Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I’m at the hospital with Mom

Today (Tuesday) I woke up with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I had spent some time with Mom last night, and though she was doing better than last week, I was still troubled with her condition. Her talking and breathing was very labored, and I worried about the cancer in her lungs.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I teach music at a Mom’s Day Out program that my two youngest sons attend with me. (A fact that I don’t think I have ever shared with you!) :) I have worked there for four years, and I love it. It is located at a wonderful church, and it is a precious place to work. I am so thankful that God has placed me in a job where I am surrounded by wonderful, godly women who continually lift my mom and I up in prayer.

I was having a hard time staying focused at work because I was worried about Mom. My sister, Cyndi, was taking her to a scheduled doctor’s appointment.

When they did her blood work, they discovered her blood was really low. Her heart rate and her oxygen were also dangerously low, so they immediately admitted her to the hospital.

Cyndi called me to let me know, and I wasn’t surprised. I just knew…

There was a flurry of doctors around her for several hours as they did TONS of blood work, xrays of her chest, ultrasounds of her legs (which are very swollen) , and more.

They discovered that she has fluid in her chest cavity. We were worried about her heart, but the cardiologist said that there was no fluid on her heart and it looked good.

They are doing a blood transfusion at about 12:30 a.m.

She should be here a couple of days. They are hoping to build her body back up so it will be strong enough for more chemo.

I wanted to share a couple of pictures of my mom with you. I love these pictures because of her beautiful smile.

This is a picture of Mom with my niece at a Fall festival. We go to festivals together every year and love to eat a big bag of kettle corn!

my pictures 664

And this is a picture of Mom and Dad at my nephew’s graduation. They were so proud of their oldest grandson!

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Isn’t she beautiful?

Please pray specifically for her coughing to stop, the fluid in her body to go down, and that her time in the hospital will give her the strength she needs to endure her chemo.

For those of you who don’t know, her name is Wanda. She never liked her name when she was growing up, but began to love it when she found out it means, “Walking with the Lord.”

God bless you all,


22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.

23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

24 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him."

25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;

Lamentations 3:22-25


  1. Traci
    I love the blog and I love sitting here with you in the hopital with Mom. Well, I wish we were home but you know what I mean. Mom is so beautiful on the inside and the outside. I do love her smile.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your mother, and I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. She is a beautiful woman. I will say a prayer for her and your family. May God bless you all.


  4. Traci,

    Your posts have deeply touched my heart and I'll be praying for your mother's full recovery. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through, but I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better this week and I hope her blood transfusion goes well. Stay strong and God Bless you and your family!

  5. I am new to your blog and I don't actually know you, but I want to tell you how much I admire your faith and courage through these hard times with your family. Your positive attitude is astonishing and a light to those around you I'm sure!

    Good luck over the next few days!

  6. Traci,

    My thoughts and prayers are with your mother. Yes, Wanda is a beautiful woman and her smile is almost identical to yours!! :-) I am so sorry she is having this setback, but I trust in the doctors, and of course, God.

    I am thinking of your Traci. Please take care of yourself. And BTW, I think it is awesome that you teach music. Come on...let's hear more about you!!


  7. Hi Traci,
    I am so glad you stopped by. My thought's and prayers are with you and your Mom during this difficult time. Please keep us updated, The pics of your Mom are beautiful. Stay strong, Cindy

  8. What a beautiful name! I will be praying for your mom and your family

  9. Your mom is beautiful. Lots of prayers and hugs from my way.

  10. God Bless you all and may your Mom be healed this side of heaven.

  11. Sweet one, I am praying today too. Yes, your mom is absolutely beautiful, much like her daughter and her smile radiates the Father's glory.

  12. My husband and I know cancer very well, as it seems to be "genetic" in his family. We do not like it one bit. Our prayers and thoughts are with your family and especially your mother at this time.

  13. Traci, I have been praying for you and your mom. I will pray all the more now. Please keep us updated on your mom.

    May blessing rain on your family!

  14. know my i am totally there praying for your mom and your family.

  15. Praying for Wanda right now.....and I pray she will rebound in the strength of the Lord.....who is mighty to save! "Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with wherever you may go.." (paraphrase of Joshua 1:8-9).


  16. Traci, I'm right there with you in heart. My mother went through a similar situation a little while after she'd begun treatments; although the fluid in her chest and lungs is what initially led her to that very first hospital visit.

