

    God Bless, Laura Frame

  15. Traci,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. Thank you for sharing your story and fears with us. I truly believe the power of prayer and you will have your cyber family there with you as you go through this. Your parents are adorable. It is so wonderful to be with family at all times, but especially in times of sickness and crisis.

  16. Traci, I don't think I realized that Adam is a carbon copy of your dad. Holy cow!

    Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you today and praying for all of you. Please let me know if you need anything. Love you, friend.



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