Friday, October 30, 2009

Easy Burlap Tablecloth

I am linking this post to DIY day at A Soft Place to Land. Be sure to stop by there for more great DIY projects!

I’ve been needing a kitchen table for my guest house for a looooooooong time now.

But I wasn’t sure what I wanted.

At first, I was thinking my husband could make me an island with some bar stools to use as my eating area in the guest house.

But I placed a large buffet table in the middle of the room, to get an idea of what an island would look like, and I didn’t like it.

It took away from the detail of the cabinets.

So then I started thinking I wanted a small table with two chairs.

But what kind of table did I want?

Well, I found what I wanted in my favorite inspiration spot…Ballard Designs magazine. (If you don’t get this magazine in the mail, visit their website and sign up to get it FREE in the mail.)

It is a burlap tablecloth with jute trim and sells for $85.00.

Of course I said, “Why buy it, when I can make it?”

So I went to Hobby Lobby and got 4 1/2 yards of burlap. I like their burlap because it is a softer, smoother material, and it doesn’t stink like most burlap. :)

Their burlap was on sale for $1.99 a yard, so it cost me only $9.00.


And here is the table I was going to use. It was a small patio table that Mom and Dad had on their back porch. Since I was covering it with a tablecloth, it didn’t matter what it looked like underneath! And it was the perfect size. (And price…FREE!)

Here’s how I measured it:


(Do not laugh at my drawing! I just really thought you would need to see this part if you wanted to make your own tablecloth. You would just use the measurements of the table you were using, not mine, of course.)

That is a total length of 94 inches.

My burlap was 45 inches wide. So I folded it over lengthwise 47 inches (half of the 94 inches I needed.)

I did that TWICE, so I would have two identical pieces.


Then I took one of those pieces and cut it right down the middle.


I laid the two smaller pieces on both sides of the larger piece. I unfolded them to show you what it would look like.


Then I sewed each of the two smaller pieces to each side of the whole piece. Ladies, I didn’t even pin the pieces together! I just held the pieces together on the sewing machine and sewed a straight stitch all the way down. The burlap did well this way. I wouldn’t be able to do that with every fabric. And I wasn’t worried if the ends matched up perfectly because I knew I would be trimming it and adding fringe.


(The reason you add two smaller pieces to the side is so that you don’t have a seam running down the middle of the top of your table. Doing it this way keeps the seams on the sides of the table.)

Now, we are almost finished.

You need to fold this entire piece in half (from top to bottom).


Then fold it in half again, just like folding a piece of paper (from side to side).


Since the total length of my tablecloth was 94 inches, I needed to take half that amount to measure where I was going to cut the material, which was 47 inches.

Since I couldn’t find my sewing tape measure, I used my husband’s metal tape measure to cut a string 47 inches long.

My oldest son helped me with this part.

He held the string at the top corner of the material, as I measured.


Then I drew a line from one side to the other to show where to cut.



(My son told me I should leave the scissors on the material to show you guys that I cut it with them. How cute is that?)

The angle at which I took this picture makes the right side look long than the other side, but they are both 47 inches long.

Then I put it on the table to see if it worked. (I was doubting myself a little at this point.)

But it DID!


Now I need to add some fringe at the bottom. I found some at Hobby Lobby that I loved, but even with the 40% off coupon, it is still pretty pricey.

So I am on the hunt for a bargain, or a homemade version.

I will post about that when I get it finished.

I could just sew a hem on the bottom, but I was really wanting some cute fringe.

But for now, I am very pleased with the results.


And now our guests have a place to eat!


I will be getting some glass to put on top of the table to protect the burlap.

The two black chairs on each side of the table were purchased at Goodwill for $30.00.

They looked like this when I bought them…

March 2009 162

And after I re-did them, they looked like this...

chairs 019

You can read about that project HERE.

I thought I would be using them by the couch in the “living” area of the guest house. But now I think they are perfect for the kitchen table.

I still have some more projects for the guest house that I am working on, and I will share them as soon as they are finished.

But for now, thanks for letting me share this project with you!



I am linking this post to Funky Junk Interiors' Saturday Nite Special.

I am also linking up to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.

Be sure to go check out the Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chick!


  1. You are so extremely talented!!
    I am having my first giveaway so If you haven't already please come enter

  2. I love the burlap table cloth!~
    The chairs too are awesome!
    When I thought of fringe for burlap a mop came to mind LOL
    Too bad the mop head did not come in strips :)

  3. Traci,

    Wow, what a fantastic project! Your step by step instructions are wonderful. You creativity is such an inspiration for myself and countless others. Thank you for sharing..
    Dee Dee

  4. I love it! You did a winderful job! I love your guest house too! I love how you have it decorated!

    Lee Laurie

  5. Okay, I am experiencing a combined twinge of awe, gratitude, and jealousy! It is so beautiful!! Thank you for the tutorial. But can you please send me your sewing skills? Pretty please? I'm adding YOUR table to my inspiration file! Well done!!