    Your mother IS beautiful and so are you.

    Father, Thank You for your leading of our hearts, for you constant care and for your limitless love. I lift up Traci, Wanda, Cyndi and the entire family asking that You radiate all around them with peace, love and joy - even in the midst of these short valleys. May every Doctor in Wanda's care be one that You will work healing and love through, may every nurse be one with care and comfort from You. Bless this family with a tremendous amount of goodness as the await healing. Bond them as they've never been before, to You and continue to shine through each one individually. We love You and know that everything will work together for the good because we love You. In Jesus' Mighty Loving Name, Amen.

    Love to you all.

  17. Your mom certainly is beautiful! Standing with you in faith, praying for all of you...


  18. Traci,
    Your Mom's smile is radiant. We are thinking of her.


  19. Bless you and your family. You will all be in our prayers.

  20. Hi Traci,
    I will be praying for your Mom today. She is a beautiful woman.

  21. That is very scary!!! We will continue to pray for your Mother and you. ;0)

  22. You and your mom are in my prayers. Your mom's not only beautiful on the outside, but inside too--just like you. God bless you and keep you during these trying times. xxoo

  23. What a wonderful daughter you are. Your mom is being held in the hands of God and remember that what ever comes, He will carry you all through.
    Blessings my blogger friend.

  24. I feel like I am sitting at the hospital with you, too. Hugs and prayers.

    And so much more....

    God be with you and keep you.


  25. Traci~
    Know that I'm lifting your Mom (and your entire family) up with MUCH prayer today...and in the dasy to come.

    Praying that in the midst of this storm, you are able to know that your anchor holds....regardless..of the winds and waves that are crashing round about you!


  26. Oh, Traci, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. She is in my prayers this minute! She is a beautiful lady and you have her smile! God has her in His hands and that's the best place she can be. Take care of yourself also. It's so hard sometimes taking care of our folks. You'll be in my prayers too.
    Thank you, Dear One, for sharing with me in my joyness!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. I don't know you personally, regardless I have tears in my eyes, because I can only begin to imagine the pain you are feeling. My heart goes out to you and your family, and my prayers are with you as well. May God, give you comfort, and may your mom get better.

  28. Hi Traci,
    I've only visited a couple of times, but my heart has been tendered toward your Mom and the relationship you share. Be assured of my prayers for your Mom at this time.

  29. Traci,

    I'm so sorry to hear that your Mom has had a set back. Know that your Mom, your family and you are in your blogger friends thoughts and prayers.


  30. Precious pictures of your Mom and what a neat story about her name!

    I am praying for her today and for you girls!

  31. Traci, your mother is indeed a beautiful lady, and I can see you have her smile! I'm so sorry about the road you all are having to travel right now. May you sense the Master holding your hands along the way. In His Love, Linda@Nina's Nest (p.s. I taught music at preschool when my kids were young, too. Hold on to the music. It is part of God's balm to the weary soul.)

  32. Will be praying for you and your beautiful mother.

  33. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  34. Praying for you and your precious family...

  35. Oh Traci-I'm so sorry she is going through such a tough time.

    My blog has just been growing like a crazy weed and I haven't been able to get by for as many visits. I miss all my blog friends.
    Come for a visit when you have time, I am having that book give-a-way

    Its So Very Cheri

  36. I'm so, so sorry you and your mom have to go through this. I'm keeping her and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  37. I was wondering how your Mom was feeling today....glad I stopped by. Now I know how to pray.

  38. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  39. Catching up on blogs this morning and saw this update. I'm remembering your mom in prayer. The verses you posted are a great reminder for us all.

  40. Traci,

    I just wanted you to know that I haven't stopped thinking about you. I'm praying for your beautiful mother! What an amazing woman she is!It certainly isn't hard to figure that out - all one has to do is take a look at the work she's done in you. You are an amazing woman too! I love you, sister.


  41. I read this post yesterday and prayed for you and your mom and your family. Then, as I logged on today, my thoughts went to you again. I'm praying for strength and encouragement for you. I'm praying peace over your family. It is obvious from the pictures that your mom is a life-giver and has invested her time in the people around her. Those investments are returning now as you support her and love her through this time. I pray that God would help you to cherish even this hard time as precious moments spent with your mom.

  42. Your mom is stunning. I hope nothing but the best for you and your family.


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