Friday, September 18, 2009

Making a Mirror for the Den

When I moved my furniture around in my den this summer, I had a huge wall space above the couch that I needed to fill.

I didn’t have  money to buy something, but if I did, I would have bought these mirrors from Ballard Designs….

But these are two for $199.00 !  That would be $398.00 plus $38.90 in shipping costs!  For a grand total of $436.90…Not gonna happen!

Lowe’s has mirrors in their store almost exactly like the Ballards ones for a cheaper price.

They are only $79.00 a piece and they are beautiful.  Plus, you don’t have to pay for shipping!  That will save you about $117.00.  If you like that look, you may be interested in these.  However, at $320.00, these were not an option for me either.

I needed a mirror for like…hmmm…..nothin’!

So I decided to use an old frameless mirror that used to be in our bathroom before we remodeled it.  (Very GREEN of me, don-cha-think?)

My handy husband framed it out with 1 x 4’s.

I stained the wood with Minwax, Dark Walnut.IMG_2899

Painted it white.

Then glazed it with Valspar Mocha glaze.

(I’m sorry, but I dropped the ball when it came to taking pictures of each step.  I was in  a hurry.)

Here is the mirror at this stage…


I bought some decorative pieces from Lowe’s for less than $4.00 to add to the frame.


I did the same paint treatment on these pieces and added them to the frame with wood glue.

Then I sanded all the edges to let the dark stain show through.


Here it is above my couch.  I am hoping to get a new couch someday too.  :)


And here it is since I’ve added a few (and I mean a few!) fall touches.


I got the sconces from Southern Living at Home.

So the only thing I bought to make this large mirror was the little decorative pieces for the corners.  The rest of the mirror was made from supplies we had at home.

Even though it doesn’t look like the ones from Ballard Designs, it fills up the big space above my couch, and it saved me about $430.00!  Guess I can’t complain!



Update on Mom: 

She is feeling  better this week.  She is scheduled to start back on her chemo next Tuesday, but it will not be as strong of a “dose” since the last treatment caused her to spend four days in the hospital.  Her potassium has been dangerously low this week which puts her at risk for cardiac arrest.  So the past three days she has had to go to the doctor to get her potassium through an IV.  It’s about a six hour process, and it is very exhausting. 

If you would like to know how to pray for her specifically, please pray that the swelling in her legs and feet would go down.  It would help her be more independent and get around much easier.

Her spirit is strong.  She’s making the best of all the trials she is going through.  She keeps saying that she is just so thankful for each day she has with us.  We are too!

We are all living “one day at a time.”  Which is actually a great place to be.

Thank you for all of your continual prayers.  We have felt them.

Thank you for praying for Eli too.  His feet are doing amazingly well.  We went to the doctor today to get them checked and make sure they are healing well.  The doctors said they are looking great!  I am so thankful.  He’s one tough cookie!


  1. are SO very talented!! I LOVE what you did with your mirror!!

    And...THANKS for the update on your sweet...precious Mamma! I'm praying.... :-)

  2. I think you made an excellent choice and it looks perfect there!!!


  3. I think your mirror is beautiful! I continue to pray daily for your family. Please send your mom love and kisses from her "fans" in blogland! :)

  4. I love the mirror, beautiful!

  5. Hi Traci. I'm praying for your mother and hope she does well on the chemo. And it's great to hear your little son's feet are doing better.

    Now about that mirror! It's gorgeous! I can't believe you did this. You're the most creative one.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. GEORGOUS! I like your couch and I have NO Autumn stuff up yet :) :)

    So glad to hear that your mom is doing better....still praying.

  7. Traci, first things first, so glad about your Mom and your son. What trials you are having right now. But HE is faithful.
    Great idea with the mirror. You have a creative and resourceful eye - well done! Linda

  8. It looks wonderful and to be honest, I like it much better than the Ballard's mirror.

  9. Love what you've done with that mirror - very clever and must have taken some time !

  10. I love it :-) You are so creative. After your inspiring post with the Ballard shelves I have painted a large piece of furniture black yesterday! I shall blog about it once it's done. I used a flat paint because I didn't want it shiny, but did you say you covered your shelves with polyurethane afterwards? did that give them a shiny look? it's hard to tell from the pics.
    I will continue to pray for your mom

  11. Thank you for the inspiration. My husband came with a 1952 Ranch with knotty pine EVERYWHERE. I have been reluctant to remodel too much because we aren't sure when we will move--but your blog posts encourage me to take steps to make this home different/better/homey and not so much like a cabin. I love how you reuse items and they turn out so beautifully....

    I continue to think of your Mom and I am glad that your son's feet are on the mend.


  12. Hi Tracy! I'm coming over to visit from DIY showoff. Love the mirror and all of your other projects too! You're very talented lady!