  6. I love this. Your projects are always amazing :-)

  7. Hi Traci! Oh, the burlap talbecloth looks wonderful. You did a great job. I haven't made a tablecloth in some time, but I do it just like you did. Your little guest house is so precious! Have you shown it before? I'll have to search back through your posts and see.
    Thank you for the tip on ordering the Ballards catalog! I just signed up for one.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  8. You are TOO much girl! What a GREAT project idea....and I love the fact that you were creative and saved a lot of money.

    Great job my friend.

    Have WONDERFUL weekend with your family.

  9. Beautiful! Love your guest house kitchen! The burlap tablecloth turned out great!

  10. Your brilliant. Now I know I can do this to. Great step by step instructions. And I love the guest house, thank you for sharing this how to.

    Oh yea, the chairs are great too. I like everything. :))

  11. Traci!
    Oh honey how beautiful this tablecloth is. I am going to have to check out our Hobby Lobby to see what this burlap looks like. It is absolutely beautiful on your table. I can't wait to see what the trim looks like that you selected for this project. You are a very good seamstress Traci and I so love your projects. I wish we lived closer where we could share this love of refurbishing together.

    Thanks for sharing. I pray that you and DH and the boys have a wonderful Halloween tomorrow. Be safe. We will have the 7 grandkids here. They so love this special time of year. Our house will be running over with love.

    Much love, Sherry

  12. I love your table cloth! The Hobby Lobby burlap is sooooo pretty.

  13. inspiring...i think i'll try this too! love your blog!!

  14. Traci, I love the table cloth, but I love, love the floors. Where did you get the wide boards and what color of stain is that? So pretty!

    Love, Norma

  15. Very nice instructional post, Traci! I've made the table rounds before and did them the exact same way. I never used burlap, and think that's a wonderful idea. I hope you and your family have a Happy Halloween!

  16. Traci
    what kind of burlap are you suing hat it drapes so well??

    Mine is very stiff.

    barbara jean

  17. Great project. I wish we had a Hobby Lobby in our area.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. Loving the burlap table! Burlap is every where I'm gonna have to jump on that bandwagon and make me something too. Thanks for the inspirations!

  19. Wow... it looks so great!! Thanks for the great step-by-step, I wouldn't have thought to have the two pieces on the sides so I wouldn't have a big ol' seem down the center! :) So cute that your helper had the idea to show the scissors!

  20. It looks great! You have the best ideas and you are very good at explaining how you did it.

  21. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see the table cloth with the fringe.

    Wish we lived close; I'd have you fix all my design dilemmas. You can see the treasure in the trash! I loved the chairs!

  22. Great tute! And thanks for the tip on the Hobby Blobby burlap. I'd been using the stiff and stinky kind from Walmart. I love that kitchen!

  23. Traci-
    First off wonderful. Secondly, thanks for finally explaining how to do a round tablecloth. That has eluded me forever. I love that tablecloth too. Good luck on finding the trim you want..maybe check out ebay..


  24. Love it! Great Job.
    Blessings to you and yours, Fine Linen

  25. Great tutorial Traci, the tablecloth is just wonderful and the table and chairs look perfect in the kitchen. You have such a charming guest house. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  26. Beautiful, easy to follow ..
    love the results!!
    the chairs..I WANT THEM!
    thanks for sharing!

  27. Traci, this project may not be quite done, but oh my goodness... I LOVED the tutorial, idea, chair redo... everything! I can see why you added the burlap, it really offers a warm element to your kitchen. This is awesome!

    What is up with that cheap burlap price?!? It's 9$ a yard/metre in my area. Cough cough.. I only bought 1 yard cuz I'm cheap! I need to find a much better deal to have more.

    I LOVE this, girl! Thanks for linking to the party!

    p.s. what a lovely kitchen! You have amazing style. I must snoop further... :)

    FJ Donna

  28. @cheapchichome. Nice job! I liked the BD one, too. I know, the price of fringe can kill ya.

  29. I loved this project. I have the perfect table for this too. Thanks for the easy instructions.

  30. Traci, this turned out beautifully!! I love it!

  31. It's beautiful! I'm very quickly becoming a fan of burlap!

  32. Very pretty! Your guest house kitchen is lovely. Very pretty and soothing. The open cupboards are such a lovely touch. Hoping you find the trim you are looking for on sale somewhere. I'm sure many will benefit from your generous tutorial too. I agree with another poster though, I'm loving your beautiful floors. The wide plank and the colour are so great. Thanks for sharing.

