Monday, September 21, 2009

There is none better.

It’s Monday morning, and I am sitting with my mom in the hospital.

My sister and dad brought her to the hospital in the middle of the night because she was experiencing extreme pain in her abdomen.

They have given her morphine for the pain, and we are waiting for results from an x-ray.

She is very much out of it, but will sometimes speak out of her head. The words she has said the most are, “I love you, Lord.” and “You all are wonderful.”

It reminds me of the scripture,

“The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”

Luke 6:45

My mom’s heart is overflowing with love for her Lord!

Here is a picture of my family that we took on Dad’s birthday, September 4th.


That’s my brother, Blake, in the middle.

He is Mom’s pride and joy.

He recently wrote down some words that had been laid on his heart. I think he did a great job describing our mom.

He said I could share them with you…

There is None Better!

I hear people brag about their moms, but if they ever met mine they would know. There is none better.

You think you know a Christian that talks the talk and walks the walk? Well let me introduce you to my mom. There is none better.

I always thought the best way to describe a Christian is “Servant.” You should meet my mom. There is none better.

Do you know someone who is unselfish? Puts everyone above themselves? Would give you anything they had? I call her Wanda Faye, she's my mom, and trust me, There is none better.

I've known her 37 years. I've seen her faithfulness. I've gotten up at 5 in the morning and found her reading her bible. I've watched her prepare to teach bible studies. This isn't just a bias. I'm telling you. There is none better.

She's fighting cancer now. She even does that selflessly and gracefully. I can't tell you how many cards she has received. What does my mom do? She uses all the energy she has to try and write everyone back. Do I really need to do any more convincing? There is none better.

If you've been fortunate enough to meet my mom you know what I mean. If she's touched your hand, smiled that sweet smile, told you she loved you, told you she was praying for you, well consider yourself blessed…she meant every word. There is none better.

If the Lord does decide to take her home before we are ready. I can't say I blame him. He knows what I do. There is none better.


Please pray that Mom would be healed. Pray that the doctors would have wisdom and discernment in caring for my mom.

Pray for my dad, his heart is breaking.

God bless each and everyone person reading these words right now…


  1. Oh Traci~
    My heart truly breaks for you as you and your family walk this road!

    BUT, the overwhelming LOVE of our heavenly Father is each word you right.

    He's the midst of all of this...and I know you are feeling his comfort as you walk this road with your Mamma.

    Praying for healing, strength, a rest!!!

    I'm on my knees...on behave of your precious family.

  2. That was really, really beautiful! I wish I knew your mother. She seems like the kind of mother I wish I was. Thanks so much for sharing and I won't stop praying for your mom and your family. I know God loves all of you so much and I can't wait to meet your mom in Heaven, when we all get there, and tell her how beautiful she is!

  3. Hi Traci. I've been reading your blog for about a month now. I found you via a blog party, I think. Anyway, I have been so touched by your strenth and wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and your mom.

    The piece that Blake wrote has tears running down my face this morning. What a blessing to have such a precious mother.

  4. Traci, so sorry to hear that your Mom is in severe pain again!

    What sweet, sweet words from your brother. I daresay that your Mom is just as proud of you kids, as you all are of her!

    I love the picture from your Dad's birthday. Thank you for sharing!

  5. praying for you mom. those words you were touching. sounds like a great woman!

  6. Right now, all I can say is "Oh, Lord - thank You for and bless this family". When the tears dry up and I can catch my voice of thought...I will lift you all up.

    I was blessed Traci, in monumental ways with your brothers words.

    He is surrounding every one of you, He IS and you know. It won't be without hurt in our hearts but this time is bittersweet, beautiful, glory-filled and He will carry you all through it in clouds of glorious grace.

    My love to you all.

  7. Dear Traci. What a beautiful family photo. Your Mother sounds like a treasure and I know you must be one too to write such heartfelt and touching words. I can tell your Mother taught you well the love & grace of the Lord whom I'm sure is there with you now.

    I'm praying for your mother and father as well as you and your sister & brother. My thoughts are with you all. With love, Tracy

  8. Traci,
    I had to take a moment after reading your brother's beautiful words. I am not eloquent but I can only state that I pray that your Mom, Dad and the rest of your family will be have strength and even peace during this time. He is with all of you and He will lift you up.

  9. Oh, Dear Traci! What wonderful words your brother has written about your mother. You have a beautiful family! I'm sorry to hear of her pain and will continue to pray for her.
    Shelia ;)

  10. Traci~I'm so sorry your mom is having to go through this. She sounds simply amazing. Hang in there~she's blessed to have a daughter like you.

  11. Oh, Traci. Your dad's heart is breaking, and so is yours. I know.

    Hold on, sweet sister. Hold on.

    I pray for your mom's healing. Oh, God, I ask You to heal this wonderful woman and restore her to her family.

    I thank God that you and your brother and sister have this chance to reflect upon all that your mom means to you. I thank God that you are sharing your mom with us--her wonderful example means so much. But, oh, I hate the disease that has brought about this time of reflection for you.