    I'm sorry to hear about your mother's illness and said a prayer for her after reading your post. Have a good weekend.

  13. Love the new mirror.

    Sending your mom healing prayers.

    cristin @ simplified bee

  14. Hi, Traci, so now I know I've been by to visit you, cause I see comments I left when you joined my Thrifty Treasures party. Thank you SO much for your sweet email, that made my day. I'm so happy you started blogging & I love the projects you are doing. Fantastic! So sorry about your mom, I will keep her in my prayers. There are so many wonderful people in blogland, I only wish I could get to know every one of you really well. We'd all be BFF! That's the hardest part for me, keeping up with all you wonderful girls out there. Sometimes I wish there were 2 of me, so I could visit more often. Thanks again & keep doing your wonderful projects!

  15. I hopped on over to your site from the DIY Showoff. I'm in love with your transformations and tutorials and I'm now a devoted follower. :)

    Your mom will be in my prayers. My mom, grandma, and sis were all victorious over cancer (breast-mom & gram, brain tumor- sis) and I will pray that your mom will be victorious too.


  16. Another beautiful project! We did something similar with a frameless mirror we took down from above the fireplace. Framed, stained and added a vinyl monogram. Fun!

    Thanks so much for sharing your projects with The DIY Show Off! Your motivation is contagious!

    I'll keep your mom in my prayers. I'm going through the same thing with my dad right now and cherish every day I get to spend with him (via phone).

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  17. OMGoodness! I just went to Hobby Lobby yesterday looking for the same mirrors to put in my den! I found so many variations so close to the ones from ballard designs for $25 ea. (after the 50% off) You should try there. You are so talented, I absolutely adore your blog! I will continue to pray for your mom. So many of us have been through the same situation in some sort of way. An angel will hold your mothers hand through this, I just feel it. My prayers to you and your family. God Bless.

  18. Turned out beautifully. Blessings to you and your family.

  19. You are one talented woman. We could all learn from you in being "okay" with not always having what we want but improvising and creating with what we have. You must be a treasure to your hubby by not overspending on frivolous things :))

  20. Hi, Traci, it's me again. Yes, I do remember that your husband's family is from Georgia, and my husband's family is from Kentucky! Go figure! His dad was actually born in Stephen Foster's town - Bardstown - charming place, and his mom is from Covington. Also, I think you mentioned music with the kids? I have led children's choirs, Vacation Bible School, and music in preschool, as well as play piano & keybord in church. I love me some music!! Have a great weekend. Linda

  21. I think your solution is better than the original you wanted! Love the mirror flanked with the sconces.

    Thanks for the momma updates, she continues to be in my prayers!

  22. I'm so glad I discovered your blog over at DIY Show Off. I love all the furniture facelifts! I ended up scrolling through all the way back to March when you started. Your projects remind me a lot of "The Lettered Cottage", which I see is a favorite of yours too.

    Glad I found you.

  23. Hey Traci ~ Your mirror looks fantastic ~ I actually like it better than the Ballard and the Lowe's mirrors (especially the corner pieces). Great job! ~ Ashley

  24. I love that you made a custom look for your room!It is unreasonable to pay such high prices in this economy and think its makes us dig deep down and find our creativity is just what we wanted all along!lovely blog! well done!

  25. I love that idea about the mirror. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I will say a Prayer for your Mom. I hope all goes well and she gets better quickly.


  26. this is great! i have a huge spot over my couch that i need to fill thanks for the inspiration!

  27. I had to post a link to you on my blog... you are too awesome to keep to myself!

  28. Hello Traci,

    The closest I have come to admitting it is Autumn is by changing my blog's appearance!

    I love what you did with the mirror and it has given me additional ideas to go along with some others I have been tossing around about how to dress up my large bathroom mirror. Thanks for the inspiration!

    ~ Tracy

  29. My friend Amy from suggested your blog to me!

    Love it.

    Blessings of Joy and Peace.

  30. Be sure to come by tonight around 9pm (Eastern time) for the announcement so you don't miss out. I promise-it good-really really good.
    Its So Very Cheri

  31. Oh my!WHat a fantastic job you did on this mirror!! I love it!

    So sorry to hear about you mom. My DH mom is going through chemo also and it has been rough. Will be praying for her - and you!


  32. Hi Traci,

    As always, another creative project from you! Your mirror looks absolutely stunning on your wall.

    Blessings friend,

  33. Your mirror is beautiful! I actually like it better (a lot better) than the Ballard's one! Great job.

    I am continuing to pray for your mom and family.

  34. This is my first visit. The mirror looks beautiful! I notice the wing chair in the picture - did you cover it? I have 2 older wingback chairs that don't measure right for slipcovers.

    Will definitely pray for your family during this difficult time. Our God sustains.

    Julie =)

  35. A beautiful mirror - I love it! I feel a project coming on...



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