  33. I am so loving the tablecloth idea!! That is just fabulous!!


  34. Oh this is nice. Thanks for showing the step by step of how you did it....and how cute of your son to say "add the scissors" in the pic.
    You got a great deal on the burlap. Good luck finding the fringe at a great price. Your table and chairs look great in your guest house.

  35. Wow, Traci...that really turned out great! I love how you recreated the expensive one and did it on the cheap! And it really looks great on that table!

    Btw, I love the tribute picture of your mom. She was a very beautiful lady and I really admire her faith. It's nice of you to share that with us; people of great unwavering faith are an inspiration to me.


  36. So cute and I love your cabinets! My boys always give me suggestions and want to help too (makes you feel good that they take pride in what you do:) Your table looks great! ~Ashley

  37. I love the entire kitchen!! Especially how you've gotten everything so cheap and at Goodwill...I love Goodwill too!!

  38. Traci, Your tablecloth turned out great! You always have such great projects! Thanks for sharing!

  39. Wonderful! This looks great, and your tutorial is excellent.

    Now I'm betting that all of us want to come be guests in your guest house!

  40. Traci, what a great project! For a sewing-challenged person such as myself-I need that kind of instruction! The chairs are perfect too! Great job!

  41. Traci, I want to be a guest in your guest looks amazing! I don't know how you find the time to do all that you's a true gift. Miss you!

  42. Love the tablecloth AND the chairs! They both turned out great!

    pk @ Room Remix

  43. LOVE this... and I love your tutorial! You are awesome!!


  44. Great job Traci
    I hope you will post this to the Knock off as well--

    I got my ornaments and my extra gift--thank you so much--you didn't have to do that. I totally understood your delay--you needed to be with your mom and devote your time to her. How is your Dad doing?


  45. Great post! I laughed when you said their burlap isn't as stinky. I know what you mean, lol. And I love the chair makeover! Thanks for coning by today. I'm glad I found your blog.

  46. WOW love it! And love that you took the time to show step-by-step instructions. The table and chairs look gorgeous!

  47. Hey now! I love that idea! Do you have a Tuesday Morning close by? They had some luscious trim and tassles too, on clearance.....

  48. Very Nice! I love it! I just love your blog. Inspriation in decorating and inspiration in life. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I am so glad their are Mothers like you raising such fine boys!!!! I pray one day my daughter will find a man raised by a Mother like you! Hey, Who knows what the future may hold for our two little angels ;)

  49. Very nice cloth and tutorial. A stripe or two of black grosgrain ribbon would be a nice trim too.

  50. Ohhh!'re good! Yours is just as pretty and who looks awesome in your gorgeous kitchen. I am definitely clicking on your "Follow Button"; please visit and do the same if you like what you see!

  51. Thanks for the tutorial! I know you probably want a trim like what is on the Ballard table cloth but another suggestion would be to make a ruffle out of the left over burlap, drop cloth or even a black & white check would be cute. Can't wait to see what you do.

  52. Darling! I love burlap too! I am going to make a burlap tablecloth for Thanksgiving. I love yours. Very cute!


  53. Found your link through TDC - Wow - Loving the tablecloth! It turned out amazing and who would have thought... I love how you did your seams - I have to keep this in mind - I'm always scared away from round shapes to sew. Great idea and it turned out fabulous! =)

  54. I love the burlap tablecloth! You did a nice job and it looks very professional...hold out for that perfect trim!

  55. You did a seriously fantastic job!! Can't wait to see the final fringed project!

  56. Beautiful! Thanks for the tut, too. My favorite part is the scissors on the fabric ;) (adorable!)

  57. I saw that on Ballard too! I love what you did! It turned out lovely! Good work.

  58. Wow! It looks amazing. Can I be a guest and eat at the table?

    Such talent!

  59. Wow! That turned out great! I am always afraid to sew my own because of the made it look so easy! I am looking for chairs just like that! So, so cute! And great job re-doing them!


  60. I have a couple yards of burlap and didn't know what to do with it! Thanks for the idea and it turn out beautifuly!

  61. Catching up on blogs today. Love your tablecloth and love how you give us great tutorials. Can't wait to see your fringe on it.

  62. so excited to find this! I can never find a cloth to fit my round table. They are always too short...thanks for sharing.

  63. I've been trying to figure out how to make a round table cloth and thanks to you, now I know!


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