    I pray that God will heal your mom--either through a miracle of healing or through the treatment He inspires her physicians to give.

    God bless you all.

  12. What a lovely tribute to your mom!! Your family continues to be in our prayers.
    I just can't help but think that that poem is a gentle nudge for all of us to try to always be the kind of people the Lord wants us to be. To live our faith out loud. Thank you for the reminder!!

  13. Traci and Cyndi...your mom is a beautiful woman inside and out!!! My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  14. I'm so sorry for what your mom is going through and the rest of your family also. She is a shining example of a Christian woman who has devoted her life to the Lord. Bless her!


  15. praying for your family and your mom.

  16. Traci - As with every time I read your posts I have shed a tear for you and your family. Not because I am sad, but because of the overwhelming feeling of love that comes through your messages. You are all so blessed and know that you have blessed your readers with your faithful example...

  17. Dear One, You are most fortunate and blessed to have a momma like you do.
    What a precious example she has given you to follow.

    God bless and comfort you all,
    d from homehaven in kansas

  18. I will be striving to live my life so that one day my children will think so highly of me! I am praying for your family.

  19. Traci, I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago, I have never posted a comment.

    I am praying for your Mom, I hope she finds some relief from her pain. God is with her and he will give her strength.

    I love the words you brother wrote, so touching. Your Mom sounds like a truly remarkable woman. I will be praying for you, your Mom and your family.

    God Bless

  20. Traci, I am so sorry for what your family is going through and the pain your mom is in. Your family continues to be such an inspiration to me and I continually pray for yall. Even in the midst of all that is going on your posts continue to be so positive and uplifting.

  21. Traci, what a beautiful family you have. I know your mother's heart is warmed by the loving expressions you've all uttered about her. She must be a wonderful lady to have raised such tender-hearted and devoted children. I know that she knows that, like Proverbs says, you all "rise up and call her blessed." Keep your faith and hope in the Lord. In His Peace, Linda

  22. God Bless you and your family Traci!
    I pray that your mom is comfortable and that your dad has strength and you all have the grace and peace of God. I pray that when things are tough that He holds your hand.
    I will continue to keep you all in my prayers!

  23. Hi Traci,
    What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. I know you will touch a lot of people with this and hopefully they will appreciate their own Mom's as much as you do. Thinking of you, Cindy

  24. Traci,
    I just want to cry right now. What your brother wrote is beautiful and told me more about your mother thasn I ever need know. I can see how precious she is.

    I wish your family love and strength, Traci. And I will pray for all of you.


  25. This beautiful post brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart very deeply. (I have been where you're at with my own mom so I truly understand.)

    I'll be praying for your family...may God bless all of you!

    What a beautiful picture, too, by the way :)
    ~Michelle :)

  26. Oh Traci, your brothers words are so touching and such a blessing of a tribute to a very special woman and mother. I do know what you are going through, I lost my mom when she was only 69 and so full of life. She went with a very sudden heart attack. That was a blessing that she didn't suffer, however, I was only 42 and still needed my mom so much. I saw the pain in my father too. I know the Lord is with all of you,but it is still painful. I have been and will continue to pray for your mom's healing. God Bless you all. My heart is with you. Hugs, Marty

  27. Traci,
    I am so sorry to hear about your Mother and will be keeping her and your family in my prayers. Your brothers words are so beautiful...what a bond they must share. I think all mothers hope for that type of love to continue with our little boys when they grow up. What an inspiration.
    Thinking of you all-

  28. Oh Traci, my heart aches for you all. I know I've told you I've been there before, it's the hardest road to travel. Your brothers words are just beautiful as is the photo of you all. Thanks for sharing that. I am praying for complete healing for your Mom.
    I wish there was more I could do.
    sending love and hugs

  29. Traci, God bless and be with all of you. You and your family are in my prayers.

  30. Beautiful. Your moms faith. Your love for her. Its amazing she is in my thoughts. Hang in there.

  31. "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!" John 16:33

    We are so lucky to have a gracious and loving God who is always in control.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  32. Seems to me that a wonderful woman raised wonderful children!

    You will all be praising her at the gates! God bless you!

  33. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  34. From one Christian sister to another, my heart aches for you and my prayers go out to the Lord for your mom and your family.

    God Bless,


  35. Oh Traci- I love that your brother wrote that. Praying for complete healing. Praying for peace and for wisdom for the doctors and for the Lord's perfect plan.

  36. My heart breaks for you and your family! No matter the outcome, remember that God is LOVE!

  37. How beautiful and what an incredible testimony. Your Mom is precious indeed. Praying for her, for your sweet Dad and all of you. So precious these words captured by your brother.

  38. I am in tears at your incredible words about your mom. I too hope she is dancing now!

  39. Oh, that is so hard. I lost my own dad to cancer 3 1/2 years ago, and our family is just not the same without him. He was only 51, and still had so much life. But I know he is much better off, and God has given me much peace about it.


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