Monday, September 7, 2009

New Blog Alert!

I visited a new blog that I enjoyed very much.

It’s called Gail’s Decorative Touch.

She has only a couple of posts, but she is a lady after my own heart.  She can definitely turn trash to treasure.

She has gotten amazing deals at auctions…

Check out this fireplace mantel she got for $1.00.

(That’s not a typo!  I said, $1.00!)

August 18, 2009 025

She painted it and turned it into a fantastic headboard!

August 18, 2009 047

Then she got this chair for FREE!  Did. you. hear. me?  FREE!!!

August 18, 2009 034

When she removed the fabric, she discovered it had cane sides.  She painted them black, added some new fabric and it turned out amazing!

August 21, 2009 002

Make sure you are sitting down for this next one!

She got this amazing armoire at an auction for $5.00!  That’s less than a number one value meal at Chick-fil-a!

Where does this gal live?  I’ve gotta get there quickly!

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She painted it red, added beadboard wallpaper to the doors and spray painted the hardware black.  Faboo!


There are some more projects on her blog.  She’s new to blogland, but I’m thinking she is going to be sharing some amazing transformations in the future.

Great job, Gail!

Now go check her out!




  1. Thanks for the tip! She's just as amazing as the deals she scored!


  2. Happy Labor Day Traci!
    Thanks for introducing your new blogger friend. I will go check her out, and say hi and that you sent me. How is your Moma doing? I have been thinking of your family and praying all is as good as can be expected. Has she gotten past the sick feeling as of yet? Able to take in any nourishment? I know you girls are taking good care of her. How are the boys doing with school? Loving it I can always hope right? Drop aline when you can. I really miss hearing from you. Country hugs sweetie, Sherry

  3. wow! thanks for sharing. why can I never find cool deals/steals like that!

  4. hey it sounds like you found a winner of a blog....and I"m with you...we need to find out where she lives!! Golly gee, what deals she got!

    I'm off to check it out.


  5. WOW! Yeah, I wanna know where she lives too :) Amazing transformations. I love the inspiration from all these blogs. Hope you've had a nice day today. I'm off to check out Gail's blog

  6. Thanks for the alert - what incredible trash to treasure projects! Linda

  7. Hi Traci!
    Thanks so much for the link!
    what a great blog!
    I was thinking about you and your mom yesterday~
    I pray you are all hanging in!
    All Blessings

  8. Oh Traci thank you for such a lovely post about my blog. Although I may be new to blogging, I have followed your blog for quite sometime now. You are such an inspiration and I truly admire all that you do. You are so talented and creative. There are so many of your projects that I have marked as an inspiration such as your Hutch Re-Do. Sometime this week my dinning room will be getting a re-do. When I post about it I will be sure to give you credit for it.

    Thanks again,

    P.S. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers because I too am going through the same thing as your family with my mother.

  9. Wow, what fantastic finds. THanks for sharing her blog, love your blog too!

  10. Thank you, Traci, for directing us to a new treasure. It makes me happy to see that you're enjoying so much traffic after Chris sent so many people your way. . . and now you're sharing the love! I just love the way the blogging community seems to bring out the best in us. I think it's an example of the way the world can be when we love and support one another.


  11. All I can say is WOW.


  12. Wow, that gal has scored some amazing deals and turned them into treasures. I will definitely be checking out her blog. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thank you for the new blog post. I am always on the lookout for fun and inspiring places to go. Prayers and best wishes for your mom too.


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